Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“No, they wanted to talk to me because I’m not a ghoul anymore.” She said quietly, dread twisting her insides at the thought that Jason himself wanted to speak with her.
Megohime nodded and gave him a soft smile, acting like she hadn’t just tried to throw herself from a building to avoid falling into the hands of Aogiri Tree, but the truth was that she was terrified. If they wanted her, they would get her.
Megohime was shocked to see so many of Masamune’s men waiting on the ground for them. “I’m ok..” It felt strange having them all worry about her, despite how some treated her during her hazing.
Megohime felt her face flush with embarrassment, nodding quietly and rubbing the back of her neck, glad they hadn’t seen her almost fall from the building. “Thanks for looking for me..” She muttered.
Back at the Aogiri base Nana was housed in, she was still waiting up for Motochika, unable to sleep that night, waiting in bed for him.
Motochika tried to sneak in, hoping no one else noticed he was back, but he knew they would find out eventually. He moved into his room and moved to Nana, holding her tight.
Nana was confused, Motochika looked terrified, pale and clammy. “Motochika, what’s wrong?” She asked, holding him and petting his hair.
Nana knew something wasn’t right with Motochika, that he was shaking in her arms, but she wouldn’t press him. She held him against her chest, petting his hair and soothing him quietly.
His grip on her almost became crushing when the door opened.
"Chosokabe," Ayato scowled, "let's go."
"Hai..." Motochika muttered and moved away from Nana slightly before kissing her gently, "I love you..."
Nana looked from Motochika to Ayato, then back to Motochika. “What’s going on?” She sat up in bed, grabbing Motochika by the wrist. “You aren’t leaving.”
“No!” She argued. “You’re acting like you aren’t going to be coming back, I’m not letting you leave!” Nana said firmly, tightening her grip on Motochika.
Nana frowned heavily, a sinking feeling in her chest as she slowly let go of Motochika, watching him walk to the door.
"How did you find out so soon...?" Motochika asked softly after they left.
"We aren't stupid, it was very clear you failed when we smelled one of you and not both of you." Ayato answered.
For what reason did they want Tamura anyway? What did they plan on doing that was so important? He could smell blood soon, and it didn’t take long for him to figure out where they were headed.
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