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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Jin still was struggling to keep her head clear, but she was slowly regaining her bearings, looking down at Akihime with a disgusted look. The moment she was able to move again, she’d kick Akihime off of her.
"Let's see," She smacked Kojurou away hard, sending him flying so she would have enough time to do what ahe wanted. She wrapped a tail around Jin's wrists and pinned them above her head before two more tails wrapped around her ankles and pulled her legs open, "I'll only have enough time for one bite, but that's ok~"
Jin felt her stomach drop, embarrassment making her ears turned red as she was forced into a compromising position. “Ghoul scum..!” She snarled, struggling sluggishly against Akihime.
"You're flirting now~ sorry, but I'm spoken for~" She said before picking up Jin's left leg and biting straight through the fabric of her slacks, ripping out a large chunk of meat with a moan.
Jin let out a scream of agony as flesh was torn away, seeing stars as searing hot pain shot through her body. Blood dripped steadily from the wound in her leg, staining her suit with a dark red.
As she swallowed, fabric and meat whole, something slammed into the armor of her back. When she looked, it was Kojurou, trying to get to her with his bare hands.
"That's rather foolish, you know."
"It won't be when more investigators arrive and we have you in chains." He hissed. Akihime gave a faint scowl and her tails pierced his gut.
"I will be gone from here in a moment." She said, "Here's hoping they get here before you two bleed out."
Jin’s eyes widened at the sight before her; Kojurou stabbed in the stomach by Akihime’s Kagune. “Ka… Katakura!” Even though she was bleeding heavily herself now, Kojurou’s wound was far more grave.
Kojurou coughed up blood and Akihime whipped him off her tail, moving away as he rag dolled off the ground.
"Maybe we can play again next time." She said, "But I have to go now. Ja." And with that, Akihime fled.
Jin rolled onto her side, wincing with pain as she turned to face Kojurou, heart pounding in her ears. “Katakura!” She called again, trying to get to her feet, but she was unable to.
Jin dragged herself to his collapsed body, forcing herself to sit up so she could assess his wound. “Don’t speak like that..!” She struggled to pull her suit coat off, putting it to Kojurou’s stomach and pressing firmly.
Jin looked to Kojurou, his complexion pale. “Joking around at a time like this doesn’t seem very appropriate. Just focus on breathing and stop speaking.”
Jin did her best not to lose control of her breathing herself, blood still leaking steadily from her leg where Akihime had removed a decent sized chunk of flesh. She could only hope that back up would arrive before either one lost consciousness.
She was starting to fade in and out when she heard footsteps.
"Kojurou!!" That was Masamune, running over with a few other investigators as well as a medic, "What happened?!"
Jin almost hadn’t realized she was losing consciousness sitting up, Masamune’s question jolting her eyes back open. “Kakuja Cannibal..” She managed out, body heavy and numb.
"Just relax now, Kawabe-sousakan, you'll be alright." The medic said.
"And Kojurou?" Masamune asked. The medic looked grim.
"We will have to see. The damage is extensive."
Jin watched Kojurou the whole time she was loaded onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, only taking her gaze off of him once she lost consciousness.
Masamune rode with Kojurou, despite them telling him it was best he not. But he bullied his way on, he usually bullied his way out of people.
This was the second time since becoming Jin’s partner that he was heading to the hospital, only this time death was lurking not all that far behind. Was she just bad luck? Was she suicidal and trying to drag Kojurou down with her?
Masamune had decided pretty quickly that he did not like Jin for putting Kojurou in danger like this. He had remembered hearing that when she was in Russia, she put the whole raid at risk by rushing off on a genocide run.
Was Jin just going to get Kojurou killed like her previous teammates? One was still alive though, was he not? Was he the only lucky one to escape her grasp?
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