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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

"We'll figure it out, let's just get you home and fed, ok? You gotta heal that arm." He said gently before one of the others put his jacket over her kagune.
Megohime felt numb as they guided her, just nodded and following silently, lost in her thoughts. She had eaten from Masamune, she had nearly killed him- she was disgusted with herself. She was met with a wave of nausea, wanting to get his meat out of her stomach.
She broke into a sob, using her only remaining arm to punch herself in the stomach, again and again. “I have to throw up..!” She said through tears.
Megohime punched herself again and again, not about to stop until she did- and soon she did. Her stomach was full of blood and flesh, but she didn’t stop until she couldn’t throw up anymore. She couldn’t look at the flesh chunks in her vomit, knowing that some of it was Masamune.
Megohime spat out the remaining blood in her mouth, struggling a bit as she stood up. “I’m not gonna eat him..” She muttered. “I won’t..”
"N-No way..."
"L...Let's get you home, were in a frenzy!"
"Y-Yeah! You might have just thought it up! Caught in the moment and shit!"
Megohime didn’t argue, knowing for a fact what had happened, and what she had done- she simply followed the men back to Masamune’s estate.
They got her back to the estate and let her go get cleaned up on her own, grabbing her some of her clothes from Masamune's room. They hoped she was ok, Masamune too now with him missing.
Megohime went through the motions of showering and dressing, but it felt like a dream. Her Kagune eventually dissipated and her kakugan slowly faded away, but she hardly noticed. Was Masamune alive? Had she killed him?
Her arm still wasn’t starting to regenerate yet, and the thought of eating made her sick.
Why had Akihime done this to her? She couldn't wrap her head around the girl's reasoning. She was happy, living a normal human life with Masamune. Why did it have to be ripped away from her like that?
Tears fell down her face, but she felt too tired to care. Sure, she had lost a large portion of her life in ghoul society when she became human, but she still had some happiness, she had Masamune. She sunk down to the bathroom floor, sitting in silence and hoping that Masamune wouldn’t die.
The door unlocked, and Megohime opened the door, still looking worse for wear, but at the very least clean. “I’m fine… have you heard anything about Masamune..?”
Megohime lowered her gaze, making a noise. “Yeah… that makes sense..” She touched the empty sleeve, hungry, but nauseated by the thought of eating.
Megohime felt her stomach do a flip, a knot forming in her throat. “Just bring me a blood bag or something..”
He hesitated but nodded, heading off to find her the absolute bare minimum she needed to keep going. Maybe she still suffered from when she was human? He didn't know, and he didn't want to pry.
Megohime found a secluded table at the lounge, sitting and keeping her head down, not wanting to attract any attention to herself.
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