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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“I can’t use these.” She said softly after a while of looking, each one making her feel sick to her stomach- somewhere out there, did a quinque exhaust hsing her Kagune? Her kakuhou was harvested several times, so it wasn’t unlikely.
He nodded before turning a bit and handing her his gun, "Take this then. It's got Q bullets, so you'll stop a ghoul mid charge. Hell, you could even kill em if you wanted."
Megohime took the gun, feeling the heavy weight in her hands as she looked it over. “Yeah, this is fine.” It wasn’t, but she knew Masamune wouldn't let her walk away without something to protect herself with.
He nodded, "Good. I can always get a new one. And if you need bullets, just let me know." He unclipped his holster and handed it to her, "This'll be easier than digging into a bag. Less time to waste."
Megohime took the holster as well, knowing it would need to be adjusted before she could wear it properly, but she’d tend to that later. “Thanks, really.” She said, feeling a bit of shame and embarrassment- a ghoul relying on a human for protection.
"It's no problem. If I hadn't given you a weapon, the boys would offer to hound you everywhere, I know you would hate that a bit more." He said with a smirk.
“I doubt they’ll leave me alone even now.” She forced a smile, even if she felt like shit. Tinkering with the straps of the harness, she tightened it to fit her, then put it on so she could carry the gun discretely.
“Tsundere really doesn’t fit you.” She teased. “With your appearance, you’d seem more like the kuudere type.”
She knew it was a joke, she knew he was just trying to be funny, but she couldn’t help the fear that gripped her at the thought. She pushed down her fear. “Well it’s my gun now. I even got a nice holster to go with it for free~”
He chuckled softly and nodded, "Sure do." He didn't realize what effect what he said had on her, he thought it was just harmless and she knew that it was harmless, "You'll do great with it. Taught you everything I know."
“I’m pretty sure Kojurou was there too, but your story works just fine.”
That night Megohime had nightmares, it wasn’t the first time she had them, no, she had them every night, but this was the worst. Masamune awoke to Megohime screaming like she was being torn apart, a guttural and primal scream, one of absolute terror. She was still asleep, covered in sweat, kicking and thrashing in the bed next to him.
It took a few firm shakes to pull her out of her nightmare, her breathing labored as she tried to get her bearings, looking around with wide eyes. She flinched when her eyes fell on Masamune, heart beating hard against her chest. “Wh-Where..?”
Megohime looked around the bedroom, almost like she didn’t believe him, but upon seeing that hey in fact were in his room, she visibly relaxed. “Sorry..” She ran her hand through her hair, finally gaining her bearings.
Megohime’s dream was still fresh in her memory, every awful thing she remembered from the lab, every moment of pain she had endured.
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