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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime’s tails shot up and plunged into the ground, pushing herself up with the use of the Kagune. She finished cleaning the blood from her face, gaze shooting back to Akihime, a look of hunger still glazing her eyes.
Was this even Megohime? She was acting much more like a wild beast, unleashed for the first time in its life.
With a snarl, she launched herself at Akihime, only this time Akihime wasn’t tackled to the ground. The sound of breaking glass sounded behind her as Megohime fled through the window and out into the city, leaving Akihime alone in silence.
Megohime tore through the streets, eyes glazed over, saliva dripping from her open mouth as she laughed in twisted delight. The feeling of her ghoul transformation turning from pain to euphoria, the smell of humans making her stomach twist with hunger so deep it hurt.
Her mind was hazy and chaotic, memories overlapping, sounds louder than before, smells more intense; she was overwhelmed to say the least.
Hopping from rooftop to rooftop, was easy, but her body wasn’t quite used to it just yet. Her legs burned as she tore and destroyed the muscles in them, only for them to heal rapidly.
"H...Hitto..." Masamune was walking with some of the boys, looking for Megohime as they had done ritualisticly for days, "I...I can smell her..."
"Where?" Masamune asked.
"North. But she's getting close.."
They could smell Megohime, but was she hurt? The heavy smell of blood accompanied her, so had she been attacked again? Something was off with the smell though, but they couldn’t quite pin point it.
They received their answer soon enough, someone dropping down from the rooftop down into the alleyway they were in. Megohime speared two of Masamune’s men right through their heads with a laugh, clothes torn and bloodied.
"Mego..." Masamune muttered, frowning softly, "what the fuck happened to you...?"
"Stay away from her, hitto!"
"She ain't right in the head!!"
Megohime stood upright in a jerky motion, yanking her Kagune tails out of the two ghouls and catching the blood that fell from the tips in her mouth. Her feet and legs were badly bruised, even bleeding from the bottoms of her feet, having lost her shoes long ago.
She didn’t register Masamune’s voice, nor the other two ghouls, too occupied with licking her tails clean.
Ukaku shards shot toward her out of no where as rinkaku tails tried to pierce her.
"Don't hurt her too much!" Masamune yelled, "We can probably help her!"
Megohime took both the shards and the rinkaku tails, being pinned firmly to the alley wall with a scream - it felt like piercing a human, flesh still soft.
Megohime’s eyes turned on the ghoul with the rinkaku, her tails wrapping tightly around his and yanking him forward.
"Shit!" He gasped and tried to keep himself from jerking too close to her, digging his spare tail into the alley wall. The ukaku shot more shards at her, piercing into her kagune.
The strength of her Kagune overpowered his, yanking him forward with one hard pull, punching him hard in the face. He felt his nose crunch, alone with her fist, both Megohime and him taking shards from the ukaku user.
Megohime let out a scream of pain and rage, but she only pushed through it. She twisted her arm harder into the break, the skin starting to stretch and tear. She moved fast as lightening, releasing his Kagune to impale him with every tail she had, in turn his tails impaling her more while she did so.
"J-Jesus!" He tried to fight her off but she was so much faster. A gun shot rang through and something hot and agry pierced through Megohime's abdomen. It was a bullet from Masamune's quinque gun, his hand shaking gently.
"Knock it off, Mego."
Megohime jerked with the shot, but it seemed to do nothing but make her more angry.
With a wild scream, she tore Masamune’s man apart, taking her own arm off in the process.
The next few moments were a blur for him, Megohime rushing past him, and quickly dispatching the last gang member before falling upon Masamune; she was like a wild beast.
Blood poured from her severed arm, managing to dodge his bullets and tackle him to the ground, hand clamping around his throat, and a snarl on her face.
His pleas fell on deaf ears, leaning down and biting into his shoulder, tearing out a chunk and swallowing it whole.
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