1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"I never knew this sercert at all,why didn't my real father and mother ever told me this,why am I always the last one to know about this, me be a princess and eventualyl a queen,not sure if I'll be any good at helping Kaname out with anything roaylity." Angel was a bit shocked at this news and she has no idea what to do now and she sighed,and finished eatting her box of chocolates and she also finished her glass of water up, and sighed at this shocking news.
Dark sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her to comfort her and said softly and caringly "You dont have to make any decisions you dont want to Angel. All official decitions are made by Kaname you are more hen a princess, you ave become our life and you can do anything you want we will make sure you are happy with anything you decide ok hun" he had begun to rock side to side to comfort her like Krystal did to Kaname growing up
Angel said to Dark,"What happens if the other vampires don't like me and try to kill me what will Kaname and you do,to keep that from happing hmm.?" She felt Dark rocking her side by side and she slowly begins to realx and rests her eyes.
He held her as close as he could "Angel if anyone comes with in an arm's reach of you with out Kaname's say i will forcefully take over and hold you against me and threaten to kill any who hurt or even think of hurting you, i promise" Kaname woke and asked if anything he could do. Dark tilted her head and kissed her lips softly "Would you like to talk to Kaname now that he is awake me princess"
Angel felt Dark kissing her lips once again and she said to Dark,"You and Kaname both know how to protect me from harm that might come our way. Yes please I would like to talk with Kaname please and thank-you my princes."
Dark smiled "Anything for the princess" he then kissed her forehead as he closed his eyes. When the kiss ended the one holding her was Kaname and he was sad and so sorry for what he did "Angel i-i'm so sorry for not telling you i had never wanted to do this but with me as the only one of my bloodline left i am forced by vampire laws to become king, please forgive me" he had started to cry as he held her
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok, I forgive you Kaname and I'm fine with this whole situation,please don't cry Kaname everything wil lbe alright." Angel gently holds Kaname to let him know that she is here for good.
Angel said to Kaname,"Of course I can forgive you for Dark telling the truth you are forgiven Kaname. I'll never leave your side ever,unless if another vampiress took you away from me,that is the only way I'll leave."
Angel felt Kaname pinning her and kissing her and she let Kaname tongue enter into her mouth and she was glad that Kaname was all cheered up. ((Should 2 months happen now in the next post where Angel gives birth to Kaname child.?))
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me I trust you and Dark,I want you both to see me giving birth to our child Kaname and Dark,and please hurry."
Kaname kissed her then let dark out. Dark knelt and got ready to pick her up "Are you ready hun, Kaname has sent a message to Ed warning them so we should hurry and get you to his place alright" He picked her up and waited for her to get set
Angel said to Dark and Kaname,"I am ready and take me to Edward's place please and thank-you." She gently wraps her arms around Dark neck and she was ready to go.
He nodded and jumped out the window to the trees and then took her to Ed's place where they were met by Dr. Cullen. Dr. Cullen met them "Prince, princess please this way" Everyone had an area set up and he got Angel settled in and hooked up to iv's and all that stuff. Dark held her hand and asked "Would you like me or Kaname out hun"
Angel said to Dark,"I would like Kaname out please and thank-you Dark ok." Bella enters into the room and she helps Edward and his family out with this and wondered what a vampire/mortal baby boy or girl will look like.
Dark smiled and kissed her cheek "Alright princess, If that is what you wish" and then he let Kaname back out. Kaname smiled "Thanks for everything Dr. Cullens" Carliel smiled "Dont worry. Know Angel the labor might start soon if your water broke so be ready for any pains ok"
Angel said to him,"I know that the labour pains will be a bit painful I know a friend of mine that went through this." Angel held Kaname hand really tightly and she started to breath in and out and starting to push a little bit nad knew that her water must of broke.
Angel nods her heads and she continues on pushing as best as she could and she pushed hard enough for the baby to born and she said to Dr. Cullen,"Is this a baby boy or a girl I hope it's a baby boy."
Dr. Cullen had Esme clean it up and said "What will you name the baby if it is a boy? And what if its a girl?" he had a birth certificate in his hand and waited to tell her till after he had a nae to right down. Ed looked at her "I would like Krystal after my mother if it is a girl and she said she would call it Dark after my other half if its a boy" Carliel wrote down the name and gave her the paper. Name of child 'Dark' and she was given her baby boy to hold as everyone smiled. Dark said 'i look cute'
Angel smiled at the baby boy she just gave birth to and said to Kaname,"Would you like to hold your son Kaname,don't worry you just gently hold him in your arm Kaname,he is so adoreable and cute."
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