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In the Shadow of the Ocean (CasualVelociraptor x PhoenixRising82)

Alice was a little startled, eyes wide and cheeks flushed as questions rolled over her while she was naked as the day she was born. Her tense muscles at least eased somewhat when a sheet was put over her (although she had been so deprived for these past two-ish months that her nipples still made mini tents out of the thin blanket).

But her anxiety still remained. For one thing, if the circumstances were different and she was single, Alice would have pursued Cae, since she was basically carved out of marble, and her swallowing reflected her admiration of Cae’s figure. Then there were the handcuffs, which meant she was in trouble. Lastly, her throat was still a little numb and dry from the analgesic drugs from her Army days (meant to dampen vocal cords to focus the user’s linguistic skills on simple groans and shrieks that made up the coded Golemite language) that had been reintroduced into her system, and so it was only when she was offered the liquid that she was able to respond.

“Ahem! I’m feeling...a little lightheaded, a bit sore, some tightness in my chest, but otherwise I could be doing worse considering I had my spine snapped like a toothpick and nearly died. Above all else, though...I feel grateful to have that big, naked idiot as a boyfriend. Because he really came through for me, even through all my fears, neuroses and weaknesses, and even though our first date was crashed by a cult of genetically mutated crazies.”

Alice then clammed up again once Adamaris awoke from his own anesthetic-induced stupor. Not out of fear or a lack of ability to speak, but simply because a simple mention of his nickname for her and a sweeping hand across her cheek made her feel weaker than all the bullets and brutes she’d faced in the longest day of her life.

And then he was kissing her again, his love flooding her and filling in the dried cracks in her heart, and it was over much too quickly before he parted and said he would fix it. “You will. I believe in you,” she said, still sounding a little hoarse and taking another swig of the healing liquid.

“You will do no such thing.”

The voice of the King of All Seas, ruler of the largest nation by square footage, was somehow both calm and booming as all could see every inch of his skin rippling. Even certain muscles were barely disguised by his loincloth. Not because of arousal, but because a musclebound man of his size constantly needed blood everywhere.

Meredydd was about to launch into one of his infamous tirades, where he’d stomp around, wave his Trident of Wisdom, maybe throw it until the prongs stuck firmly into whatever wall they were unfortunate to grace. And then he saw the face of Adamaris and rushed over to hug him (something he hadn’t done in years).

With that, he said, “Adamaris! My son! I’m so glad you’re alive...”

Then the King added with firm squeezes of Jareth’s shoulders to make his son look straight at him, followed by a troupe of disappointed looks, “ I can strangle you for not visiting in 17, 18 years! And for bringing an Imperial golem into our capital city. Do you have any idea what she probably did at Sanctuary Trench? Surely you of all mer would realize that, since you were there, playing commander or general or whatever for separatists? And yet, instead of bringing her to a human hospital for...whatever this brought her straight here. Once she recovers, she will stand trial for her crimes, with a possible penalty of death. And I will not have a word out of you about it. These are the kinds of sacrifices that must be made if your goal is to rule in my place one day!”
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Ianassa nodded her head and with a loving sweep and pat of her hand across her sons shoulders, she stepped around him toward the side of Alice’s bed, her lips curled into a smile and fell open to greet the young woman. The boom of Meredydd’s declaration however stopped her, both from moving and speaking any further for the moment.

Everyone in the room stopped moving in fact. The only noticeable tension however came from the center of the room. The women would see the muscles in Adamaris’ shoulders bunch and ripple as they tensed. His fingers tightened against the scrubs and Cae had to jerk them away from him as she moved to the other side of Alice’s bed.

A grunt escaped as his Father clasped him in a hug and for a moment, Adamaris stood stock still and uncertain of what to do. All at once his mind a flurry of activity and emotion. He was trying to remember the last time his father had embraced him. He’d been a child, perhaps. He wondered if the years had finally, just maybe, changed his father? Without thought, his hands rose and clasped along his fathers back in a return embrace. The faintest of smiles rose against his cheeks and lingered even as his fathers grip forced him back a step.

Darker eyes, like his mother’s, met the pale blue eyes of the King. He’d never had a problem meeting his fathers gaze, even when they were embroiled in heated arguments. There was a rising warmth in them currently....until Meredydd spoke further.

The tension began to roll through him again, gaining more steam with each word that fell from the King’s tongue. With a jerk, Adamaris stepped back out of Meredydd’s grip but his gaze never wavered.

It only darkened as any pretense of happiness at seeing his father faded completely from his features. His jaw clinched and shuttered as he drew in a deep breath. His chin rising sharply in defiance.

”I wasn’t playing.”

The words dripped like acid through clenched teeth. It was true, he hadn’t been “playing” General. He’d earned those stripes. Earned them and all the ones before them but he’d failed in Sanctuary Trench. Things had gone wrong and he didn’t like to think about it much less discuss it.

He sniffed, the corner of his lips curling briefly before he spoke again.

”She would have died in a human hospital. At the very least never been mobile again.”

He argued. His features turning dark and angry. Nothing new when he stood face to face with his father. Things had not changed in the nearly twenty years since he’d stayed gone.

He stepped to the side, putting himself directly between Meredydd and Alice. His shoulders straightened, muscles tightening and dancing from shoulders to feet. His words spit venomously at his father.

”She’ll stand trial over my dead body. We’re going home, our home. You can put as many visions in my head as you want, old know I’ve never wanted to rule in your place, like you.”
“Oh, never be mobile again, how tragic!” Meredydd grunted. “She was one of thousands that day who slaughtered our people like animals! You claim to love her, but you ‘loved’ Amara before her and Melitem before her. Those are just the mer women I know about, and they were both conquests to you. How is she any different? In actual fact, she, along with the allure of power and wealth at the expense of the whales we live in harmony with and of the merfolk who followed you to folly, has seduced you away from your true home. She’s one of the many reasons that the surface world cannot be trusted.

She has a name, Your Highness,” Alice said, having turned her hands into shadow to get out from under the restraints. Even just summoning that little bit of Darkness without succumbing to the temptation to give in to her anger at Meredydd’s treatment of her boyfriend had put a strain on her sore body. That meant she was panting and sweating, while her slowly weakening heart was barely pumping enough blood for her to lean against the metal handhold of the hospital bed.

“I am Detective Alice Guthrie, a citizen of the Empire of Caledoria, and therefore I am not bound by your legal system,” she declared. “If you arrest me, you will face severe diplomatic repercussions.”

Even though she had to crane her neck up to see the much taller man (who honestly didn’t look like Jareth’s father, but his brother; indeed, all of them were raising the temperature of the room for her), she folded her arms firmly, standing between Adamaris and his father, not allowing anyone to make her back down.

“The Kingdom of Olsea expelled Caledoria’s ambassador after they failed to meet our demands on reducing illegal whaling in our waters and curbing their abuse of our citizens,” Meredydd explained. “So I can do what I want to trespassers in my kingdom.”

“This isn’t the first time I’ve been to Olseka. Or did you forget giving me the Key to the City five years ago for solving the murder of Councillor Marwarid?”

