Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

"I won't...I love her too much...I've already hurt her once..." He remembered when he took a chunk out of her shoulder; the fear in her eyes, her battle with death. It made him sick all over again, "I don't want to hurt her again..."
He went to smack the duffle but his hand stopped short, knowing he would crush her easily if he did, "You don't know what you're talking about..." He muttered.
Megohime could feel the danger she was in, body growing tense as he loomed over her. “Don’t I?” She asked. “From one ghoul to another, I know the feeling well, and I know you do too. You wanna know how to become human? Go get caught by the Doves and find out for yourself.”
Megohime could help the snarl that came to her face, gnashing her teeth. “Go and find out for yourself, dickless. I’m not telling you shit.”
"I'm sure you're unaware, but we're on the top of a five story building. All I have to do is pick you up and drop you over the edge, and you're mulch." He suddenly lifted the duffle quickly, "Wanna test me?"
Megohime felt a lot form in her stomach, feeling the ground vanish from beneath her, unable to tell if he was telling the truth or not. “You’re bluffing.” She forced out.
Megohime flinched hard, squeezing her eyes shut. Heights had never bothered her before, but now that she no longer had the abilities of a ghoul, her own mortality was constantly on her mind. “D-Don’t..!” She said the words before she even realized. “Don’t drop me..!”
"Then tell me what I wanna know." He said, "Then I'll consider not killing you and telling my employers that you were found eaten alive in an alley."
The feeling of Shuu’s teeth in her side was a constant feeling that she would never forget. She swallowed hard, ashamed she had given in to her fear. “I don’t know..!” She admitted. “I don’t remember what happened there..!”
She let out a shaky breath, glad to be back on the ground where she knew she wouldn’t fall to her death. “I don’t remember my time there.. There are gaps in my memories, missing time that I just can’t recall.” She felt frustration burn in her chest. “All I know is that the lucky ones died ghouls.”
He made a noise, would his life really be worth becoming human for Nana? She would be so heartbroken if she found out his fate. He would have to think on it.
"You said you knew about...not wanting to eat a human, knowing the struggle of fighting it...do you have a human you like...?"
“So what if I do?” She asked. “Don’t misunderstand, I’m his pet just as much as your girlfriend is yours.” She sounded defensive, but at the same time, like she truly believed the words she spoke.
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"Nana isn't my pet. And I'm sure you aren't the pet of this human, either." He said, "But I don't drool over Nana when she sleeps at night."
“Do you want me to congratulate you?” Megohime asked. “Well congratulations for having self control.”
“Fuck off, you’re the one that wants to become human!” She kicked out at hun through the bag, but it didn’t do much. “What are you scared of being a ghoul if not eating your girlfriend?”
“Do you want me to feel bad for you or something?” Megohime asked, trying to wiggle her finger between the small gap in the zipper that had opened slightly, a small chance a freedom.
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