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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Kaname was asleep in a corner in her room and slowly woke up "Hey ANgel i thought you would want your om and dad to know about being ingaged" he said not mentioning to tell them she had been turned, that was up to her.

Edward looked at bella after stopping and asked "What do you want to do now"
Bella said to Edward,"Let's go back to your room and get some sleep ok with you Edward.?"

Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"My mom is alive,but my father is dead,my mom is engaged to a guy that is going to be my step father. I'm not sure how they'll react if they know that you are a vampire Kaname,and I'm also a vampire as well."

Angel climbs out of her bed and she sits next to Kaname in the corner of their room and she hugged him and also kissed him as well.
Angel said to Kaname,"I'll just tell that were getting married and not that we are vampires,because my step father I think he hunts down vampires for money I'm not sure though Kaname." Angel smiled back at Kaname and knew that he right about that they should know they are getting married to each other.
Angel said to Kaname,"Of course you can come with me and meet my mom and also my step father as well as my finace Kaname,and they are staying over night at my aunt and uncle's place."
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes let's go and meet my mom and my step father and yes let's walk,but I need to get dressed first of all,do you have a dress that I could wear that use to be your mother's Kaname hmm.?"(d.)
Angel put's the dress on and said to Kaname,"This dress actually fits me and how I do look in this dress that was your mother's hmm Kaname.?"
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me I'll wear this dress then Kaname." Angel pulled out her nice body spray that smelled like cherry blossom and she knew what this smell did to Kaname and she sprayed it on herself and all over her body and said to Kaname,"Let's get going and please try to control yourself around me with this nice smell of my body spray ok Kaname."
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes you must control yourself and control your evil side right now Kaname. My mom and step father don't like seeing an evil side of a vampire Kaname."
Kaname said not yet his normal self "Aw thats to bad since its the evil side that saved you from death" he fell back to the floor and looked at her and said softly "I'm sorry Angel its the scent i think i should wait here for you just call if you need me ok"
Angel said to Kaname,"I forgot that it was your evil side that saved me from death,and also your good side as well. I thought that you wanted to meet them oh well,I'll be back sometime tomorrow night Kaname. You know how my mother and step father always want to spend time with me, see you later Kaname."

Angel leaves the room and she walks outside and walks over to her aunt and uncles place and she hugged her mother and shook her step father hand and showed them all her ring that Kaname gave to her.

All of her family were really happy for Angel and Kaname and Angel knew that if she didn't return back to Kaname later on tonight,he'll be really worried about Angel a lot and she sighed.
Kaname ran over and hugged her from behind "Why didn't you wait i was trying to thinkof a way to be accepted by your family" he said kissing her neck and leaving a hicky directly over the bite would to hide it. His evil side was out and acted cool "Hey everyone so what do you think of angels ring. I thought she should have something fit for an Angel as her name was perfectly choosen for her" he smirked at her to let her know what side was out "Right hun"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes that is right my love,and here is the ring that he gave me do you all like it and please be honest with me.?" Angel's aunt,uncle her mother and her step father said to them both,"That is a pretty engagement ring you gave to Angel Kaname you two make the perfect couple congraultions to you both." Angel knew that Kaname was his normal self once again when he is around her family.
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm glad that you like my family and they are nice. I think they really like you Kaname and let's head back home shall we Kaname my love.?" Angel waved bye to her family and followed Kaname back to their home and she wonders what Kaname has in mind for them both to do.
Kaname nodded and walked with her "Alright honey lets go home" they got back home and he took her to their room and asked "Would it be alright if i let the evil side out for a bit" his voice showed he wanted him mom but also wanted her to not worry
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"I'm still a bit frighten of your evil side,but if you want your evil side to show a bit,I'll try to get use to your evil side Kaname as long your evil side doesn't try to kill me at all Kaname,but be gentle with me my love ok."
He smiled "Of course Angel" he closed his eyes and let the evil side out "Hey and why would i kill the one i saved from death huh" he said pinning her to the bed and putting her hands above her head with one hand and putting the other down below saying "Ready for me to have my fun"
Angel said to Kaname evil side,"Yes I am ready for you to have your fun with me now,but be very gentle with me ok." Angel felt her being pinned to the bed and felt her hands being held over her head and she was slowly getting use to this a little.
Kaname's evil side said "Lets think of a seprate name for you to use to tell when im out and the good side of is not" he kissed her neck and licked over the spot where she was bit by the good kaname "so you let the good kaname bite you huh"
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