Some of the anger fell from his face as he finally recalled where he’d seen her from. “That...was a tragedy. And I did indeed forget your role in resolving that situation. But one good deed does not erase a lifetime of crimes, especially not the ones you committed on that dark day.”

“You don’t think I know that?!” Alice yelled, her eyes glowing red with Darkness fueled fury and streaming tears as she tried her best not to tear him apart, her voice changing again and bouncing around the hospital. “That I don’t see the faces of everyone I was ordered to kill when I was barely more than a child? That in my nightmares, I don’t find myself back down in that dark, cold trench, stuck in a tight suit that barely allowed me to breathe, trying not to get stepped on by a herd of Goliaths while fighting for my life in a frenzy? I regret every second of every minute of that day, and I will be paying for what I was made to endure for the rest of my life.”

“Humanity has escaped culpability for Sanctuary Trench, and for many other injustices inflicted on mer in the pursuit of power, for far too long. Someone has to be punished!” Meredydd boomed, a smack of his Trident on the ground reverberating throughout the ground and leaving a dent in the floor.

“If you do this, it will mean war,” Alice pleaded. As she said this, visions of a massacre ten times the size of Sanctuary Trench taking place in Olseka as Goliaths and steam powered undersea boats remorselessly opened fire filled Meredydd’s head.

“No one wants that, not really,” she added as he saw her leading the charge as...

No, she couldn’t be...

The Destroyer. Bringer of Darkness, despair and death. Now he knew he had to stop her.

“I do not want it, but I am prepared. My people are prepared to sacrifice everything to defend their way of life. Are yours?” Meredydd said firmly.

“I am neither your friend nor your enemy, but I will give you some friendly advice. You think that kraken outside can protect you? I. Annihilated. Sanctuary’s Kraken with a single Goliath. And I could do it again, and much more, if I had to to protect my country.” It was getting much harder to control the Darkness now...

“Then you are the reason Sanctuary fell, and your head will be on my wall for that!”

“If you’re so determined to hang all of humanity’s mistakes around my neck, if you already think I’m guilty, then what need have you of a show trial?” Alice demanded with the fire that had resided in her heart her whole life and allowed her to defy everyone who underestimated her.

She grabbed for the King’s weapon and placed the prongs against her chest. “What are you waiting for, old man? Stop blathering on and kill me!” she goaded him, her face twisted in anger.

“Just know that my heart belongs to your son, so you will be destroying him with me. He has shown me compassion like you never gave him. He has seen who I am beneath the suit, where you refuse to, and loves me for it. He has stood by me like almost no one else in the surface world has. And now I remember seeing his face at Sanctuary, where he took pity on me and let me live as his forces retreated, trying to evacuate as many merfolk and humans as they could. If he wishes to be king when you are dust and your hatred fades, then he will be a thousand times the ruler you ever were, because he will stand for justice for all. I love him with everything I am, and you will never break us apart.”

Meredydd wavered, and soon his trident fell to the floor.

“Adamaris...” he stammered, changing the subject. “Before I have her taken away, are you really sure you want to go down with her? You don’t have to be the Crown Prince any more, but as I said the day you turned your back on us all those years ago, you can always come home...”
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Adamaris grit his teeth, hard. His eyes narrowing darkly at his father.

”You. Have. No. Idea. What. My. Relationships. Were. Like! ARE like! Follow your own advice and stop playing like you know and....She has a name.....”

His words mingled with Alice’s as she spoke them. Cae was in the middle of trying to reverse the work on the bindings that held Alice when she noted the writhing darkness. There was a soft gasp from both women in fact as they took a soft step back.

Alice had nothing to do with why I went topside. Had nothing to do with why Amara, John and others followed me. That all lies at your fins and you know it! Amara was sent home long before Alice even set foot through my door, so stop trying to place blame on her. And just so you know, I trust some humans far more than I do my own Father, Alice included.”

While he was none too happy that Alice had gotten out of the bed, and even less that she was putting herself between he and his father, he really didn’t try to stop her. Instead, he stepped up directly behind her. Hands coming to rest on her hips. To steady her and to let her know where he stood and if he needed to move her out of the way, should he and his father come to blows.

He let her have her say, supporting her. She was smart and he knew well enough she could hold her own. It seemed she knew a bit more about things that had transpired here in his home than he did many years had he spent with his head in the sand about it all? Was he surprised by some of it, absolutely. But he didn’t flinch, he continued to keep his guard, he continued to meet his fathers gaze. He and Alice could talk about things later and they would. There were things he had to process, right now was not the time. Not with his father being the royal pain in his ass that he was being, as usual.

”Then you should let us go home. Her and I......otherwise, if you take her, you take me.”
“Then, as always, you have made the choice you believe benefits you,” Meredydd explained calmly, almost disinterested and more tired than anything. “And you alone must live with it.”

Alice narrowed her eyes at the man who sired Adamaris but barely pretended to actually be a father to Jareth, and said:


The frown in the King’s face meant that he understood that word, and Alice’s lips pursed into a thin, sideways grin as she realized that.

“It’s getting late. I will meet with my Royal Council tonight to decide whether to have a trial,” Meredydd pronounced. “In the meantime, to avoid any kind of...scene, you will be escorted to a room at the Ambra”- a luxury hotel located at the top of the city, to bring in surface tourists who contributed a great deal to Olseka’s economy, which was critical for the Kingdom of Olsea as Olseka was its largest and most important city- “where you will be kept under armed guard, and then informed of my decision in the morning.”

Once they were both out of sight, he sank onto the hospital bed with his head in his hands and sighed, “What am I going to do about that boy?” The only two times he’d ever been defied- truly rebelled against- and let the sedition fly were the Sanctuary Trench separatists and his own son. Neither were good decisions to allow, but neither could they be contained once he permitted them.

Meanwhile, Alice strode to the hotel in the thinnest of clothing unbowed, even with frowning men and women pointing primitive but fearsome firearms that were partially made up of living organisms at her back- such as crawler cannons, hot crab rifles, and even giant scorpion beam rifles.

Once they got to the hotel, Alice beamed, sighed in contentment, and flopped down on her back on the most comfortable bed she’d ever felt- and she’d slept with some noblewomen with beds draped with the finest Gudarian silks.

“Well,” she quipped, “our first date could certainly have gone better, but if it’s also to be our last date before I’m carted off to a dragon court”- meaning a chamber that only wanted to eat you, where justice would not be served or rights protected- “I could think of worse ways to spend my remaining hours under house arrest than enjoying the company of the man I love in this gorgeous hotel. Don’t you agree?”

She then grinned, pulling out two auto-lighting fancy clockwork pipes pre-packed with sweetgrass. “I say we smoke a bunch of this shit, charge as much food to this room as we can to make your dear ol’ dad burst a vein in his forehead, and...enjoy each other all night.” It had, once again, been two months since she’d gotten any action, and after being exposed to a hospital full of gorgeous mermen and mermaids for hours she was this close to humping the high thread count sheets just to feel something, and she figured her last guaranteed day would be as good a time as any to break that dry spell.
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Adamaris shrugged his shoulders, his grip tightening slightly on Alice.

”At least I’m consistent in disappointing you.”

