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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Shouta knew about the two investigators sibling-like relationship, most in the department did. “He is alive, but he is in critical condition. The doctors have induced coma to keep his organs from shutting down.” He had gone through what little information they had collected during the car ride over.
“We were more interested in the reason why a ghoul was the one to bring him in, and what connection they might share.” He opened the folder, procuring a photograph taken by one of the nurses on staff the night of the incident.
“So far we have no information on this ghoul, but we’re currently working on the identity she might be using.” He held out a slightly blurry image, one of a ragged looking ghoul with only one arm. The familiar kakugan and tails making Kojurou’s heart jump into his throat. The image was clear as day; Megohime covered in blood and wounded terribly, face completely uncovered.
He tried to keep a level face but his heart rate increased. Mitsunari noticed.
"You know this woman?" He asked. Kojurou looked up at him.
"Of course I do," he stated firmly, "she's a famous shamisen player. One of my favorites. I had no idea she was a ghoul."
Shouta frowned softly. “Please try to understand, Katakura-sosakan, we only wish to discover as to why a ghoul helped an investigator. Things like that simply are unheard of.”
"I agree, it is rather odd. Especially since it's Masamune she's helping. I only took him to one of her concerts, it's rather unordinary that she's taken to him like that." He replied. Mitsunari made a noise.
"So you don't know of any connections?" He asked. Kojirou shook his head.
"Masamune wasn't too fond of the concert, so I'm not confident he would seek her out on his own."
“Do you have anymore information about her? A name, age, or even birthday?” Shouta asked, jotting down a few notes. “This information is incredibly important.”
He shook his head, "All I know is her stage name. Saika Harada." He replied. He knew even that would doom her to be found by them, but if he could stall the search long enough, it would put him at ease a little.
Shouta noted the name down and nodded, glancing to Mitsunari. “Thank you, Katakura-sousakan, you’ve been a great help.”
Mitsunari was very level the whole time, allowing Shouta to conduct the whole thing as he observed. He was perceptive, and it made him a strong investigator.
"It's no trouble. I'll admit...I hadn't expected to hear Masamune was so gravely wounded when I came to, but he's alive...and it does my heart good that he would not join his father so young.."
“Of course. The doctors have assured us they will do everything within their power to ensure we do not lose such a talented young investigator.” He pocketed hun pen and notebook. “They’ve even put a few special division investigators on the case; if this ghoul is targeting investigators, regardless if she’s bringing them in for medical help or not, she will be taken off the streets.”
Kojurou covered his face in his hands, shaking his head, "Please, be safe, Megohime..." He muttered.

Mitsunari sat in the car, deep in thought. "I feel as though Katakura-sousakan is hiding something.."
Shouta made a noise. “Really? He seemed relatively clean..” He rubbed his chin. “What was suspicious?”
He nodded and looked at his notes. “I’ve heard Date has.. familial ties with remnants of the Yakuza, I’ve chocked it up to rumors and gossip, but it doesn’t hurt to see if anyone at his home may know of this event; shall we?”
“Perhaps a ragtag group of acquaintances then?” Shouta mused with a soft smirk, keeping his eyes on the road.
He chuckled softly, "Perhaps."
When they reached the Date estate, the ghouls inside grew quite alarmed.
"Shit. Doves." Bunshichiro moved to Masamune's room where Megohime had been hiding, "Hey, do your best to stay in here, ok? Some Doves are coming up, but we won't let them in."
Megohime shot out of bed, barely awake and face draining of color at the mention of Investigators. “Doves here? Why?”

Shouta parked the car and watched the few men outside staring them down. “It seems they’re already aware of who we are.”
"Dunno. But don't worry. We got your back. Just stay here, ok?" He told her.

Mitsunari scowled a bit, "It would appear so. You'd think they would be a little more forthcoming."
Megohime nodded, staying hidden in the bedroom while the boys met with the investigators.

“Let’s introduce ourselves, shall we?” He said, turning the car off and stepping out.
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