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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

She heard the familiar click and hiss of quinques in the tunnel behind her, the unmistakable scent of humans behind her- Doves. Jin said nothing as she drew her rapier-like weapon, tossing aside her briefcase.
Akihime watched her as she took the ghoul's kakuhou and started eating it, "You both are being rather rude, interrupting my quiet meal."
“It really wasn’t all that quiet.” Jin pointed out, watching her just as closely. Cannibalism, was this the same kakuja ghoul, or a different one?
Jin glanced to Kojurou, knowing he was right. “What would you like to do?” She asked him quietly, ignoring Akihime’s question for now.
If he was honest, he wanted to leave. They weren't prepared enough to deal with Akihime.
"Let's try to disengage. If not, we should try and call for back up. We could take her in."
"Fat chance." Akihime stood before swallowing the last of the kakuhou, "The only way that'll happen is if you killed me. And I'm not so easy a target."
Jin clenched her fist around her weapon, but knew Kojurou was right; if she didn’t want to risk his safety again, she couldn’t fight as recklessly as last time. “I don’t think she’ll let us call for help.”
"Then we need to leave." He told her, "We can't take her on our own."
"I'm getting really bored watching you two talk." Akihime said before she was suddenly gone.
Leave? Just turn tail and run? She grit her teeth together, but stiffened when Akihime vanished, bringing her weapon in front of her. “Katakura-sosakan!”
Kojurou looked around quickly, spotting Akihime at his right too late before she smacked him hard with two of her tails.
"Pay attention~!" Akihime teased.
Jin barely managed to dodge being hit by Kojuro as well, moving to stop Akihime’s advance on him, but only playing defensive was something she didn’t want to do. “Retreating or not is still up to you, Katakura-sosakan!” It made her so angry that she would simply slip away, continue her little rampage through the wards, but Kojurou was her superior and her partner, she had no other choice than to listen.
"Fall back! We'll take her in when we have more numbers!" Kojurou ordered. Akihime laughed loudly and all five of her armored tails shot out at Jin before rushing at her.
"Run, run, run, if you can~!" She sang.
Jin kept on the defensive, letting Akihime push her back, but not letting her get a hit in. “I don’t think she’ll let us!” She had to keep her eyes on Akihime, otherwise she’d get skewered.
Jin blocked and parried each blow, dancing around each blow easily. “Call for help, Katakura-sosakan, I’ll keep her right here.” She said, switching to the offensive.
"Hai! Please be careful!" Kojurou said before pulling out the phone. Akihime sighed contently.
"Do you think they'll send Mitsunari~? I want to see how much he's grown~"
“I can’t say, I don’t think they’d send someone as weak as him to be anyone’s back up.” Jin said as she drove Akihime back away from Kojuro and the entrance of the alley.
Jin continued to dodge, attacking every now and again, just as unpredictable as Akihime. “Oh? My apologies, I forgot that you fought him. I only assumed such since you hurt him and his partner so badly.”
“In your way?” She aimed a quick couples strikes for her eyes, dodging and weaving between Akihime’s attack.
Her tail swung up, the rapier biting into her armor inatead of her eyes, "He wanted Mitsunari to call for help, too! Doing what you're doing and distracting me!" She vaguely remembered the horror on Mitsunari's face when she pulled Shouta apart and she shook her head hard.
“Oh, so you did notice. I’m sorry, I didn’t think you would.” She taunted, kicking Akihime hard in the chest, yanking her quinque free from Akihime’s armor.
Akihime looked to Kojurou, who was on the phone and talking with someone at HQ, and she rushed toward him, Jin barely able to see her move.
Jin didn’t need to see her movements, her body felt them- she knew fighting ghouls well. She was after her before she could even think throwing her rapier hard and impaling Akihime through the throat, grabbing hold of her hair when she caught up, and throwing her with every ounce of strength she had back into the alleyway.
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