He quipped smartly, the corners of his lip curling into a faint sneer. Turning Alice toward and into him, a hand brushing lightly through her hair as his father rambled on about the meeting. He loathed relinquishing his hold on Alice but he did step back enough to grab the scrubs, handing the smaller ones to her to dress in, while he himself merely slipped into the pants of the larger set.

As they were traipsed from the hospital room, his hand wrapped securely in hers, he glanced over his shoulder at their accompanying escorts and snorted.

”Yeah, don’t want to make a scene, my ass.”

The words drifted back to his father and the rest of his family in the room.


The word was soft but questioning and strained. Clearly implying that even his little girl didn’t agree with what was happening. Ianassa watched her husband slump against the bed.

”Send him and the girl he clearly loves away when they both literally only have less than a day to live. That’s what you went with, Meredydd. Not what I would have done, of course. What if it was you and I in their place? Or Caerulia and some young man from up there?”

Ianassa asked, her voice even and clear as she stood at her husbands knee, quietly peering down at him, her hands folded before her.

As Alice dropped into the bed, Jareth stumbled into the room with a grunt and growl, cast back over his shoulder at the guard that had pushed him in. He considered bum rushing the guard as he stood in the doorway glaring back at Adamaris but Alice’s words caught his attention and he spun on his heels.

”Don’t. Don’t say that. That’s not where you’re going. That’s not where either of us are going.”

He limped toward the bed, his thigh brushing against hers as he leaned low enough to grab a hold of her shirt gently and pulled her up to sit, and then to stand before him.


He murmured as he listened to her, his head tilting, eyes grazing over her features before dropping to the pipes.

”Ok but first.....”

He gently pulled the pipes from her grasp and set them on a nearby table, a hand sneaking around the small of her back before he pulled her close. Glancing down at her hand on his chest, he took a second to dig in the small pocket of his scrub pants and then slipped his ring over her finger. He’d snagged it from the bed side table when he’d grabbed their scrubs at the hospital.

”I don’t need it here. I’ll need it at home though. So this’ll have no choice but to come home with me, yeah?”

He wasn’t quite going for broke....yet but he was very much asking her to come home with him, to make it a home with him. His hand slid over the back of hers, gently clutching it against his chest, against the steady (for now) beat of his heart. Against the soft rumbling as he took a step back, taking her with him as he began to sway in time with a few simple strains of the humming that rattled beneath her hand. When he was sure he held her captive attention, the song slid quietly from his lips, meant for only her to hear.

”Can I hold you closer to me?
And not feel you going through me
But the second that I never think of you?
Oh, how impossible

Can the ocean keep from rushing to the shore?
It's just impossible
If I had you, could I ever ask for more?
It's just impossible

And tomorrow should you ask me for the world?
Somehow I'd get it, I would sell my very soul
And not regret it for to live without your love
Is just impossible

Can the ocean keep from rushing to the shore?
It's just impossible
If I had you, could I ever ask for more?
It's just impossible

And tomorrow, should you ask me for the world?
Somehow I'd get it, I would sell my very soul
And not regret it for to live without your love
Is just impossible

Oh, impossible

As he sang, he swept her gently around the room, his hand lifting from hers to cup her cheek. He stopped their motion, his lips drawing closer to hers.


The last word breathing across her lips before he claimed their warmth against his.
“Oh, well, if there’s medical issues, then you and Cae should go to their room and fix them once Cae is off her shift here, so they’re both fit to stand trial,” Meredydd said, sitting up and trying to deflect the uncomfortable question.

“And Cae...sweet girl, I know you love being a doctor, but I hope I can make you ready to be Crown Princess one day. Your brother has chosen to forsake his heritage, and you’re the only one who can choose the honorable path now. I must go now to summon the Royal Council. I trust I’ll see you both at home.” He then left in a hurry.

Meanwhile, Alice was melting into Jareth’s embrace as he danced with her, serenading her and making her fall for him all over again. Her self doubt was screaming at her to tell him about Elizabeth’s plan and why she killed Amara, about the philters, about her past, about the Darkness that she worried would come between them...and she told it to shut the fuck up so she could just enjoy this one night.

She teared up after he told her about the ring, placed it on her finger, and kissed her, having never felt so peaceful in her entire life as she did when he made her safe in that very moment.

Alice also knew what he was asking, and so she kissed him all over his face and whispered, “Impossible,” before adding-

“You‘ve saved my life twice now, and given me at least one more night with you. Safeguarding this ring for you until we arrive at our home is the least I can do. Although, it does feel really nice on my finger and it might be difficult for me to part with it. So get used to being in the pool a lot,” Alice said, first sincerely and then with a teasing wink to let him know she was joking.

She was also dropping a hint and hoping he got it. Sure, things were pretty early, so she didn’t expect a proposal. However, they’d already been through so much together that it didn’t seem that much of a reach at some point in the future.

“I can also think of a few...other things I can do to return the favor,” Alice purred as she nibbled his neck and growled.

With that, she took a puff of the sweetgrass pipe, shrugged off the scrubs that hadn’t held much back (including her nipples pushing against his chest or her heat on his thigh), and decided to misplace her mind, just for tonight, wrapping her legs around his and hugging him with all her might.

“Jareth Williams, I can say without hesitation that I want to be your woman,” she proclaimed as she laid back on the bed, legs spread and arms resting above her head on the pillow. “I know you want to be my man too.”

Alice bit her lip, looked up at him cutely, and panted, “I can’t take it any more, Daddy. Your little Allie-Cat needs you. Now show me what you need from me.”
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Ianassa peered down still at her husband. She loved the man as much as she did her children but when he was wrong, he was wrong and she had no compunctions about expressing that she thought he was just that. Just as she did now. The look she gave said far more than any words could and she could see its affect on Meredydd....and she would let Meredydd stew in it.

Cae simply stared at her dad, her features softened. She neither confirmed nor denied her truest feelings in the entire matter, not that she had much of a time to argue as her father fled the room. Leaving her and her mother to figure out what they were going to do about Adamaris and Alice.

Third time’s a charm....

He quipped, a faint raise of his brow implying that he did indeed understand what she was saying and that he may well make that reach, should they survive past the next 18 hours. His gaze shifted in brief contemplation. Especially since this time he had really gotten her into this mess. It was vital he get them out of it.

Thoughts of escaping their current situation fled however as her teeth and lips danced teasingly across the flesh of his throat. A quiet groan rattled against her lips before she drew back. Taking the pipe as she shrugged from her scrubs, he drew from it as he watched and listened.

His scrubs becoming tighter as he stood in awe and appreciation of her. He licked his lips as he set the pipe aside and stepped forward, lingering a moment at the foot of the bed. Without a word he pointed upward, to the reflective glass above her. A simple but pointed response to what he wanted. Her. All of her.

And then he was on her, his hands sweeping the scrubs over his hips just before his lips found the soft and tender flesh on the inside of her thigh. His right hand sliding under and along the outside of said thigh. His left teasing fingers along the inside of her other thigh.

He could feel the warmth radiating from her, smell her. The taste of her skin, all of it making him far higher than the sweetgrass ever could as his lips drew closer to her heated center.

