Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“Yeah, yeah.” She waved her hand. “I became human, not an invalid- but I will ask for help if I need it.”
Megohime watched him pull away before leaving for the bedroom, wanting to shower for the night, still lacking the energy to do much.
She bided her time through the night with books and practicing her shamisen, though the later it became, the more tired she was. So she laid down and went to bed, figuring Masamune would come home faster if she just slept. But it didn't seem like long after she fell asleep that she was woken up again; she opened her eyes and looked up at a ghoul ten times her size, hair stark white and messy around his komainu mask, kakugan staring down at her as he tried to get her into a rather large bag.
"Shit." He muttered and immediately covered her mouth, "Please, don't scream. I don't want to kill you or anyone else here in this place."
Megohime didn’t listen to him at all, immediately letting out a muffled scream as she tried to kick and push him away, but it was like hitting a brick wall. Didn’t want to kill her? She wasn’t an idiot, he was trying to get her into a large duffel bag like she was some kind of corpse.
He was so much stronger than her, ghoul or not, struggling a bit to get her into the duffle with her struggling so much, "Miss, please, just make this easy for both of us."
The moment the ghouls hand left her mouth to cram her into the bag, Megohime let out a scream. It was one of feral fear, fighting her hardest to not be trapped in the bag, but Motochika was able to push her inside with ease. Terror gripped her chest as she watched the zipper be pulled closed, trying anything to not be trapped inside the bag.
"Shit...!!" Motochika moved to the window quickly, jumping out right as the door to the room was ripped open.
"Megohime!!" The gang tried to rush after her while others shouted for Kojurou.
"Shit...! Shit! Goddammit! I asked nicely, miss!" Motochika growled as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him, trying to avoid the ghouls at his heels.
The bag slung over his shoulder thrashed and kicked ferociously, hearing a muffled response.
“Eat shit!!”
Clearly this was not going to be an easy job, and even more obvious, she was in fact human, otherwise she would’ve already used her kagune.
How odd, he had been informed she was a ghoul, maybe he tuned out the part about her being human now - which didn't make sense to him, how was she human? He looked back to see how far the ghouls were from him before moving sharply into an alley, setting the bag down and unzipping it.
"Look, I'm really sorry.." He said and gagged her with a rag he had brought just in case, before zipping up the bag again and running.
Megohime cared not for his apologies, still kicking hard, clawing at the inside of the bag to try and force open the zipper, but it didn’t budge. With her gagged now, it allowed him to break away from the group silently, but Megohime quickly got the gag untied and was back to hurling insults and screaming for help. It was futile, for Motochika had already shook his pursuers.
“Let me out, you giant fucker!”
“The fact that they’ve chosen a bag to transport me in makes me think I don’t want to speak with them.” She shot back, heart now pounding in her chest, adrenaline pumping still. “You took me from my bed and stuffed me in a bag!”
“Of course I fucking would!” She felt her kick him in the back, which really only felt like a tickle. “People who’re going to be alive in the next forty-eight hours aren’t transported in a fucking bag!”
He sighed and set her down, figuring he had enough time to try and reason with her, "They assured me they weren't going to hurt you. They just wanted to talk to you about what happened. I guess you're human now? I wasn't really listening..."
“Use your fucking nose, asshole, what do I smell like to you?” The bag in front of him still squirmed and writhed, Megohime finally falling still, starting to tire.
"You smell human...but also...not..." He said, "You kinda smell like a ghoul, but it's so so small..." Motochika had always had a good nose, so he could smell the very little RC cells she still had from her nub of a kagune, "But the human bit is overpowering.."
“Yeah. There’s your answer. I’m human, and no, I don’t want to speak to your employer, whomever they are. I have nothing to say on the matter, and I’m not going to talk with them.” Megohime didn’t want to talk about her time in the lab, even about what little she could remember.
"How did you become human...?" His voice softened a bit, "I have a girlfriend, she's human...I wanna be with her and be normal with her..."
Megohime was shocked into silence for a moment by his question- how could he possibly kidnap her, and then expect her to help him?
“Kill yourself, and hope you’re lucky enough to reincarnate as a human.” She sneered.
He frowned softly, "I get it, you're mad...but I didn't want to kidnap you. I'm just doing what I'm told. If I don't, they'll hurt her."
Megohime was so angry, angry and scared, currently zipped up in a bag and being taken to a place she didn’t know. “So you have a pet and want to play human with her now? Fucking disgusting.”
“How sweet.” Megohime cooed, unable to see him, but she could hear him and tell exactly where he was. “But the truth of the matter is that you probably struggle to not tear into her, am I right? She sometimes has this sickly sweet smell and sometimes your thoughts wander?” Megohime knew that feeling, she had had it before with Masamune, and it was almost like a high. She couldn’t count how many times she had thoughts of taking a bite out of him, even if she didn’t truly want to. “You’re going to end up killing her with your love.”
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