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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime sat for hours, watching him in hopes he would wake up, trying to gather the courage to climb up to the window and visit with him for a bit, but she couldn’t. When it got closer to morning, she headed home, tired and cold.
"Hey," Yoshinao was outside waiting for her, looking worried, "did you go see him...? Is he ok...?" Samanosuke came out, too, a soft frown on his face.
"You look like you need a good nap, Megohime."
Megohime felt shame burn in her chest- why were they still speaking with her? She was nothing but trouble and misery at this point. “Ah, yeah.. He seemed ok… Wasn’t awake though..” She said softly, keeping her gaze on the ground- eye contact was far to much for her to handle.
"C'mon in, get some rest. I know it's a lot more empty without hitto, but a bed is a bed." Samanosuke said. Yoshinao nodded.
"And when you get up, you can eat."
Megohime pulled her mask off and rubbed her neck. “Yeah… Just blood is fine..” She said as she headed inside.
They both frowned at each other before following her in, "You know.." Yoshinao began, "with hitto and Katakura out...we need a leader.." he sounded nervous to even be offering.
Megohime felt anger and shame, looking over her shoulder at them. “So what, you thought a washed up half-ghoul would be the best option for that?” She faced forward again, shaking her head. “I’d only run things into the ground, don’t insult Masamune’s name.”
"Half-ghoul or whole ghoul, you're a know how to run a Ward. A small little gang like us would be a cake walk."
"Yoshinao, shut it." Samanosuke scowled gently.
“I’m not a Tamura.” Megohime said, stopping outside Masamune’s bedroom door. “Didn’t you hear? Their only daughter died a few months back.” She opened the door and looked at them. “Find someone better suited to do that.”
“Yeah.” She went into Masamune’s room, closing the door behind her and moving to sit on the bed. The room was just how Masamune had left it, tidy and still smelling of his cologne.
Eventually word got out that Kojurou had come out of critical condition but still not ready to be discharged. He was up and cognitive, but still bed ridden. Mitsunari moved to Shouta with a paper in hand, "We have orders." He said gently. He still felt great shame letting him get as hurt as he did against Ō-Inari, so he distanced himself socially sometimes. He just didn't want his feekings to get in the way again.
Shouta didn’t hold Mitsunari responsible for the actions of a ghoul; looking up from his computer, he took of his glasses and looked to Mitsunari. “Oh? What on?” He asked. He had recovered for the most part, but still suffered from stiff and sore joints occasionally.
"Katakura-sousakan is out of critical condition and we've been given orders to ask him about Date." He set the paper down for Shouta to read, and giving a brief glance revealed that Masamune may have been inadvertently involved with a ghoul and Kojurou might have information regarding the relationship.
Shouta picked up the paper, briefly skimming over the papers contents. “Date involved with ghouls?” He asked, looking to Mitsunari. “Do we know to what capacity?”
Shouta held onto the paper as he stood, nodding. “Of course, I’ll follow your lead.” He said, pushing his chair in.
He nodded and left with him to go to the hospital, where they showed the nurse they were sent on special assignment to speak with Kojurou.
"Alright, he's still a bit out of sorts so please try to not cause him any stress." She said.
“Of course, we only a have some questions for him, if his condition changes we will leave.” Shouta assured the nurse, a much smoother talker than Mitsunari, so he handled the small talk.
She nodded and took them to Kojurou's room, where she knocked gently to announce herself, "Sumimasen!" She called before opening the door, "you have visitors, coworkers of yours."
"Please, let them in.." Kojurou said and she nodded, allowing Mitsunari and Shouta into the room.
Shouta stepped in, presenting Kojurou with his badge and bowing to him. “Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today, Katakura-sousakan, we have a few questions, but we will try to keep it as brief as possible.” He raised his head and put his badge away. “My name is Tachibana, and this is my partner Ishida.”
"I know who you both are, Tachibana-sousakan.." Kojurou said. He looked worse for wear, bags under his eyes from his near death, "What do you mean by questions, I don't understand."
"Date was brought here the other day, half dead." Mitsunari said.
"What...?!" Kojurou became alarmed, "Is he alright...?! What happened...?!"
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