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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime spit out the blood on her tongue, leftovers from the flesh she had been forced to eat. “You’re causing my suffering!”
“But I’m not!!” Megohime snarled, pulling at her bindings, spit and blood running down her chin. “I’m not!”
Akihime sighed, clearly this poor girl was delusional. She would just have to work harder to make her understand. So, she did; she continued to feed her both human and ghoul flesh, even going so far as to cut a piece of her own kagune to feed her with. She was desperate, she missed fighting Megohime, she missed trying to impress her. She wanted Megohime back. And she knew that this would only make her hate Akihime more, but any attention was still attention.
Megohime was sick, again and again, as Akihime force-fed her flesh, she would vomit again and again. It seemed to have some affect on Megohime though, growing more delirious the longer this went on. It wasn’t long before black splotches grew in the whites of her eyes.
Is it working? Was it working? She was so excited; she fed her bigger chunks of ghoul and human flesh, gave her more of her kagune, anything she could think of.
Megohime groaned and squirmed in the chair, he flesh feeling like it was on fire. “Stop..!” She spat out, her bones hurting like they were being crushed. “Stop it..!!”
Megohime felt hot blood pool at the back of her throat, vomiting up on the floor again, deep red veins spreading down from her eyes.
Megohime’s body was on fire, gagging on blood and bile as her eyes grew more and more to look like a ghouls again, veins spreading down her face as she screamed in agony.
Megohime saw white spots as the skin of her back split deep, her dormant Kakuhou springing forward like an overgrown weed. All she could hear was ringing in her ears, body shaking with pain as an unfathomable hunger set in. She didn’t even realize that she was screaming, gnashing her teeth and trying to break herself free from the chair.
Her tails shot out and ripped the ropes and leather tying her down, "Yes~!! Yes~!! You're so beautiful like this, Megohime~!!" She swooned in a crazed fervor.
Megohime collapsed to the floor when Akihime tore the restraints free from her body, clawing at the ground as her Kagune grew and squirmed as if newly blessed with life.
Megohime was barely conscious now, saliva and blood dripping from her mouth as she staggered to her feet.
Megohime swayed as she stood upright, eyes almost rolled back in her head, familiar black and red eyes showing that of a ghoul. How she had managed to undo whatever had been done to her Akihime didn’t know.
With one blink Megohime was gone, now on top of Akihime as she tackled her to the ground, teeth at her neck. She felt the barbed ends of Megohime’s Kagune dig into her flesh as she pinned her down.
She gasped sharply, Megohime's kagune piercing through her armor like a hot knife through butter, "M...Mego...hime~!! Y-You're hurting me~!❤️"
Megohime bit down hard, pulling back and tearing a chunk of flesh from her neck, swallowing the piece whole. The feeling was euphoric, setting a fire in her nethers, teeth aching to bite again.
Megohime licked her lips, breathing heavily as she moved to lick the blood from her neck, soft moans of ecstasy. She grabbed a handful of Akihime’s hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck more.
Even in her frenzy, she felt afraid. She didn't want to be eaten, she didn't want to die. Her tails shot out and pierced through Megohime's stomach, "G-Get off me!"
Megohime wheezed as Akihime stabbed her, blood pouring from her mouth, but she hardly seemed to notice. She licked at Akihime’s neck again and again, digging her own Kagune deeper into Akihime to try and hold her still.
She wheezed, bleeding more from the wound as blood dripped from her mouth, "A-As hot as you are like're really starting to hurt." She growled, putting more weight into her tails to try and throw her off.
Megohime released her grip as Akihime shoved her off, sending her tumbling onto her back. She was like a drunkard, high off of the blood she had just consumed.
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