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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel said to him,"Yes I did let the good side Kaname bite me,and why would it matter to you?He covered up that bite on my neck so my family wouldn't know that I'm a vampire."
"Thats so sweet" he said and kissed directly over it tasteing a little dried blood "Anyway you should think of a name for me that way you can tell when i'm out instead of using the good side or the evil side all the time" he moved his free hand to her pussy area and began to rub her gently "Feel good Angel"
Angel said to him,"Yes that was sweet of what Kaname did for me and I'm trying to think of a name I can call you when your in your evil side hmm.?" Angel felt him rubbing her pussy area and she gently moaned and it actually did feel good.
He kept rubbing her and said "Anything comig to mind hun" he looked at her smiling that she wasnt fighting being pinned down like before "Have you really become completely ok with being pinned down" he asked with a slight smirk on his face
Angel looked at him and she slowly begin squrim to try to get out of being pinned and said him,"How does this name sound to you Drake.? That is the only thing I could think of or come up with."
Angel said to him,"Dark it is then." Angel felt Dark rubbing her poor pussy area and Angel tries to squrim a bit more and tries to escape from being pinned and she bit her bottom lip and tried her best not to moan.
Dark smirked "Oh i think the angel is trying to hide her pleasure" her quickly stripped her of her undies and moved to where he was looking at it and said "Time to give you some extreame pleasure little Angel" dark slowly began to lick her pussy and looked up at her "You like that" he said still licking her
Angel said to him,"Yes I do like that Dark and maybe I am hiding my pleasure from you you never know Dark." Angel finally stops bitting her lip and she gently let out a small soft moan escape from her mouth while Dark licks her pussy with his tongue.
Angel said to Dark,"Don't forget that I'm engaged to Kaname Dark ok." Angel felt Dark licking her pussy,and then fingering her pussy really hard and she moaned like heck and finally gave into Dark's desire and hoped that when Kaname went to his good side,he wouldn't be mad at his evil side for what he did to Angel.
Dark smiled "Thats it Angel, yes let your body take over and give in to your desires" he began to undress her then undressed him self and sucked on one of her boobs squeezing the other in his free hand and looked at her "I'm gonna go in now alright" he said letting her feel the tip of his cock on her pussy
Angel said to him,"Yes I'm ready,just hope that Kaname won't get upset with you,for what your doing with me Dark." Angel moaned when she felt Dark cock inside her pussy and she wished that Kaname was the one that took her virginty away,not Dark.
Dark smirked and said kissing her neck "I'll have my way with you later" and he let Kaname out. Kaname looked around and saw the position they were in and said softly "Angel honey are you ok" he closed his eyes and got off her since he had not broke her hymen to pop her cherry yet "I am not going to take your virginity like this" and he layed down lext to her letting her decide if he should pop it letting her know it would hurt
Angel said to Kaname,"Yeah I'm ok thanks for asking me Kaname my love." Angel slowly closed her eyes and she drifted off to sleep for a bit and leaned her head against Kaname shoulder blade and she was out like a light.
Angel continued on sleeping away and she suddenly woke up in about 4 hours and she felt a bit stired up about something and has no idea what it could be.
Angel said to Kaname,"I feel like that someone else is in this room besides just the two of us and not sure if I'm right or not Kaname.It's probably my imgiation playing tricks on me that's all Kaname."
Angel felt Kaname kissing her neck gently and she siad ot him,"It was only my imigation playing tricks on me that's all Kaname,and Kaname I really want you to pop my cherry before the night is over only you Kaname."
Angel lays back down on the bed and said to Kaname,"I know it will hurt,I did research about it and I'm ready Kaname and please keep your evil side insideo f oyu,don't let him take over again understand Kaname.?"
Kaname smiled at her and kissed her "He will never come out when it come to this unless you ask for him to come out" he gently held her hands above her head and kissed her deeply as he slowly put his full length inside her and stopping to wait for the pain to go away
Angel feels the pain going away and she said to Kaname,"That is a good thing your evil side won't come out unless if I ask for him to come out,which will probably be for a long time Kaname. The pain is gone away and I'm glad that you are taking my virginty away from me Kaname." Angel kissed Kaname on the lips and she smiled at him.
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