He wasted little time delving in. His tongue washing over her moist lips like a man drowning. Tasting her sweetness, hands sweeping around to grasp her ass, drawing her as close as possible but it would be short lived, drawing her to the very precipice of orgasm before he relented, he wanted her close but not quite there. Not yet. A final sweep of his tongue, his eyes cast up along her frame, watching the rise and fall of her stomach, her chest as she panted. His tongue dancing languidly across his lips as he gathered her taste from them and watched her.
As her beloved descended down to claim her at last, Alice let loose a soft rattle and looked up at his reflection in the mirror after he pointed it out. It was weird seeing themselves about to be intimate from what amounted to a bird’s eye perspective, and it started to make her conscious self float away from her body from euphoria even before he touched her. That excited and terrified her.

The psychoactive chemicals spread warmth through her whole body at the same time, which was only amplified by every molecule of his hot breath, every whisker of his beard, every ridge of his fingers gripping her ass, which she could feel individually and yet all at once, in slow motion and at high speed.

And then Jareth started licking. Oh gods did he ever start licking. To her it was more like lick, shudder, pulse of love and energy. Each move his powerful, insistent tongue made was like an invisible cock made of emotion was already slowly pounding her cunt. It made her grab onto his shoulders for dear life to not be washed away in each wave.

Not caring if the guards heard them, Alice’s panting and cries got louder. She tried to say something romantic to the effect of, “Ohhhh, Jare”- a cute little nickname she was trying out for him- “I...I forgot how good your tongue feels against me. I’m so sensitive and wet for you and I can’t hold on. I- I’m gonna cum on your wonderful fucking face!” Several times.

But each time, she got overwhelmed by the drugs, by the licks, by his love for her, by how fearful and vulnerable and happy and weepy and worshipful and a thousand other things she was, making her say-

OooooRRRRRGH! Ja- Ja- Jare. Fuh, fur, FUCK! Tongnggh FEEEE gooood HOOOO I’m gonna cuUuuuOH!”

-or something like that each time. On the fourth time he did this torture to her. Made her ache for him like no one else. Seduced her true self up to the surface with every determined movement. Brought her closer to ultimate bliss that she had been denied for months, only to refuse it to her cheekily...

Alice pulled her leg up, gripped the pillow with one hand and his hair to force him down with her other hand, groaned in a moment of clarity-

“Why are you being so evil, my love?! You know I’ve been such a good girl. You know how much I love and adore and desire you, my darling. Pl-please, this has to be the time. I’ll do whatever you ask, say whatever you want. Just, just MAKE ME CUM!”
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It had been just as long a dry spell for him as it had been for her. Self pleasure just wasn’t as great as sinking into heaven, his heaven.

His cock jumped and twitched against his belly with every groan, moan and word that fell from her lips. Each beg matched the silent plea his own body was making. Demanding he take her, reclaim her, show her that he needed and wanted her as much as she did him.

With a final squeeze of her ass cheeks, his hands slid from beneath her, drawing her legs up, knees to curl over the expanse of his shoulders before he gently fought against the hand that tangled in his hair as he crawled forward along her beautiful frame.

Whispered breath swept along her skin as he nipped and kissed her belly, the valley between her breasts. Stopping briefly to suckle against the tender flesh just shy of a nipple, just a tease as his scruff brushed the tender nub as his lips found their way to her neck. Feeling the rumble of her grins beneath his tongue and lips.

All as she pleaded with him, each beg punctuated by a kiss along her body, a tease, a nip. All adding to the tease of his cock brushing the length of her wet slit, the head pressing tauntingly against her clit as it too begged for him.

His head swam in her, every inch of her, every scent, every breath and every word until he sealed his lips against hers after he laid out one simple instruction added to the last of her plea.

”.....With me....”

A heady groan tumbled against her lips, and another as he sank into her. His shoulders tensing, muscles dancing along his back and hips as she enveloped him and he sank deeper. With a faint shift, he let her legs drop from his shoulders to the crook of his elbows as he found a steady pace.
Alice had craved the idea of his cock returning to take root in her most intimate space for so long now. She’d never told Jareth this, but part of the reason she’d cried when they were apart for as long as they were was because Alice had never felt so physically connected to another man as when he was inside her. She had always feared a man intruding that much into her ever since her rape, and so had had sex with few men and kept it fast and rough so she wouldn’t feel them too much. Not with Jareth. It was like her vagina felt cavernous without him stretching and pushing deliciously against her walls. Ever so slowly, but with so much love for her.

And once he finally filled her, she arched her back and vented a high pitched, squeaking scream of joy at the top of her lungs before gritting her teeth. Meanwhile, Alice was curling her legs up around the middle of his back and digging into his shoulder blades with her short but still somewhat sharp nails as she felt his heartbeat throb through his shaft, against her cunt, and thus with her own.

For some reason, music was filling her head while this was going on too. An old, triumphant whaling shanty her father related to her when she was a child- one of the few good things he ever did for her, besides giving her Rose and Edward. Both of whom she’d lost, but Alice didn’t dare dwell on it, not right now. In any event, it went a little something like this:

Cloaked in folds of midnight waters
Side by side, we sons and daughters
We set forth for no king's orders,
But we'll sail together.

Hold fast! Tides are turning
Flames roar! Fires are burning
We'll all be returning
If we sail together.

All on the waves shall know our story
Sing of the battles fought ashore, we
All shall thrive on fame and glory
When we sail together.

Words of warning have been spoken
Ancient creatures have awoken
Still, until our bond is broken
We shall sail together!
We shall sail together...
We shall sail together...

And then the scene shifted in her head to a completely calm vision of the two of them at Stormaway Beach at midday (perhaps on their imagined honeymoon, or just for some other occasion), all darkness banished and Alice vigorously fucking him while riding on top. After which blurry scenes of potential domestic bliss, ranging from a glorious wedding to the laughter of small children, also encircled her and relaxed her as nothing else could.

In reality, however, Alice’s hips were being slightly elevated as Jareth got on his knees and continued to pound her with supernatural stamina. In order to not have her head knocked against it, Alice was grabbing onto the fancy bedpost with her left hand, while her right hand rested on his left thigh to encourage him. Then she thought about it and moved her right hand to the bedpost too to stabilize it, causing her boobs to bounce even harder and her ass to truly jiggle. Her young, perky body had never faced such a test.

In the face of the drugs, his magnificent cock, the visions for their future, all the panting and moans he made to let her know how he felt, how long she’d been craving this...Alice knew she couldn’t hold out much longer. And when he said, “With me” in the soft yet strong tone he held such command of, she didn’t even want to try.

All she could muster anyway was a caress of his face and a soft, sweet whisper of-


Alice didn’t know whether it had been five minutes or five hours that she’d tried to win, but it never felt so good to lose.

At long last her every inch surrendered to the best orgasm of her short life, by far, and her cries and shakes and whimpers betrayed any desire she would have had (which she didn’t) to hide it.

Alice Guthrie knew from that moment that she belonged to the man who was both parts Adamaris and Jareth Williams, body, mind and soul. That each time they made love, her entire existence would orgasm with him. And no matter how much he drove her crazy sometimes, or how much she knew she would do the same to him, she never wanted that to change.

