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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel said to Kaname,"That is ok with me you are giving me pleasure Kaname,and this feels so darn good,I love this Kaname." Angel moaned again when Kaname was slowly going in and out of her pussy and she gripped the sheets of the bed and was more comfortable when Kaname was giving her pleasure.
Angel smiled back at Kaname and said to him,"Yes please I would like you to go more faster so I can have my first oragsm with you only Kaname." Angel groaned when she felt Kaname licking her neck.
Angel felt Kaname going more faster and harder then even before and she said to Kaname,"Oh god I'm just ready about to cum oh god keep going oh god Kaname."
Angel nods her head and she gently bites Kaname on the neck to stop her from screaming and she finally cums all over his cock for her first time and releases her fangs from Kaname neck hoping that she didn't hurt him at al lwith her gentle biting.
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I did love how it felt,it felt so darn good,and i hope that I didn't hurt you when I bit my fangs gently into your neck Kaname."
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I understand that I could get pregnant,and I'd love to get pregnant with your child Kaname,we'll both make great parent's my love."
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I really do want to get pregnant with your child Kaname,please make me get pregnant by you only Kaname."
Angel felt Kaname cumming inside of her and it did kinda of hurt for a few minutes and she didn't scream when she felt Kaname biting her neck and drinking her blood a little. Angel continued on griping the sheets of the bed again and moaned out Kaname name only.
Angel said to Kaname,"You are welcome for me being your sacred maiden Kaname,and I wonder how long it will take until I find out if I'm pregnant or not Kaname. I enjoyed that very much and now we should rest and get some sleep now ok with you Kaname.?"
Angel said to Kaname,"That is ok with me that we do this any time we both feel like to do Kaname and goodnight Kaname." Angel closes her eyes and she leans her head against Kaname chest and was glad that he was laying down next beside her.
Kaname slept soundly and woke up early the next morning and layed there thinking about how to try and keep his evil side 'dark' from getting out and not go after angel for sex. He said to himself 'Dark if she gets hurt and its from you...' "your mine Dark if you hurt anyone" Kaname sat there looking at her and actually her his other half Dark speak to him 'dont worry i wont attack her, though i would like to have one night with her' Kaname whispered so as to not wake her "I dont know Dark"
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