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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Mitsunari nodded and left the car, adjusting his coat before following Shouta to the front entrance.
"Can we help you?" One of the boys asked.
Shouta produced his badge to show the man at the front door. “We’re from the CCG - my name is Tachibana, and this is my partner Ishida. We had a few questions regarding the ghoul attack on Date, would you be willing to direct us to whom may answer them?”
"Both bosses are in the hospital." One said before Samanosuke approached.
"The closest you have is me. Samanosuke desu." He bowed slightly to show some politeness, "Though I can't offer you much." Mitsunari was watching all of them as they dogged the two, eyes glaring hatefully at the investigators.
Shouta only smiled and shook his head, putting away his badge. “That’s alright, we won’t be long anyway.” He said. “Any information you might have will be of great help.”
“If you might know of the ghoul who attacked Date, if she has been seen around the ward, or even things that might not seem related; anything at all.” He said, ignori by the looks of the other men.
"Hitto keeps the area pretty clean of ghouls."
"Katakura, too."
"Ghouls like to try and knock hitto down a few pegs when they can," Samanosuke said, "so a ghoul attack on him is common, if not a vague thing to ask."
“That is true for most investigators, but for a ghoul to attack an investigator, then take them to a hospital, that is entirely unheard of.” He pointed out. “Has this ghoul been a problem before?”
“Of course, forgive me.” Shouta pulled a photo out from his jacket pocket and handed it over to him. “If you would, please pass the photo around the estate, make sure no one has seen her.”
The picture of Megohime was a pathetic and infuriating one- she was so hurt and vulnerable, looking like a deer in the headlights covered in blood.
Samanosuke's eyes seemed to soften at the picture and such a thing would have been a rather interesting tell.
"She's so young." He said softly, "How sad. You wouldn't think ghouls could be kids. They're usually old and stuffy." He turned and passed the picture to another, hiding the stern look in his eyes from Shouta and Mitsunari.
“Yes, sadly, that’s what makes the younger ones the most dangerous.” He said softly, as if sympathizing with Samanosuke.
"She's given hitto trouble before," Samanosuke said, "I thought he finally clipped her after she took his eye. Guess she felt bad for him after his attack."
“I see, so she’s been a long time resident of this ward.” He said. “And she’s only showed back up recently?”
"Far as I know. Hitto doesn't really bring work home with him. Hates it, really." He said before making a face, "Talking about work, I mean."
"Katakura and hitto try leavin' it at the door." Yoshinao said.
“Of course.” He nodded again. “Well, please ensure that photo is seen, call me if any information comes up about the ghoul.” He held out a business card with his name and phone number on it.
Samanosuke took the card and nodded. "Will do."
"Actually," Mitsunari looked at Samanosuke, "May we come in for a moment? Look around?"
"What for?" One of the boys got angry but Samanosuke waved him down.
"Precaution. This house is beautiful, but old. Feudal style homes don't have the best security." Mitsunari said.
"I can assure you, hitto's home is quite secure." Yoshinao said. Mitsunari didn't look deterred.
"Then you won't mind if we make sure? As a CCG investigator, I would hate for Date or Katakura to come home and the ghoul attempt to finish the job."
Shouta glanced to Mitsunari, but knew that he wasn’t just blowing smoke. He looked to Samanosuke. “You wouldn’t mind, would you?” He asked. “A quick look-through to ensure everyone here is safe.”
"A quick glance is fine. I humbly request you stay away from hitto's room."
"Why?" Mitsunari asked firmly. Samanosuke looked him dead in the eye through his glasses.
"Hitto's room is off limits to us since he's clan head. Without his permission, no one is allowed in there. I would hope you would be respectful of that as well."
“I’m sure it will be fine, Ishida.” Shouta said, looking to him, a casual smile on his face. “We’re only here to ensure civilian safety.” He looked to Samanosuke and nodded his head in thanks. “You have our thanks.”
Samanosuke nodded and stepped aside to allow them to pass, Mitsunari walking in first. Something felt really odd about the place, not wholly negative but it rubbed Mitsunari wrong. Like they were trying to hide something.
The house was pristine, only the soft noise of idle chatter peppered throughout the home by the many men inside being heard. Shouta followed silently, keeping an eye peeled for anything that might indicate trouble.
Her heart was hammering in her chest, why had they let them in? Maybe they had no choice? Two Doves in Masamune’s home made her nervous.
Mitsunari stepped close to Masamune's door, she could smell him.
"Oi," Yoshinao piped up, "we told you to stay away from hitto's room!"
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