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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

He smirked at her feeling her tummy "Do you like the feel of our child's tiny kicks Angel" he said softly as he put his hand on top of hers and kissed her forehead before he got up to get her drink. When he got back he said "Its so thrilling feeling him/her kick, i've been up all morning just letting my hand rest over your tummy and feeling him" his eyes were full of joy "Even more amaing was how fast Darks face lit up when i let him out for a bit to feel it as well"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes the tiny small kicks feel so nice inside my tummy,I can't until we figure out if this baby is a boy or a girl I wonder when I should go for an Ultra sound to find out what our child is a boy or a girl and thank-you for getting me a glass of water thank-you Kaname." Angel slowly begins to drink the glass of water and she was fine with drinking water.
Kaname smiled and rubbed her tummy then kissed it "Your welcome and i say let it be a suprise. Honest honey i dont care what gender the baby is. Oh have you thought of any names you like hun" Dark had been listening to them talk and was excited 'offer that i would love it if an option for a boy was after me Dark' Kaname said 'ok i will Dark'
Angel said to Kaname,"Fine with me darling that we leave this child a surpise and I hope it's a girl and I can name her after Bella that would be a pretty name if it was a baby girl Kaname what do you think Kaname hmm.?" Angel was enjoying lying in bed since she is pregnant.
Kaname smiled "Yes it is may i make two suggestions, one for each gender?" Dark was really anxious to see the baby and what he/she would be like 'hey kaname can you believe it you are a daddy' Kaname had to smile as he said 'No Dark, WE are a daddy' at that dark had a few tears escape from actually being included as the child's dad
Angel said to Kaname,"We have two more months left until our child is born and hopefully someone in Edward's family will be able to help me deliver our child Kaname."
Angel said to Kaname,"If we do have a baby boy,we can name him after Dark I have no problem with that at all.Oh yeah I forgot that Edward's father is a docotor.
Angel returned the kiss as well when Kaname kissed her. Angel said to Kaname,"I just don't want Dark to try anything funny when I'm still pregnant,you can let him out for a bit as long as he doesn't try anything funny with me ok."
Kaname nodded and lightly closed his eyes. His voice changed slightly as he spoke before opening them again to let her know Dark was out "Angel, Thank you" his eyes opened and they showed deep gratitude for the name if it were a boy that she had in her tummy. He kissed her lips gently then rubbed her tummy and spoke softly as if he were the same as kaname now "Hey baby its going to be so great having you in our lives" his eyes glowed showing that he would be like kaname from now on unless it was to keep her and the baby safe "Really Angel thank you for saying you would give the baby my name if it is a boy"
Angel said to Dark,"Your welcome for naming the baby after you if it's a boy Dark. I hope this child won't bite people at all,hopefully the child can keep his or her vampire side hidden,and not harm innocent people at all Dark." She felt Dark kissing her again and she was ok with it.
He layed her back and put her hands over her head holding them pinned and whispered "This" and then kissed her deeply and passionatley on her lips not showing any sign of letting up but istead his tougne asked for entrance into her mouth gently as his eyes were shut 'i waited to long but i had to earn her trust' he thought letting her feel the love he had with that single kiss
Angel felt Dark's kiss and she said to him,"That kiss was perfect and no trying anything else at all Dark ok. Why do I all of sudden have a major craving for chocolate? Dark could you please go and get me some chocolate please and thank-you Dark."
He let go and even helped her up and smiled "I only wantd to give you the one deep kiss with out any say from you. Now that i have i promise Angel" He smiled and left and after five minutes was back with some chocolate for her. He then smiled and asked "Anything you need at all just ask me ok"
Angel said to Dark,"Thank-you for getting me some chocolates Dark,I'll keep that in mind if I need anything else I'll ask Dark,but i'm fine for now."
Dark nodded and sat on the bed thinking to kaname 'hey if i were to stay out more evenly with you would she hate me?' Kaname shrugged 'i dont know dark, ask her'. Dark watched her and sighed his gaze going over every inch of her and longing to explore with his hands
Angel lays back down on the bed and she needs her rest and sleep,most pregnant ladies always need their sleep. Angel pulled the sheets and blanket over herself and dozed off to sleep once again.
Dark smiled at her and gently kissed her forehead "Good night Princess Angel" he then got up and walked over to the dresser and picked up the formal picture of Kaname, James, Jason[his dad] and his mother Krystal. He looked at it and said out loud "Kaname you have to tell her why i call her princess." Kaname nodded and said 'i hate being the prince to take over as the next king, even carliel treats me as king' Dark sighed deeply and said "Kaname either you tell her this secret or i will, and if i tell her she may not like the trueth of why i am here since my dad was the other half of your father Jason" He set the picture near her so she would see it when she woke and sat by the window
Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and she yawned and saw a picture of Kaname and his family and she was a bit puzzled at this and wonders why Kaname and Dark always call her princess for,and she sighed. Angel looked at the heartshaped golden locket that her mother and father gave to her and she wonders if this locket is somewhat connected between her and Kaname and she shrugged her shoulders.
Dark, who was still out said "Did you sleep well princess" his eyes seemed troubled and hid a secret a major secret from her. He sat and looked out the window sighing and knew he would have to explain since Kaname had passed out leaving Dark alone with Angel.
Angel said to Dark,"Yes I did sleep well,and why do you and Kaname always call me princess for? Am I missing out something,plus my mother and father gave me this heart shaped golden locket necklace to me. On the back of this locket is a symbol I do not understand or reconigze,want to take a look at this necklace ot see if you can figure out what this symbol means hmm Dark.?"
Dark sighed and looked her in the eye, his showing regret for Kaname keeping this most important secret from her "Angel that symbol is of your fathers clan and it is also the symbol that keeps vampire from killing anyone from your family bloodline" he then got up and walked over talking the picture. He sighed as he looked at Krystal and Jason "The reason why Kaname and i call you princess is because Kaname is to be king of all vampires. Which is also why Dr. Cullen and his family obey any thing Kaname says." He sighed and sat and opened her locket easilly to reveal a picture of Her mother and Kanames mother Krystal "You are to become the queen, the first human queen in the vampire society. I hate that i have to tell this to you since prince Kaname has passed out from being to scared to tell you him self. Also my father is the other half to kanames father" Dark began to cry from not knowing why Kaname never told anyone this horrible fate of his bloodline.
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