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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and she said to Kaname,"I need to get something to drink,could you please get me a glass of water pelase and thank-you Kaname my love hmm.?"
Angel smiled at Kaname and she yawned and stretched for a few minutes while Kaname was getting her a glass of water and she enjoyed her good night sleep and was glad that she slept better with Kaname beside her.
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I did sleep well my prince,how did you sleep hmm.?" Angel slowly begins to drink her glass of water that Kaname handed to her and she was enjoying this morning so far and so good.
Angel was done her glass of water and she said to Kaname,"I'm glad that we both actually had a good night sleep for a change,and what is for breakfast my dearest love Kaname hmm.?" She brushed her hair out and put it up into a ponytail and she felt more better thta her hair was off her neck for a change.
For some reason his fangs grew to full length and he was wanting to bite. He warned her "ANgel i dont know why but i want to bite" he bit his for arm trying to get rid of the need to bite and not wanting to scare her. "Damn it, i hate being james' twin" he said through his teeth of biting his own arm.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"You must stop thinking about biting mortals,because if your fangs grow full length once again,all of the mortals wil lbe terrifered about you and scared of you Kaname." She was getting a bit scared now and hated when she sometimes get's scared a little bit by Kaname full length vampire fangs.
His eyes saw her and he smelt a bit of her fear and snapped out of it. His fangs retreated and his eyes got water as he hit the floor his arm bleeding "Oh god ANgel i-i-i'm so sorry" he ran to his old room and closed the door scared he might do something to her. He sat in a corner hiding his face in his knees.
Angel sees Kaname running into his old room and she hates it when she let's fear get the best of her and she sighed and got herself dressed and she pulled out an amulet of some kind and she recoinze it and she leaves her room and enters into Kaname old room and said to him,"I found this in backpack it's an amulet of somekind,it might help you have better control of your evil side. My father wore this amulet and it helped him out a lot of times,I want you to have it,please take this amulet from me please Kaname. Let me clean up your bite please trust me Kaname,I'm not going to hurt you at all ok,I have to learn to have better control of my fear. I'm so sorry how I acted, I'm still going to stay with you Kaname,we both promised each other that we'll stay together Kaname,don't forget that promise at all Kaname ok."
Angel says something and the amulet was around Kaname neck and the amulet helped Kaname evil side go away. She looked at how bad he bit his arm and she grabs a damp cloth and put's it into some warm water with healing herbs mixed intop the water. Angel said to Kaname,"Hold still this might sting for a bit ok,if he does sting,grab a hold of your bed it will help you not think about the stinging ok." She placed the damp cloth on his arm and she washed out his bite and rinsed the cloth off once again and put it back into the water and let the water soak all over Kaname arm and she could tell that Kaname was slightly in pain a little. Angel wraps an attetion bandage all over his arm and said to Kaname,"Your bite on your arm will heal up in about 8 hours ok Kaname and your welcome Kaname my love."
Angel said to Kaname,"Are you sure your going to be alright while I'm at school for my test? Don't worry after I'm done my test,I'll turn my cell phone on ok Kaname. See you when I get back from school and your welcome for taking care of your arm ok Kaname,see you later my love." Angel gently kisses Kaname on the cheek and she leaves for school and get's on the school bus. Angel get's off the school bus and walks to her English class and she makes it right on time for her exam and Angel looked all over her exam. Angel was the second student done her exam and she hands in her exam to her english teacher and she had no idea that her English teacher was a werewolf,she could sense it inside her teacher soul. Angel slightly shudders at that feeling and all of the students left the classroom and Angel turned on her cell phone just in case if Kaname needed to get a hold of her for any reason.
Angel answers her cell phone and she said to Kaname,"How are you feeling now Kaname? The exam went pretty good,but I think that the English teacher is actually a werewolf,I sensed some kind of inner immortal creature inside the English teacher soul and not sure what it could be. I'll be home in about 2 hours from now,I'm fine Kaname,and thanks for checking up on me Kaname."
Angel said to Kaname,"I used the normal healing herbs and they have no garlic in them at all Kaname,I'll be home more sooner then 2 hours Kaname,I have to go now and eat my lunch up ok love you Kaname and bye my love."
Angel closes her cell phone up and put's her cell phone into her pant pocket and she finishes her lunch up and she has no more classes at all today. Angel leaves the cafetira and she walks outside and get's onto the bus,and the bus takes her home. Angel get's off the bus and she walks into Kaname home and she yelled up at him,"I'm home from school Kaname my love."
Kaname ran down to her and hugged her "I'm sorry i was not there to make sure nothing bad happened" he was crying which told her he was worried real bad about her safety. He softly said "Thank god for the Cullen family" he slid down to the floor in tears happy she was ok and not even caring about his arm.
Angel hugged Kaname back and she said to him,"Nothing happen to me at all,I'm safe and your glad that your friends with The Cullen family and I brought your homework back from math class,here is your math homework Kaname." She knelt down beside Kaname when he slid down onto the floor and she gently held his hand and gently kissed him on his lips,to let him know that she is safe and nothing happened to her at all.
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