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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime could hear ringing in her ears, breath catching in her throat as she heard footsteps stopping right outside Masamune’s door, not daring to move.

Shouta had gone his own way to search the house, it being so large, it would take much more time if they hadn’t split up.
Mitsunari could almost hear her hammering heart. "Is there someone in here?"
"Ain't no one allowed in hitto's room." One of them hissed. Mitsunari made a noise.
"I could have sworn..."
He wouldn’t come in would he? He didn’t have the right to, no, he would be in trouble if he were to do so, there was no reason for him to be snooping.
Mitsunari moved to leave, only to turn and rip the door open. Nothing. He made a noise and shut the door, turning to see the angry faces of Masamune's men.
"Forgive me, I thought I heard something in there."
"I bet you feel real stupid now, huh." Yoshinao huffed. Mitsunari bowed.
"I meant no disrespect. Once my partner returns, we'll leave."
It didn’t take long for Shouta to come down the hall being trailed by a few of Masamune’s men, noticing immediately the mean glares Mitsunari was receiving. “I take it the house is safe?” He asked, trying to defuse the situation.
He nodded, "It is. Please, forgive our intrusion. We'll be going now."
"We'll be sure to let you know if we spot that ghoul." Samanosuke said.
Shouta nodded and bowed his head to the men, motioning to Mitsunari for the two of them to leave. He was suspicious himself, feeling the men weren’t telling something, but there was nothing to find.
The two left and Samanosuke waited for their car to leave before exhaling.
"Where's Megohime?" He asked.
"Maybe hidin' on the roof. That Dove got real close to finding her."
“I’m still here..” They heard Megohime’s muffled voice from above- in the ceiling? One of the wooden panels shook before it was lifted and Megohime’s face was revealed. Her kakugan was active, and the soft glow from her tails could be seen from the darkness behind her.
Megohime looked embarrassed as she climbed down from the crawl space, covered in dust. “Old buildings like this usually have hidden spaces and compartments, I just got lucky.”
It was later in the day, the sun starting to set behind the buildings when another knock came at Kojurou’s hospital bedroom door.
“Katakura-dono? You have a visitor.” The nurse called through the door- again? Was it another investigator there about Masamune?
It was quiet for a moment before the door opened, revealing it was Jin. She entered and closed the door behind her, offering a soft smile. “I heard you’re doing well, that you may be released soon.”
She set her coat aside, pulling up a chair to sit beside him. “You’re my partner, Katakura-sousakan, of course I would come to see you.”
“Oh?” She tilted her head a bit. “That’s a shame, surely there are plenty of other faces friendlier than mine that have stopped by.”
“Well Tachibana is one..” She chuckled softly, shifting in her chair, looking to Kojurou. She was silent for a moment before speaking. “They’re sending me back to Russia.”
“They’re in need of more investigators. I worked closely with them for years, it’s easier to bring in the same team than to find a new one.” She said softly, like it didn’t bother her, yet her eyes seemed sad.
"I...I see..." How sad, he barely had the time at all to really get to know her, only pine for her from afar. And now she was leaving again. "Do you know for how long?"
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She shook her head again. “They did not say.” She studied his face, seeing his disappointment etched into his features; it strangely made her heart skip a beat. Jin had to admit, Kojurou did interest her, he was curious for an investigator, and something she couldn’t quite place about him was alluring to her.
She sat forward silently, reaching to touch his face gently, guiding him forward to kiss him softly.
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