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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel said to Kaname,"Depends on what your asking me to do for you,and of course I know that you'll never force me at all Kaname,I trust you Kaname."
Kaname layed next to her and took a deep breath. "Is there any way i could ask you to give a bit of blood" He did not know how to ask her without sounding desperate. "It would not involve me biting you maybe if you cut your finger or something" he said trying to sound like he was offering ideas. You could see in his eyes he was scared from asking her to do this.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"Fine with me that you cut my finger and drink a little bit of blood from my finger Kaname,as long as it's not from my neck Kaname."
He was shocked at how willing she was about a serious thing like this. He held her hand "Thank you" He cut it just enough to make it bleed for a bit and put it in his mouth drinking her blood. He layed next to her with her finger in his mouth "Your so giving" he said making sure his fangs did not break skin so he could avoid turning her.
Angel said to Kaname,"You taught me how to be so gving and you'd asked me very nicely for you to drink my blood from my finger and I hope that you have enough blood now Kaname ok." Angel also laid down beside Kaname,while he drinks a bit of her blood from her finger.
Angel said to Kaname,"Your welcome Kaname and thanks for bandaging up my finger after you drank my blood from my finger. Thank-you for the comment you gave me,that I'm too perfect to be anything else but an Angel thanks Kaname." Angel gently hugged Kaname back and she gently kissed him on his lips.
Angel said to Kaname,"You'll always have me all the time Kaname and I'm little bit hungery now,could you please make me a small garden salad please and thank-you Kaname my love hmm.?"
Angel stayed in her room and waited for Kaname to come back with her salad and she wonders if her father is watching over her or not and she sighed. Angel loved it here and never ever wants to return back to Phoinx ever again.
Angel said to Kaname,"Nothing is on my mind at all,and thank-you for the salad and it looks very good to eat Kaname." Angel smiled at him and she slowly begins to eat her salad.
Angel slowly eats her salad up and it was perfect and she said to Kaname,"This salad is very good and I love it thank-you Kaname." Angel was done all of her salad up and she also layed back down beside Kaname again.

((When could Kaname father kidnap Angel and lure his son into a trap he has set-up for him.?))
(that could work his dad could be the one who sent the letter)

Kaname looked at her and a stunned look appeared on his face and he sat up suddenly. Thinking out loud he said "He...he wouldn't dare" hie soft amber eyes turned red as he spoke showing his evil vampire self was starting to come out "Angel give me the letter again"
((Ok with me,but let me know ahead of time when Kaname father is going to capture Angel ok.))

Angel hands Kaname the letter again and she said to him,"Is everything alright,or is something bothering you very badly hmm Kaname.?" Angel was a bit worried about Kaname when he got like this and she knew that she'll have to stay away from him until his evil side was gone again.
He held the note and said "You can not leave my side" his evil now fully showing. He looked at her and grabbed her hand "Angel i wont hurt you but you can not leave my side understand. please say you do" concern was in his voice as he crushed the note in his hand

(ok it will be soon)
Angel said to Kaname,"I won't leave your side at all I promise you Kaname,and your kinda of hurting my hand,don't grab my hand so tight please losen your grasp up just a little bit please and thank-you Kaname.?"

Kaname jolted and let her hand go "Sorry its just the one who wrote this is probly wanting me to either turn you or let him drink your blood and kill you" he turned and faced away from her "Go ahead and ask who its. Please do it for me. ASK WHO IT IS!" he wanted her to do so in case she wanted to go to her aunts for a while. He clentched his first hard enough to make his own hand bleed
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Whom is this person that is after you or me?I can't stay at my aunt and uncle place,whom ever it is,will look for me their first. I do not want to leave your side at all,and I promise you that I'd never leave your side at any cost,and I always keep my promises all the time Kaname. Please don't make me leave at all Kaname please don't."
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Oh ok thanks for telling me that it was your dad that wrote this note to you." Angel walked up to Kaname and she gently hugged him and comfort Kaname while he had tears in his eyes and she gently leans Kaname head against her shoulder and stayed with Kaname while he was upset.
Angel said to Kaname,"I promise you that if I ever get taken away from you,I'll send Edward a message and tell him to tell you to come after me I promise you Kaname."
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