Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

They went to one of the far rooms, where Motochika saw the familiar figure of Yamori, towering over a table as he tinkered with whatever was on it, back to the two of them. A chair was placed in the center of the room, bloodstained and thick leather straps hanging from the legs and arms.
“Good good, I had most of this prepared for Tamura- just to test a little before giving her off to the doc, but since you failed so miserably-” He snapped the pliers in his hands loudly. “I figured you’d make a good enough stand in.”
Motochika's muscles screamed at him to run, boot out of there like a bat out of hell and take Nana with him. But he knew that would end poorly.
"Let's just get this over with." He hissed.
“Let’s not be too in a hurry.” He turned, his mask sitting atop his head, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Let’s savor our time together, Motochika~” He clapped his hand onto Motochika’s shoulder, pushing him toward the chair with ease, regardless of his massive size- Yamori was still bigger.
Yamori gave a soft hum, bringing the straps over Motochika’s wrists, then crouching down. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty more words for me soon, but none in that tone.” He gave a soft chuckle, untying Motochika’s shoes and pulling them off, tossing them aside before securing his ankles as well. “We’ll have plenty to talk about~”
"I already have little time to live left, I'll be no good to you if you fucking cut that in half!" He snapped angrily, kicking his legs but the straps were damn good.
Yamori didn’t even flinch, pulling his mask down over his face. “Not in half, no, just a little off the top.”
Yamori laughed, getting a syringe full of cloudy liquid, injecting the entire syringe into the corner of his eye before starting on Motochika’s feet. He removed each toe individually with the pliers, collecting them into a bucket he had beside him.
“Keep counting~” Motochika kept hearing him say the same words again and again. He had begun by asking what one thousand minus seven was, having him keep track from there. He took off every toe, dropping them into the bucket before moving to his fingers. “What number are you at now~?” He seemed to be enjoying himself as he tortured Motochika, laughing and cackling at his screams.
Yamori made a satisfied noise, patting Motochika on the cheek with a bloody hand. “You look like you’re about to pass out.” He laughed and moved over to the table full of tools and syringes. “So I’ve planned a little something just in case- something to get your blood pumping again.” He dropped the pliers on the table. “Think of it as a little half-time show.”
“Oh come now, don’t be so bitter.” Yamori said, grabbing up a rag to wipe the blood from his hands. “And here I thought you’d be happy to see your little pet~” He cooed as he turned back toward Motochika.
Motochika's blood ran cold, like ice had been dumped over him as the door was thrown open. Naki came in with a fussing Nana, blood streaking his cheek under his eye.
"I brought her, but she stabbed me in the eye!!" He hissed angrily.
Nana struggled to break free from Naki, being dragged in by her hair, tripping and stumbling as she was forced to try and keep pace with him.
“It’ll grow back, don’t complain.” He scolded, pulling his mask up and letting it sit on the top of his head. “I need to give Chosokabe a break, he’s looking like he’s at his breaking. Keep him company while I’m away.” He started for the door. “Do what you want with her, just don’t kill her, Ayato wants her alive.”
“Motochika!!” Nana looked horrified at the sight of Motochika, strapped to the chair and covered in blood, face battered and smeared with blood.
"Don't touch her!!" Motochika screamed, thrashing hard in the chair, "Keep your fucking hands off her, Yamouri, or I'll rip out your kakuhou!! I'll tear your goddamn head off!!"
"Don't you talk to Big Bro like that!" Naki immediately flew into a rage, dropping Nana to punch Motochika hard in the face.
“Naki.” Ya Mori’s cold voice echoed in the room like her was everywhere at once, now stopped in front of the door, staring the younger ghoul with wide eyes. “Don’t touch my toys while I’m playing with them.” He said lowly. “I only gave you permission to play with the girl.”
Nana dropped to the floor, scrambling away a few paces, but ultimately frozen. She couldn’t leave the room, and she didn’t want to leave Motochika.
"S...Sorry, Big Bro..." Naki moved away from Motochika, "Just wanted to show him he spoke out of line.."
"I'll fucking kill...every last one of you..." Motochika hissed, "Don't you touch Nana."
“You don’t have the lifespan left to come after us all, just sit back and enjoy the show.” He looked to Naki again. “I’ll trust I can count on you not killing either of them in my absence.” It wasn’t a question. It was a firm statement, and with that, he left.
Nana crawled backwards on the ground, looking to Motochika with fear in her eyes; he could see the struggle she was facing- wanting to run, but unwilling to leave him behind.
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