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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel said to Kaname,"You are welcome Kaname and yes let's get some sleep now,good night Kaname." Angel put her pjs on and laid back down on her bed and cuddled up with Kaname while they sleep.
Angel suddenly woke up from her sleep and she said to Kaname,"I think that someone else is inside your home,I can hear some noises downstairs in the living room and I can hear tow were wolves slowly begining howling and I have no idea why Kaname."
Angel glared at Kaname father and said to him,"Stay away from me I'm warning you right now vampire, and what the blazes do you want with me?." You'll never take me away from your son never ever and I hope that your own son kills you first."
Jason smirked "He'll come to see that your kind are ment to be food" He grabbed her and knocked her out so she could not get any help. He then took her to a spot hidden in the forest. Kaname burst in and screamed "Jason!!" He then ran and woke the Cullen family up "I need Edwards help" Esme saw that the evil side of kaname was in full control.
Angel hates it when she get's knocked out by the enemy and she slowly woke up in a guest room of some kind and she has no idea where the blazes she is now and hoped that Kaname would be able to find her before it's too late.

Edward wakes up and said to Kaname,"Ok I'll help you out and where would your father taken Angel,any ideas or suggestions Kaname hmm.?"

Bella said to them both,"I remember hearing Victoria talking about an aboannoed mansion in the forest that is like a hideout to her and to your father as well,that is all I know and please find Angel before it's too late Kaname."
Kaname said"ThanksBella you stay here tobe safe" he turned to Ed "Lets go it's the house i gerew up in" Kaname lead the way and stopped burting in the door "FATHER WHERE IS MY FIANCE" he shouted into the old house. Jason stepped out with her tied up by him "Fiance? Since when does a vampire mary a human" Kaname screamed "SINCE NOW"
Angel looked at Kaname and she never heard Kaname call her his finace until now and she looked at Kaname father and said to him,"Yes that is true I'm Kaname fiance and your gonna be sorry for taking me away from Kaname.Untie me right now Jason.I'm warning you Jason."

Edward was ready to fight and waited until Kaname told him to fight to help him save Angel from his father.
Kaname jumped and landed in front of Angel and snatched her from Jason. "I'm taking her home with me father" he said not looking at Jason while he untied Angel and said "Jo to Ed for now" His voice was like James'. He then stood and looked at Jason "If you ever take my love and try to make me turn her just so your happy...." He jumped back and landed next to Victoria killing her "I will kill you next father" He then pointed out some were wolves for Ed to kill.
Angel felt the ropes being untied and her hands could finally breathe once again and she started to back away from Kaname father and saw Kaname kill his own mother and she has no idea what she should do next.

Edward sees the werewolves and he goes after them both and get's ready to kill the two werewolves while Kaname was fighting against his own father.
Kaname faught his dad and then got pushed back to where Angel was. Jason said "You will never beat me unless you drain a human of their blood" while pointing at Angel. Kaname looked at his fiance then back at his dad. He stood up and with out looking away from Jason, Kaname got behind Angel and put an arm around her waist "Angel its up to you. We can leave now and risk him coming after you agin." he closed his eyes "Or you could be turned and i could kill my father. I'll let you choose since its your blood" Jason waited to see what the human girl would do.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"I'm not ready to be turned at all,I do not want to drink any mortal blood at any cost,I wish we could think of away to kill your father without me being turned Kaname. Their must be another way to defeat your father Kaname."
Kaname smiled at her "All right." He turned to Ed and said "Edward any way i could get some blood" he had no other way except for risking his own death in order to kill his father if he could not get any from Edward
Edward killed the two werewolves and said to Kaname,"You can finish drinking these werewolves blood,they'll make you a bit more stronger then you are now Kaname. You can defeat your father Kaname just focus and you'll do fine against your father."
He smiled "Thanks keep her safe for me Ed" he said as he went to get the blood. He drank it and seemed like he was James and not Kaname "Now father, we shall see who dies" Jason laughed and threw a knife that got stuck in Kaname's shoulder as he charged at his father. Grabbing it and attacking Kaname got cut up pretty badly. After a few hours the fight was over and Jason was dead. Kaname stood there bleeding and before he hit the floor he asked "Is she safe" then blacked out
Edward manage to get Angel to safety and Bella watched over Angel while Edward returned back to Kaname side and he tended to Kaname cut and carried Kaname over his shoulder and they both return back to The Cullen family home and Edward gives Angel a wet damp cloth to place onto Kaname forehead while Edward lays Kaname on the spare bed in the guest room.

Bella follows Edward out of the guest room and into the living room and they both sit down on the couch and begin to watch tv for a bit.

Angel keeps the wet damp cloth over Kaname forehead to help him slowly recover from his blackout he had and Angel sighed and hoped that Kaname will eventually wake up.
After about an hour Kaname came to and his evil side was still present. He saw Angel and sat up pulling her into a tight hug "Thank god your alright Angel. I never want to be forced to ask you that question agin" he said referring to if she would be turned or not in front of his dad. He slowly loosened his grip and turned to normal and said "Are ya hurt at all Angel" his soft southern accent back tellingher the evil had disappeared for now.
Angel hugged Kaname back and she said to him,"I'm alright the only thing that kind of hurts is my ankle that's all,I think your father must of somehow spranged my ankle that is all that is hurting. I do not want to be asked that question ever again,and the only way I'd be asked that question if I get very sick and then I'll be ready to be turned or when ever the prom is over Kaname. You need to rest now Kaname,I'll be right over their laying down on the couch ok get some rest Kaname my love."
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"If I ever did get that sick,the only thing that I'd want to do with you,is eventually give into you and your desire about us two making love with each other that is all I want to do with you Kaname ok."
Angel said to Kaname,"When ever that day comes I would like us to get married first and then make love with each other,before you turn me Kaname. I'm feeling pretty healthy right now and I won't probably get that sick from about 10 years from now Kaname."
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