Finally, as if her pelvic muscles squeezing his cock for all it was worth weren’t enough, Alice looked him deeply in his brown eyes with her own sea green pools, caressed and kissed his face and whimpered-

“I want you to cum in me, Daddy.”
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Snippets of song and sight interrupted the euphoric fog of drugs and sex that filled his thoughts. Her voice calling to him like a siren. Without thought, he hummed along softly, his voice rumbling in his chest.

His father had been wrong, dead wrong. Alice was different. He wasn’t sure how he knew or when and why but he knew clearly, as visions of wedded bliss and children mingled with her cries of ecstasy as she bounced beneath him. Never before had he dared wish for such things but he truly ached for them now, with her.

Settling on his knees, hands gripping against her hips as he rutted and claimed her. Again and again. As if to drive away those that had since gotten between him and her. A guttural reaction, that spoke clearly.....nothing would keep him from her, not a psychotic woman bent on killing them both. Not his father who was bent on misplaced judgement.

He could feel her walls, tap dancing erratically against his length with each stroke of his hips. He slowed, leaning forward, his belly pressing warmly against hers. His arms tucking against her, his hands snaked beneath her shoulders, gripping softly as she arched against him, the long and heady groan that escaped the slender column of her throat as her head tipped back into the plush pillow, her whispered Always proclamation, all of it caused his heart to beat a little faster. His cock throbbing the same beat as he buried himself in the moist and warm sheath of her as she came.

The wash of her left him panting, feeling his own orgasm climbing insistently. He drew his hands down along her sides, gripping softly against her back as he thrust deep and eager into her again, her muscles squeezing and stroking him hungrily. His eyes locked in the sea of hers and no sooner had the words whimpered from her lips did he oblige.

A deep groan barreled from his throat as his balls tightened a moment before painting her walls with a heavy stream of his seed. He buried himself to the hilt as his climax peeked, his lips claiming the tender flesh of her throat just below her ear. High on sweetgrass and sweet ass.

”That’s it My Queen....take all of Daddy’s cum like a good girl....”

The words growled against her ear as he filled her. His chest pressing gently against hers, rising and falling in soft pants as he started to relax in the tangled embrace of her arms and legs. He stayed buried inside of her until he’d given all he had to give her.
Alice had never felt so alive as her lover inseminated her; it was like her spine was a wire being charged by his life giving seed. His rock hard belly pressing against her own, his firm yet gentle grip on her hips, his delicate bite on her soft throat, the way he groaned when his tense gonads unloaded his contents...

Ms. Guthrie tried to hold eye contact with Jareth while they both rode their climaxes out, but couldn’t because she was half-lidded from sensory and emotional overload. Then she giggled with glee as she saw his jizz leaking from her overstuffed snatch when his reddened pecker softened and withdrew at last.

The poor, well-fucked detective finally floated back down to reality and with magical mer energy radiating around her, she giddily said, “I looooove you, Jer Bear. Even though you’re a dirty boy who played with me hard and made a mess in me.” With that, Alice scooped up some of his juices from herself and swallowed them down.

Next, she had a goofy grin on her face before being slow to wink, and continued, still very high, “And you were saying about me being the Queen of something? You’re a funny boy too.” The goofy girl booped his nose, kind of getting what he meant but wanting to hear him say it; simply because his voice had a funny habit of making Alice fall a little bit for him over again.

“You’re also a sweet, handsome, sensitive boy I thought I would lose so many times, today alone,” Alice said, getting a little more serious now while looking him in the eye and caressing his face, as was common for an old soul like herself.

But not too serious, since there was a still chance they could die- either by the executioner’s axe or Elizabeth’s hex on both their hearts.

“Turns out, Jareth,” Alice added, “that I just cannot seem to shake you, no matter how many times I’ve fucked up, what I’ve done on purpose, or what you’ve learned about me. And I realize now that I spent so much of my life running away from everything that could ever cause me pain just to survive that I’ve had a hard time finding out what I would run to, or rather, who I would run away with.

Alice cleared her throat, wrapped herself in his arms, and sighed-

“Adamaris, I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I’m with you. I feel like I’ve not got control, but I realized that’s just what love feels like sometimes. When it rains I’m reminded of when you showed me your tail, and I stand outside pretending the raindrops are your kisses. When you pointed to the mirror and I saw myself as we made love, I saw myself as you see me, and in that moment, I finally loved myself, darkness and all.”

Alice kissed noses with him, humming a long forgotten melody to herself before saying, “Why? Why have you been my angel? What do you, at long last, see in me?”
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Through lidded eyes of his own, he watched as she writhed below him. Reveled in the feel of her movements against him and the relief he felt as his own orgasm waned. Despite coming down from that high, the sweetgrass high remained. Every nerve still on fire, he shuddered softly against her before he slipped back, coming to rest against his heels while he watched her.

After a moment, a grin slid across his lips as he reached down, grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her toward him before reaching for her hands and pulling her up to sit in his lap. His flaccid cock nestled between her and his own thighs.

With a playful pinch of her nipple, he spoke.

Tit for tat. You make me hard and an absolute mess.”

A chuckle rumbled from the depths of his stomach as his hand slid against her neck and up into the hair at the nape of her neck, fingers tangling before he gently pulled her forward and down into a brief but heady kiss.

”And you call me dirty....”

He teased in a whisper, his tongue darting over his lips. Tasting the faint remnants of their love making. The cheeky smirk that curled his lips faded, turning serious as she spoke. He leaned back softly so he could see and hear her, paying attention to what she had to say, making her the center of his attention, whole heartedly. His arms slid down to rest and encircle around her waist. He felt the faint throb of his knee but the drugs and Alice kept the true pain at bay for the moment.

When she was finished, her question posed, he took a minute before his lips fell open to answer.


Behind him, the doors opened up and several guards rushed in. Each pushing a rolling tray of food. Three in total. His attention turned to the interruption, brows furrowed slightly.

”Oh....that’s not nearly enough....”

He gazed back at Alice a second, as of to confirm.

”....nope, not nearly enough, right?”

His head shaking, he turned back to the guards.

”I want....”

”Sir, this is....”

”Kaiholo, If my Father is going to get his trident in a twist because someone actually had balls bigger than his to stand up to him, then he can feed us properly. Now, bring us three of everything.....from the Royal menu. My Queen is famished....and I plan to keep her that way while we’re locked away like the dirty little secrets we are.”

With a wave of his hand to send them off, he turned back to Alice with a cheeky smirk and a bounce of his eyebrows, because he did plan to keep her appetite healthy but first and once the door was closed once more, he had to answer her question.

He wrapped her in his embrace, drawing her a little closer. His gaze turned up to peer into her eyes, head tilting as he sighed.

”I see things that....perhaps I never knew I wanted. I see life and love. I see kids. I may not ever take the throne here in Olseka but I am the King of my own castle, of Palaidia Hall and I see you, My Queen. Maybe not now, not right away but I see it.......and I want it. All.”
Alice, now too happy for words, chuckled and groaned at the same time at Jareth’s absolutely terrible pun, and cooed when he swept her into his lap facing him and was showered with affection. It was the emotional journey that Jareth had given her in miniature. In response, she could do nothing but give a dopey grin in her birthday suit while facing two guards bringing food, Jareth’s body embracing her the only thing that shielded her intimates from view.

