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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

The punch connected, but he only felt teeth sink into his flesh again, making more spots cloud his vision.
Masamune could feel his knuckles split, feel Megohime’s ear split from his hits, but she still continued. Maybe this wasn’t Megohime anymore? Maybe Masamune had already lost her, and he was just the last to find out.
It was like Megohime was waking up for the first time in years, plagued by a heavy cloud and unsure of where she was, or what had happened.
She chewed numbly, listening to the faint drumming noise that was dull and slowing at a steady pace. The more she listened to it, the more it confused her, she simply couldn’t figure out what it could’ve been. Swallowing whatever she had been chewing, it was like she blinked back into reality, sitting in a dark alleyway, the heavy smell of blood around her, body aching dully.
Below her was Masamune, bleeding heavily from a missing chunk in his shoulder, his once beautiful blue eye now dull and almost glassy. His arm rose, fist balled, but it just dropped to the ground; he no longer had the strength to hit her.
Megohime stared in shock, making a quiet noise as she reached out to take his hand, but her arm was still missing.
She could taste blood in her mouth, Masamune’s blood, along with her own.
“No… no, no, no..!” She scrambled off of him and quickly tried to pull him into her lap. “Ma-Masamune..? Masamune..!”
Megohime couldn’t stop the tears that poured from her eyes. “I-I did this..?” She asked quietly. “I didn’t mean to, I swear, I didn’t mean to..!” She did her best to put pressure on his wound, but it was hard with only one arm.
Megohime nodded and felt his front pockets before finding his phone and fumbling to get it out. Her heart sank to see a smashed screen that barely functioned, trying and failing to hold back a sob.
“We have to go..” She stood up with the use of her Kagune, struggling to pick Masamune up with one arm; she would have to result to using a tail to hold him up.
“Don’t say that..!” She held onto Masamune tightly as she headed out of the alley way as fast as she could make her body move. She didn’t care if people saw her, if they saw her kagune, she wouldn’t let Masamune die.
Megohime pushed herself to move fast, even though it caused her terrible pain. “Stop talking..!” Her voice was shaking. She knew what it meant to go out looking like she did without covering her face. She would throw it all away for Masamune.
She headed for the nearest hospital, almost stumbling as she pushed through the doors. “Someone, please, help him!”
Everyone froze at the sight of her, raw terror and shock on every single face. Masamune was struggling to breathe now, but no one dared get close to her.
Blood was still spilling from Megohime’s own wounds, her legs starting to feel heavy. “Please..!” She took a step forward. “Don’t let him die..!” Why, why wouldn’t they help him? Was it because she was there? Of course it was.
One nurse took a hesitant step closer, before another followed, and they took Masamune from her before hurrying off.
"P-Please hurry...there's a ghoul...!!" She heard one of the nurses at the desk whisper into her phone.
Megohime handed Masamune over as carefully as she could, almost not wanting to let go, but she knew he needed treatment. When she heard the woman on the phone, she turned to look at her with wide eyes.
The sound of a camera shutter caught her attention next, turning to see another nurse had his phone out and had just snapped a photo of her. Megohime took a step back, putting her hand up to shield her face, but knew there was no point. She turned and fled, leaving a trail of blood as she went, fleeing from the hospital.
She didn't know how long she had been running, but she knew now her whole life was over. The CCG would have her face now, and she would be outted as a ghoul. There was no hope for normalcy now.
Megohime ran until she collapsed, then dragged herself into a dirty corner of an alleyway and hid, too exhausted to move or try to run anymore.
She laid there for a while, she didn't know for how long, but soon she heard footsteps.
"Hey, hey! Her scent is over here! It's Megohime!" It was some of Masamune's boys, did they come looking for Masamune? That means they knew her scent was with his when she attacked.
"Megohime, thank God! There was a massacre! Hitto is missing! Did you see who did it?"
"Where have you been, Megohime?! Hitto has been worried into an early grave!"
Megohime could barely look any of the men in the eyes, holding a hand over the stump of her missing arm. Her Kagune was still active, along with her kakugan. “I… I… He’s..” How was she supposed to answer? Tell them she had killed their friend and comrades, and had probably killed Masamune too?
“I did it..” She whispered, tears burning her eyes. “It was me..”
"What do you mean?"
"Ah!! Her kagune!! She got it back!!"
They stared down at her for a minute before moving to help her.
"Come on, let's get you home."
“I took him to the hospital.. but, what if he doesn’t make it..?” She kept rambling even when they brought her to her feet. “There was so much blood.. a-and they saw my face, took a picture.. I can’t change back- I don’t know how..”
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