Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime mumbled something he couldn’t quite make out, and in the next few seconds she had jammed her whole hand through the zipper, pushing it open and quickly scrambling out of the bag. She didn’t bother looking where she was, just looking for a direction Motochika wasn’t in, and running.
Megohime didn’t make it very far before she saw the edge of the roof they were on, sliding to a stop just at the edge and turning to face Motochika. Her eyes were wide, wild with fear. “Tell me one thing:” She called over to him. “Who’s your boss?”
Megohime’s stomach sank; she was just going to be tortured again. “Ok.” She held up her hands. “You can just tell them you found me eaten alive in an alley.” Then she stepped back off the building, dropping like a rock over the edge.
"Whoa!!" Motochika was lightning fast, grabbing her hand and pulling her up easily, "Are you insane!? You don't have to die for me to do that!"
Megohime struggled to shove away from him, hitting him with all the strength she had. “Let me go! I’m not going!”
“That’s the fucking point!” She snapped back, struggling hard to go back over the edge. She wasn’t about to let Aogiri get their hands on her, she’d never come out alive.
Megohime struggled and kicked, but again, it was like fighting a brick wall. “Let me go! You’re going to kill me!” She grunted with discomfort as he bound her wrists tightly behind her back.
“It was my choice!” She squirmed and kicked, thrashing as hard as she could, feeling tears burn at her eyes.
“Stop! Fucking stop!” Megohime resisted as hard as she could, kicking back hard and catching him in the groin, screaming for help again.
He hissed and tried not to double over, "Look, if you don't settle down, I'll skewer you with my kokaku!" He threatened, "Is that a better way to die?!"
“Do it!” Megohime snarled, trying to shove her way back out of the bag, kicking for his groin again. “I doubt you have the balls for it anyway, being Aogiri’s bitch!”
He was getting really angry and he shouldn't have. If he didn't come back with Megohime alive, he and Nana would pay the price. But he wasn't thinking of that, he just wanted her to settle down. His kokaku wrapped around his arm and he drew it back, only to have it shot with a quinque bullet; it actually hurt and nearly tore his kokaku in half. He looked and Masamune stood at the fire escape, gun aimed for Motochika's head.
"Next one goes between your eyes." He hissed, "Let her go."
Masamune disliked the scene before him; Megohime being forced into a gym bag like she were some dirty clothes, hands tied behind her back, about to be run through with a Kagune. She looked terrified and desperate, still fighting and out of breath. “Masamune!” She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, so relieved that he was there.
Motochika had wasted too much time. He would have to cut his loses and face the consequences. He set Megohime down and backed away, not wanting to face off with another dove in such a small time span.
"You good, Mego?" Masamune asked, keeping his gun on Motochika.
Megohime nodded, struggling to her feet, hands still bound behind her back as she quickly made her way over to Masamune. “I’m fine, he didn’t hurt me.”
He nodded and gestured to Motochika.
"Get going." He ordered and Motochika gnashed his teeth before running off. Masamune moved and unbound her, "I turn my head for two minutes." He teased.
Megohime was a bit disheveled from being in the bag and fighting Motochika the best she could, but otherwise was physically ok. “He’s with Aogiri.” She said numbly, hands red from being bound so tightly.
Megohime shook her head, rubbing her wrists gingerly once her hands had been freed. “He just said they wanted to talk, but I doubt that’s the case. They rarely just talk with humans.”
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