The cravings that often accompanied sweetgrass trips became heightened once a triple serving of the Ocean Cornucopia from the hotel kitchen’s secret royal menu for government officials, businessmen, and visiting dignitaries- valued at nearly 28,000 Olsea clams or 10,000 Imperial notes, all charged to the Royal Exchequer- was rolled out. An entire table piled high with dozens if not hundreds of pounds of lobster, eel, kraken, shark fins, shrimp, clams, mussels, sausage, seaweed, and mermaize (a leaner and grainier mutant variant of land corn varieties that tasted more savory when roasted because of the salt it naturally absorbed).

The only item left off the menu was whale, since a note regretted to inform them the meat was experiencing shortages. Even though Alice had grown up eating whale her whole life without a problem (usually fattier scraps that were cheaper to buy from the butcher), from the sight of the dying whale and what little she recalled about the whale that brought them there, she was glad to not have it tonight.

It all looked so delightful, especially to a girl who had constantly worried about where food would come from, and all she wanted to do was dig in and inhale it all to get lost in a sea of pleasure and fullness for the rest of the night, or at least until she passed out from the inevitable food coma. It even had a personalized note from Chef Jeddal Zem next to the notice about the whale, rejoicing that the Prince was alive (rumors spread fast, apparently) and thanking Alice once again for finding his petite giraffe. But once the guards were away from them and his response came, Alice settled back into logic, even through her drugged haze.

A part of her wanted to ask him to marry her that night and get to work on knocking her up right away. But they’d had a pretty big fight only recently, and emotions were heightened by their near death and their self medication. So none of that could work, just as if she tried to gorge herself on the feast now, it would feel good for the moment, but give her a stomachache later. And to Jareth’s immense credit, he said he could see marriage and kids on the horizon, but also gave her time to deal with that revelation by saying “later.”

So Alice reflected for a moment, entangled her hands in his, then met his gaze again, and said, “Once this situation calms down, and you feel you’re ready, ask for what you want. Because, my King, I will give. All.” She kissed him and added, “I also am excited to be having this dinner with you. But we can’t possibly eat it all, even with a lot of exercise. So, let’s donate whatever we don’t finish to the Doreng the Strong’s Respite Food Bank here in Olseka.” It was a new nonprofit charity built in honor of the first King of the Oceans.
The notice concerning the whale meat was met with a tinge of regret from Adamaris but also a sense of relief that there was none in the Cornucopia of food that stretched the length of the bed and then some.

His eyes drug the expanse and smirked. It all did look delicious and he knew without a doubt his father would lose his mind but what he’d told Kaiholo was true. The old man could feed them properly if they were going to be put through the ringer.

”Ironic isn’t it....they lose their minds because I used to mine whales for their oils needed above but....”

His hand swept the length of the table and chuffed softly.

”....we eat our fellow sea creatures and have since creation. I get it, a little different situation but....still there’s a funny level of irony there.”

He quipped in thought before he felt her hands tangling into his. He gladly accepted them, intertwining their fingers a moment as her lips found his. He greeted them in return.


He murmured as their lips parted. He carefully untangled their fingers, his right hand reaching toward the table and at the same time, his left clutching gently against the small of her back as he rose on his knees. Letting her slide down his thighs and fall back onto the bed. Spilling her hair along the pillow.

He snorted and dropped a small handful of shrimp against her belly and hovered over her with a mischievous grin. His brows bounced upward and he chuckled.

”I could eat half of this table alone, using you as my plate and I wouldn’t bat an eye.”

Which was very likely true. He hadn’t had anything to really eat since before she’d returned home and caught the hookers scurrying away. Their dinner had been interrupted, they’d been nearly killed and in hospital. He was hungry and that wasn’t even taking into account the cravings the drugs caused. As he spoke, he lined the shrimp up along her stomach to her cleavage and with each word that he spoke next, he drew a shrimp between his lips with his tongue.

”Fair. Enough. I’ll. Share.”

His lips teased against her throat a moment before he held himself over her, lips lingering just a breath away from her own. His hips resting casually between her thighs.

”The food, not you, my beautiful Alli-cat.”


”Your Highness, you may not wa...”

”Open the doors, Aalton. I need to speak to my son.”

”Ma’am, I would insi....”


Ianassa’s voice never rose but she was adamant and stern. The guards cast a glance at one another before they stepped to the side and pulled the doors open allowing the Queen and Princess through and into the room.

”Eww....we should have heeded the guards I’m going to be scarred for life.”

Cae spat out as she turned to face her mother. Ianassa drew up beside Caerulia, a smirk curling the corners of her lips as she stared at her sons bare ass nestled between the young girls legs.

Folding her hands in front of her, she cleared her throat, a brow raising as she watched Adamaris turn to glance over his shoulder at his Mother and sister. Her gaze shifted from her son to Alice then as a warm smile blossomed and she chuckled softly.

”Well, I was going to properly introduce you to our home but seems my son has upstaged me again.”
Alice had never thought that fucking shrimp sliding along her naked body could be sexy, but Jareth had a way of making her shiver from a and feel like the center of his world with just a single joke. What she was to deduction and rhetoric, he was to seduction. By the time he was between her thighs, sporting a semi, Alice felt even wetter than she ever thought possible. She paused before asking him to enter her again, though, for two reasons.

One, she knew that he was literally playing with his food while saying this, but Alice didn’t know if she could be exclusive, and that scared her. There had been periods where she was with only one partner at a time, but that was more due to circumstances, such as having to remain closeted in the army, than choice. To be, or do otherwise when she had freedom of movement would mean throwing away hard fought autonomy.

Of course, she’d happily give up men (which she surmised was his main objective), for she didn’t prefer them over women as a species, and no one man could ever hope to compare to Jareth in prowess or in affections. But women? Women offered something different that he simply could not, which she didn’t entirely know how to explain. They would have to have a long talk about this, and soon, for while Alice knew that it would mean a lot to him to not cross a line with Octavia again, she could not hope to hide that part of herself entirely.

Second, her skeptical side could also not help but wonder if his craft was just that- craft. She’d opened up to him about a great deal of the ugliness in her past. Alice had a hunch that there were things he wasn’t proud of. However, they would need to properly process his feelings about whaling, about the death of Amara, and about his time as a young, reckless man rebelling against his family’s expectations, among other things, if Alice was to hope to see behind the confident exterior.

Alice was about to say these things when paralyzing embarrassment overrode all else at the sight of her potential mother and sister-in-law seeing her in flagrante delicto with their Adamaris.

The once mighty Golem became a frightened girl again, diving behind the covers and stammering, “Uh- h-hey Ianassa. This is actually the second time I’ve been here if you recall me saying.”

Correcting the mother of her intended was certainly an excellent foot to get off on, she thought sarcastically to herself.

