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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime tried to ignore them, drowning out anything discernible as she drank slowly from the blood pouch.
Masamune’s face flashed before her eyes again and again; terrified, betrayed, and in pain as he punched her again and again. He had fought so hard, even begging Megohime to stop, but she wasn’t in control at that time.
His face would haunt her, the betrayal burned into her minds eye. Would he still want her around when he was healed? She wouldn't want to be with herself if she were Masamune.
Megohime would’ve considered leaving, if she had somewhere else to go, but she didn’t. Her family had cast her out, and any ghoul connections she had were in the past. She was alone.
The boys would come check on her sometimes, make sure she wasn't spaced out for too long before offering for her to go rest. It would do her some good.
Megohime only consumed a small amount of blood only able to stomach so much. The taste was odd, very dull, but not terrible. She went to sit in Masamune’s room, but wasn’t able to sleep at all, despite how tired she was.
The boys spent their time keeping an eye out, making sure no one was looking for Megohime, as well as checking on Masamune and Kojurou. A lot of the boys, however, were unhappy with Megohime. Hated her, in fact. She could hear them mutter bitterly about her, how they wanted her to be half dead in a hospital instead of their hitto.
Megohime would ask constantly about Masamune’s status, but there wasn’t much to report on so far. She wanted so badly to see him; maybe if she just snuck in quickly, then she could see with her own eyes that he wasn’t dead.
She didn’t deserve to see him. He probably didn’t want to see her either. It tore her up inside.
She was just sitting outside in the estate garden, the one Kojurou was so proud of, when she was kicked hard in the back.
"You selfish, gluttonous whore." Some of the boys were behind her, glaring at her, "If you knew what self control was, hitto wouldn't be dying right now."
"He would be right here, drinkin and laughin with us. But no!"
"You went bat shit and tried eating him!"
Megohime tumbled out of her spot on the garden bench, taken by surprise, too lost in thought to hear their approach. She grunted when she hit the ground, the dirt biting into her knees and elbows and drawing blood.
Looking back over her shoulder with wide eyes, her mouth hung open slightly. “I-I didn’t… I didn’t mean it..” She barely managed out. “It wasn’t my fault..!” She protested.
Tears welled up in her eyes, seeing Masamune’s face before her again. The fear and pain on his face, the way he had fought so hard to stop her- even begging her.
“I did.”
She whispered, tears falling down her face.
"That's right!" He snapped and threw her to the ground again, "You did! That was all you, bitch!"
"Hitto vouched for you at every turn! He did everything for you! And what do you do? You vanish and then come back to snack on him!"
Megohime scraped up her hands trying to break her fall, the stinging making her flinch. Her skin was still so delicate even after becoming a ghoul again.
“I’m sorry.. I never meant to hurt him..!”
Megohime felt her ribs crack and she gasped, the wind being knocked out of her, seeing spots in her vision.
She still didn’t even know the full extent of his wounds, didn’t know if she had cost him his arm yet or not.
This was what she deserved. She was more than deserving of this, only part of her wished it was Masamune doing it to her.
They kicked her and punched her, kakugans raging but no kagunes were drawn. They just wanted to put her in her place, show her the error of her ways. They were angry, they had every right to be.
"If Katakura were here, he'd shoot you down like the dog you are!" She deserved that, too.
Megohime didn’t fight back, barely even trying to stop their barrage of attacks, taking each and every hit.
Should she have not fled from the hospital? Should she have stayed and let them take her head? She wished she would’ve.
They continued before they were pulled off her by some of Masamune's other men.
"Leave her alone! She had a moment of weakness! We all have! It ain't her fault!"
"We're pissed off too, but hitto wouldn't want this!"
Megohime didn’t move from her spot on the ground, blood leaking from her nose and split lip. She turned her head away out of shame, wheezing as she slowly picked herself up off the ground.
"Here, Megohime, don't push yourself.." One of them helped her, aounding sympathetic well a small civil war started next to them, "Let's go get you cleaned up, ok?"
“It’s fine.. I can do it myself..” She said, wiping her bloody nose with the back of her hand. She limped back towards the house, keeping her head down.
They were probably right, but still, she couldn’t help but be selfish. That night she stole out, managing to get herself up onto the roof tops of the buildings around the hospital, looking in each window to see if she could see Masamune. She only wore a borrowed hoodie and an allergy mask to hide her identity, not having much else.
When she found him, he was in intensive care. He was connected to so many machines that he may as well have become a robot. He had a breathing mask on and he was asleep, bandaged from head to toe, at keast that's how it looked.
Megohime almost couldn’t breath, slowly sitting down on the roof top, unable to take her eyes off of him. She had done that to him, she was the one who put him there.
She didn’t dare get any closer, she could faintly smell Doves, but that was to be expected.
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