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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

No answer again, not a single noise. He could smell her all over the room, but that was only because she was constantly locked in there. Even when tearing apart the room and the connected bathroom, he found no trace of her.
“Chosokabe..?” Ren stood at the door, cleaning supplies and a bucket in hand, blood smeared on the front of his jacket.
Ren looked scared, like he had news he wasn’t ready to share yet. “He brought her back here, but she was in a real bad way, Chosokabe..”
“Sh-She’s with Doctor Kanou..!” He took a few quick steps back. “She was in bad shape, so I took her to the doctor!”
“He-He’s all we have! He’s the only doctor here, and I couldn’t take her anywhere else..!” He tried to defend his actions.
He tried to calm down, Ren only meant well, he knew that. "Thank you...but that may have been the worst decision of your life.." He said and left quickly.
Ren was still terrified that Motochika would change his mind on beating him, going to work quickly cleaning up the blood on the floor.

Kanou was grateful for the distraction, even if it wasn’t much. Setting bones and treating shock, an easy job, but hardly any fun.
Motochika rushed into Kanou's lab, shaking from panic and rage, "Don't you dare do anything more than fix her, old man! Or I'll break your goddamn neck!"
Kanou barely looked up when Motochika entered, still continuing his work on an unconscious Nana. “Ah, Chosokabe, I haven’t seen you for quite some time now.” He didn’t seem afraid of Motochika, despite their size difference, and that Motochika was a ghoul, and he was a human. “I’m almost done fixing up Nana-san here, just a bit more elbow grease.”
“Oh? A shame, I had a few good samples that I was sure she could be compatible with.” He said it as casually as he would’ve if he were discussing coffee. “She could be whole again, stronger.”
He made a noise of disappointment, but waved his hand over his shoulder. “Fine, suit yourself.” He said, tone flat and clearly showing he was disapproving and bored by his choice.
He seemed to only fix her broken bones and other injuries, taking hours to fix what could be fixed. “Obviously she won’t be in a good spot when she wakes up, I’ll prescribe some pain medication for her and keep her under close observation.” He said as he cleaned himself up, Nana resting after her operations, a few breaks needing to be addressed extensively.
After Megohime’s encounter with Motochika and the Aogiri, she caved taking up Masamune on his offer to arm herself against ghouls.
"Just until we can figure out how to get you fixed." Masamune said, "You're a bad bitch, ghoul or not, but you still need to protect yourself."
Megohime looked over the weapons Masamune had laid out for her to choose from, mostly quinques of varying kinds. Something felt so twisted about the idea of a ghoul wielding a quinque as a weapon, humanized or not. She stared at all of them with a scowl, making a soft noise in acknowledgement, letting her fingers run over a few of the different weapons- illegally sourced by Masamune himself, but not produced by him.
"I know it's tough, using another ghoul's kagune," he said, "but I don't want another instance where you're taken from the estate, or off the street."
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