“Still, it’s a shame we were not formally introduced beforehand, and I wish it was under better circumstances,” Alice said, trying to narrowly save herself from this conversation whilst changing her clothes posthaste. Then she emerged in new hotel provided pajamas and crossed her arms over her chest before dipping her head just so, as mer custom dictated when in the presence of royalty.
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Adamaris lifted slightly, allowing Alice the room to move but he couldn’t help the high born giggle that escaped while watching her. It was a sound filled with unadulterated adoration. He thought her reaction was absolutely adorable, once she was hurrying into the hotel provided pajamas, he rolled and flopped before scooting to the edge of the bed himself.

” Hey, Mom.”

A cute, dopey grin spread across his face as he reached for the pants to his own set of pajamas. His attention shifted to his sister as he rather ungracefully wiggled into them and addresses her next.


He heard her grunt as he glanced down to tie the waist of his pants and just barely ducked the clip of a potted plant before it crashed against the headboard and bounced into the bed. He glanced back at the spilled plant and broken pot littering across the bed, now laughing he turned fully to face his sister, running a hand through his mussed hair.

”Now, what the hell did that plant ever do to you?”

Cae growled but stalked toward her brother. She had to keep reminding herself that he was just being himself....and he was apparently high. Amidst the cloying scent of sex that hung heavy in the air, she could smell the sweet grass as well. A general observation of him as she drew closer and her suspicions were indeed confirmed.

”Sit down and focus, you dolt. I need to talk to you.”

Cae settled next to her brother at the edge of the bed and produced two intricate golden tins.

”This is all I can do for you right now, Adamaris. Until Mom and I can figure out a more permanent solution. It’s a lotion mixture of ground sweetgrass, ylang ylang, mermaize kernel and whale saliva, you know, the magical, majestic animals you are depleting....”

She didn’t waver under Adamaris’ angry and somewhat remorseful gaze, she noted he didn’t argue either. She sighed and continued.

”Apply it once a week.”

Opening one of the tins, she dipped a quarter sized glob of the pale yellow mixture onto her fingers and applied it to his chest, directly over his heart. Rubbing it in a spiral path from the center outward until it had soaked into his skin.

”Just like that, Adamaris. There’s enough for both of you for two months, hopefully I’ll have a permanent solution before then. No matter how much of a pain in the ass you are, I don’t want to lose you. Jerk.”

She put the tins in her brothers hand as he pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

”Thanks, Cae.”


Ianassa’s smile never wavered, nor did her gaze upon Alice. Instead she chuckled, her head dipping gently in a single nod.

”Indeed, you did mention such. Just goes to show the sort of kelp brains my beloved men possess though that neither thought to properly introduce us either visit.”

She let her attention drift to her children as Alice disappeared to dress. A small tsk left her tongue.

Behave, both of you.”

She prompted softly. Turning her attention back as Alice re-emerged, a soft breath escaped.


She seemed to glide toward Alice, her robes sweeping over the floor as she moved. A gentle hand lifted her chin and attention directly onto Ianassa.

”Dear, there is no need for that.”

She spoke kindly as she drew something from the folds of her robe and held it toward Alice. The soft glow of the bauble, nestled with the chain of the necklace curling around it, illuminat the Queen’s palm.

”This belongs to you, yes?”
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“Oh, well...thanks,” Alice said and coughed, dopamine still flowing through her blood from her recent orgasm working with the sweetgrass to make her skin sensitive to the slightest touch. That cough was the only way that the young, horny detective could avoid moaning for her potential mother-in-law from even that gentle lift on the chin, as her eyes continued to be glazed.

Then Alice regained her focus when she saw the emerald gem on the chain and gave a dopey smile. There went her hand, brushing against Ianassa’s palms again and making her shiver when she scooped up the necklace and chain. The Caledorian decided to chance a hug and leapt into Ianassa’s embrace.

“Yes it does, thank you! I thought this was destroyed somehow in the battle that hospitalized me. But how did you find it?” Alice asked. Then she parted without incident despite her every inch being on fire and sighed, rubbing her head, “It belongs to royalty, though...and I don’t exactly feel very royal.” She hoped that made sense.
Ianassa smiled kindly and when Alice leapt and embraced her, the elder woman emitted a surprised but not unpleasant chuckle as she curled her arms around the younger girl in a motherly hug. A hand stroking through her hair before they parted.

”I am assuming that it was still on you. It was in your things at the hospital. The nurses must have missed it when they extracted you from the suit.”

Her hands dropping back to rest together before her. The bright smile never leaving her lips. It did waver for the briefest moment at Alice’s final statement. Her head tilting just so to the side.

After a moment, her hands reached out for the young woman, folding Alice’s hands around the necklace bauble and her own hands cupping around Alice’s.

”The woman that used to wear it gave it to her son, insistent that he give it to someone he loves very much.....and so he has.”

Her smile broadened, her fingers patted the back of her hand softly.
“And so he has,” Alice repeated, still a little bit tipsy and also tingly from the pleasure of being hugged by a mother figure. Then she put the necklace on with pride, never wanting to take it off.

It was a kind of reassurance she hadn’t had in ten years plus. She hugged herself to keep that feeling going, still a little unsure of when she was supposed to let her guard down and accept that all of this was really happening. That even though her brother had died, her family could expand.

“Thank you, Ianassa and Cae, for raising a good man...” Alice whispered as she sank to the bed. “One I know I will love until the day I die, whether that will be tomorrow or a hundred years from now. And I- I wish I’d had a mother half as...half as good as you.”

No sooner had she said that then a porter exclaimed, “Alice Guthrie?”

“It is she,” Alice said.

“You’ve been served.” Alice chuckled- she used to do this very thing. The porter continued, “His Majesty the King of All Seas commands your presence promptly at 9 o’clock in the morning to stand trial by order of the Royal Council upon the charges of genocide, murder, and wanton destruction of mer property.”

“Tell that festering sack of whale cheese I look forward to besting these trumped up charges tomorrow,” Alice said and mock curtsied, whereupon the horrified courier scrambled out of the room.
Cae snorted softly and stood, turning to face Alice and the Queen.

”If I’d raised him, he wouldn’t be such a jerk.”

She chuckled as she gently shoved Adamaris’ shoulder. Then continued in a more serious note.

”I can’t guarantee a hundred years for the two of you but I can guarantee it won’t be tomorrow...or at least not due to your heart problem. Adamaris will explain what I’ve brought you two for that.”

She nodded, a smile resting lightly on her lips. Ianassa stood near, her smile quite bright and lingering. As was Adamaris’ as he shifted in the bed to face the three women in his life. He looked upon each with an incredible amount of love and adoration. His eyes dropping to the necklace resting against Alice’s chest and then flicked toward his mother, knowing she had already accepted his choice, had accepted Alice.

”Now you will....”

Adamaris murmured quietly just as the knock and call of the porter came.

As the porter stepped into the room, Adamaris jerked to his feet. All three of them shifted and moved, hovering in front of and around Alice. Adamaris stepped forward with a sneer and snatched the small scroll from his hand as he back pedaled from the room before slamming the door closed behind him.

”That’s my father you’re talking about.”

Cae muttered softly. Ever daddy’s girl. She didn’t break from protecting the girl however either but there was clearly conflict in her as she looked at her mother and brother.


