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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

He leaned forward pinning her to the floor and kissed her back "I am so glad your ok ANgel. Please let me love you now" his eyes were full of joy and lust for her at that moment. and his tone was slightly that of his evil side but he was not loosing to his evil.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"I'm always fine and I heard a rumor about another evil vampire is around this town and I have no idea how he wrote this threating note to me nad have no idea how he knew which one was my locker. Here is the threating note he sent to me Kaname. I have no idea where this vampire is at all,it sort of looks like a bit of your writing and also Kris's writing as well Kaname. After you read this note,you can love me,as long as you keep your evil side under contorl Kaname."
He read it and his evil side came out "Kris why now why choose now to get me to fall to darkness" he said out loud seeing it said 'Angel you will die if you keep the vamp in a cage, you will die by me' Kaname crushed it as the talisman hit the floor from the chain snapping and kaname got back so he would not hurt her.
Angel said to Kaname,"I have no idea why Kris wants you to fall into darkness at all,I wish I knew why Kaname. For now on we both must becareful in a sitution like this Kaname. I'll be alright if you'll be alright as well,and what do you mean by you want to love me right now.? I'm just curious to know that's all Kaname." Angel got up off the floor and she wonders what Kaname will do next and she sighed.
Kaname carried her to the bed and pinned her down. Struggeling he said "" he ripped her clothes off and went down licking her pussy ashisgreeneyes turned red hoping having her in his arms would calm him down.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"It's ok I forgive you,but whatever you do,don't touch my right shoulderblade it's slightly in a bit of pain,and have no idea why." She let Kaname hold her into his arms and hoped that he'll eventually calm down and Angel grips the sheet of his bed and she gently groaned when she felt Kaname licking her pussy.
After about fifteen minutes he calmed down and looked her in the eyes, with his now green again "I am so sorry Angel it may be from the attack the other day with Victoria." He stripped him self and layed next to her his soft voice was back as well "Let me see"
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok I'm glad that I was able to calm you down,and I'm glad that your normal self again. And sure you can see my right shoulderblade,you can take a look at it ok." Angel turns over to right shoulderblade and she has a bit of bruise on her right shoulderblade, and the bruise looked like she was badly hit by somekind of a sportsball that some of the girls pick on her and really don't like her alot and she sighed.
Angel said to Kaname,"I was hit by a basketball by some girls that hate me,because my boyfriend is a vampire,and plus they are all rich and snooby girls,think they can pick on a girl like me. As I told you once before,I'm happy with you even though you are a vampire,and most mortal girls fear vampires,but not me,only once in a while I let my fear get the best of me Kaname." Angel gently yawns away and she slowly closes her eyes and turns back onto her left side and places her head against Kaname bare chest.
Angel continued on sleeping away for a bit,because she had a bit of a tired day at school today and she mumbles to Kaname in her sleep,"Goodnight as well Kaname,I'll probably wake up around 3pm in the afternoon and your welcome for me not hating you at all Kaname."
Angel felt Kaname kissing her neck gently and she gently groaned in her sleep and she felt Kaname fall asleep with her while he was holding her.
Angel eventually woke up right at 2pm in the afternoon and she yawns and stretches for a bit and watches Kaname still sleeping away and she wonders what else is next they are suspose to do next now.
Kaname slowly woke up and said "ANgel is something wrong. If its the note then believe me when i say i will handle this" he held her close to him "ANd i would like to know if you have thought of my offer to give you a long life with me when your ready" knowing she was not ready yet but wanting to make sure she knew he was serious.
Angel said to Kaname,"It has nothing to do with the note at all,I can't always sleep all the time.We'll eventually have to get up Kaname. No I'm not ready for a long life not right now. You have to wait until after we both gradurate from highschool Kaname."
Kaname placed his hand on her cheek "Dont worry Angel i wont force you to do anything and i know we cant sleep all the time but now that some one threatened you i wonder if your safer here or at your aunt's" his eyes were filled with worry
Angel said to Kaname,"I'll be safer with you then at my aunt and uncle place. I know that you won't force me into anything at all,and when my father was threaten he hid my mom and I inside his coffin and the vampire didn't find us both,because we both pretended that we were dead,but we were alive Kaname."
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes my father was half vampire/half human and he was more human then vampire. Theo nly time he showed his vampire side if my mother or I were in danger,that is the only way he showed his vampire side, and he didn't harm my mother or I at all Kaname,i'm really am fine just a little bit hungery that's all. My father was a good vampire not evil at all."
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I can see why your so concern Kaname about my safety. I'm always safe with you and I'm glad that you are concern about my safety all the time Kaname." Angel let Kaname hold her closer to him and she knew how much he loves her and cares about her as well, Angel smiled at Kaname and she hugged him once again.
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