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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Matsunaga gave Masamune the creeps, even though he had never met the senior investigator he heard tale that he was difficult and terrible to work with. He would petition to have Kojurou be his partner again; he couldn't trust Jin as far as he could throw her, and she could go back to Russia for all he cared.
Matsunaga had a bad reputation of getting his partners hurt or killed too, the ones before Jin either dying, retiring from injuries, or transferring. Jin was simply the one that lasted the longest, and even she wasn’t safe from him. She suffered great injuries from her time as his partner, only god knew what she really endured.
Masamune sat waiting for Kojurou to come out of surgery, fuming out of his ears as he glared at the floor. He didn't care what happened to Jin, but he knew if he saw her, he would make sure she stayed in the hospital.
Masamune seemed to sit there for hours, and it almost seemed like he had been forgotten there until he was approached by a doctor. “Are you Katakura’s partner?” He asked.
The man shook his head. “We’ve managed to get him through surgery, but it’s looking grim.” He said. “We’re doing everything we can, but we doubt he’ll make it through the night. I’m sorry.”
Masamune's blood ran cold and he grabbed the doctor by his collar without thinking, "I'm not sure if you know exactly who you're talking to, but I hope that you will pull that slim fucking chance of him surviving out of somewhere or I will be sure to make your life incredibly miserable."
The doctors eyes grew wide with fear and he held up his hands as he sputtered out his reply. “We’re doing all that we can! He has a team monitoring him around the clock, but his injuries were extensive! It’s up to him to will through!”
He let him go and exhaled, "Sorry...sorry...habit..." He muttered before bowing, "Thank you. Please continue to do all that you can for him."
The doctor didn’t stick around, leaving Masamune alone again the moment he was released. This was the first time ever Masamune had been faced with possibly losing Kojurou.
He sat in his chair again amd pulled out his phone, texting Megohime. He bought her a new phone since she lost her old one. He didn't know who else to talk to.
Megohime seemed out of sorts as of late, but Masamune hardly noticed, busy at work. His message went through, but it remained on delivered.
Megohime was sweating, breathing heavily from throwing up again and again- she was tied to a chair by the wrists and ankles, being force-fed by Akihime again and again.
Megohime spat the taste of blood out of her mouth, feeling like she was going to be sick. “I’m not broken..! I don’t need to be fixed..!”
"You are broken. You aren't a ghoul, nor are you human. Clearly something is wrong." She said before shoving more ghoul flesh into her mouth.
The taste was beyond foul, Megohime trying to move away from her, trying to keep her mouth shut- anything. Tears welled in her eyes as she gagged on the meat.
"Come on." Akihime put her hand over Megohime's mouth to keep her from spitting it out, "I just want to fix what those bastards did to you. I'm only trying to help."
Megohime’s jaw ached, airway burning as the flesh was forced further down her throat. She choked and gagged, but eventually the meat worked its way down and she was left coughing and gasping.
Megohime turned her blurry vision toward Akihime, spit dripping from her lips. “No..! You can’t fix me, because I’m not broken..!”
Megohime felt tears burn at her eyes; she was trying so hard to figure out life as a human, but now Akihime was trying to get her to be a ghoul again? She didn’t even know if it could physically happen.
"Do you need a second?" Akihime asked, "I know, you probably just want to go home, but I can't stand to see you like this, suffering as you are."
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