Adamaris barked at his sisterhanding the scroll to his mother as he stepped between them and wrapped his arms around Alice.

”Come, Cae. We should leave them be for now.”

Ianassa spoke softly to her daughter as she turned, shooing her son back for a moment, she embraced Alice and spoke quietly, just above her ear.

”We will see you through this, no matter the outcome. I’ll send some clothes up, for the both of you.”

She pressed a warm kiss to the top of her head and stepped back, patting Adamaris on his cheek.

”I will help as much as I can, son. The two of you need to talk and rest for the morning.”

She kissed his cheek and stepped back, casting the two of them a final, concerned look. Her hands fidgeting lightly before her and then turned, hooking an arm through Cae’s and guiding her from the room. Leaving the two of them alone.
After Cae and Ianassa left the room, Alice flopped onto her back; not knowing whether she wanted to eat until her stomach exploded, have sex for hours, or fall asleep and hope this trial was a bad dream.

So she decided to split the difference by collapsing into Jareth’s arms, loving the feel of her silk robe against her skin and his own robe. Then the strong detective finally unraveled and cried, whether from joy or loss or exhaustion she didn’t know.

All this not knowing fucking annoyed the shit out of the woman who used to have all the answers.

And so all she could do, all her brain knew how to do in that moment, was cry and be vulnerable like she never had been for anyone.

Then, little by little, Alice could do more. She could kiss his neck. She could linger as she applied the salve to his chest and opened her robe to let him do the same to her clavicle. She could just about eat enough seafood to feel full but not gluttonous. And even though her trial was at nine AM, she knew she needed to be with him.

To make this winding river of a night last a little longer.

To make sure it ended the right way, not with despair and thoughts of death, but passion and more importantly compassion.

To make him never think of getting a prostitute ever again.

To make the richest man in Caledoria hers.

“Let me make something clear, Jareth, and bear with me because it might sound bad at first, but I promise it isn’t. I’ve done quite well for myself, these past seven years. I don’t need your money to live comfortably. And I could survive even in the wreckage of my apartment for some time. I could escape this city and its stupid trial and flee to the shadowy corners of the world, where I’ve held out before. Telling you all these things, sometimes being driven crazy by you, and facing death together are not what I thought I needed.

“But I’ve only known how to survive- I’ve sleepwalked through life, not lived. Not really. My heart loved, for sure, and I’ve felt joy even amidst the cruel world that I rose above, that I became useful for. And I could scrounge on those scraps of hope if for some reason I ever lost you. But even though I don’t need you to make me a whole person, or to defend me in court tomorrow (as I will show them all who the true enemy is)...

“I choose you. My only choice is you. I can’t go back, not ever. I am strong, but I’m stronger with you. I see a life with you someday, where I admittedly had trouble doing so yesterday, because you saw me turn into the monster they think I am- that I was- just for a moment, and then decided to keep me from breaking entirely. To stand up to your family for me. To look past the monster.

“All I need from you now is to relax, Jareth. Relax and let me ride that amazing cock that I want to put a baby in me someday until we both pass out. Can you do that for me?”
When she collapsed into his arms, he let them curl around her protectively. He didn’t utter a word, instead letting the sweep of his hands and fingers along her back and through her hair, kisses along the crown of her head and a swipe of his thumb to dry away the tears that slicked along her cheeks, do all the talking that really needed doing.

He was there for her. Comforting and acknowledging. Loving her even in one of her weakest moments. When she was vulnerable. In this moment, she had truly opened herself to him as she had never before.

His eyes danced over her and watched as she applied his salve, a smile lingering at the corners of his lips. He applied hers with a tenderness few had ever seen him possess. And when he ate, he ate. He was hungry and while he didn’t eat near as much as he’d boasted he would, he ate plenty. When both had had their fill, he instructed the guards to save a plate for each of them still and the rest be sent to the Food Bank.

He leaned back against the headboard, bare shoulders pressing against the cool shell as she saddled up over his thighs. His hands coming to rest against her own thighs as his head tilted, listening as she spoke. His expression neutral as the words poured from her lips. He was silent a moment after she finished.

”I feel so....used. That’s all you want, huh?”

He glanced off toward the door a moment, a smirk twitching over his lips, amused. When his gaze found her again, it was soft and adoring. He could see the tension bubbling to the surface in her at his words, after all she’d confessed.

His fingers gripped her thighs gently and he tugged her higher up into his lap and he sat up as his right hand rose, cupping the side of her neck as he shifted up and leaned in toward her.

”Most women do want my money....or my head on a pike. You aren’t most, except maybe when it comes to the pike thing, sometimes.”

He quipped, half teasing but half serious. He drew in a deep breath and pecked a loving kiss against her lips before he leaned back and continued.

”Now, let me make something clear, Ali-cat. While you may not need it or want it. It’ll always be there, my Queen. You won’t have to just survive, you won’t have to scrounge for anything anymore. You won’t ever have to hide again. We can survive and live, together. Drive each other crazy every damned day and night and you can have every part of me you please.”

He didn’t need to say he chose her, she already knew he had. He’d said it in multiple ways over the last few days, screamed it without so much as saying a word at times. Point in fact, she too had seen past the monster he could be. The monster that many thought he was. She’d seen something below the surface and had chosen him and he was more than happy with that.
Alice tensed at first, until she realized that his smirk meant that he was only teasing her about the “used” comment. Then she slowly stripped off all their clothes and methodically but lovingly massaged a single part of his body for a minute each- from his chest to his thighs- as he talked about her having every part of his body. With that, Alice laid Jareth flat on his back and sprawled herself stop him before murmuring in his ear-

“You may not have The Darkness, but I think you know what it’s like to hide in shadows of your own making, my terrifying, how lonely, how maddening it can be to be cut off from everything, to have no one in your corner.” She theorized that Meredydd had been emotionally abusive towards him, just as her own father had been, and that he was too afraid to ever say anything to Cae or Ianassa, but didn’t want to push him on it. “Maybe you saw that in me too, and that’s why you spared my life,” Alice said in the midst of slowly lining Adamaris’s face with kisses. She then joked, “Or perhaps you knew that I’d be your girlfriend and planned all of this out somehow.”

“In any event,” the world weary detective sighed and started teasing his hard penis, “there are some times when hiding can be fun. When it’s our choice. Us hiding away from the world together in this hotel, for instance, allows us to be ourselves, away from prying eyes. Perhaps us finding the cooled shade of a tree to embrace each other under with only the night breeze of Stormaway Beach disturbing us on our honeymoon. Me hiding in your loving embrace, allowing me to be small and protected, yet respected. And...I think you know where I’m going with this. What I want to hide next.”

That made Alice wink as she sank down onto his shaft, and wasted no time gripping his knees while bouncing on him. “’re being such a good man for me, lying there and letting me milk every inch of that fat cock,” Alice squealed. It wasn’t long before the power trip of riding him and keeping his cock safe, hidden in her most intimate place made Alice cum while still on top of him.

She knew, as her body flagged and sank itself back down and she gave him a cute and loopy smile, that Jareth would take control as soon as she relented and pound her with all his might, even as she remained on top of him. In fact, she relished the moment he’d take control and jackhammer straight up into her...
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