1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel was done eatting and said to Kaname,"Your right about that Kaname,that our son needs a pacifer,instead of sucking on your finger and I'm all done eatting now Kaname my love."
Esme and Carliel walked in and said hi. Dr. Cullen went to Angel while Esme gave Kaname a pacifier and took the dishes out of the room. Carliel smiled "So how is the princess to day, you ready to head home. I had Emet go get your jeep so when your ready you cna leave guys"
Angel said to Carliel,"The princess is doing much better now,I feel more realxed then last night and I'm happy with my child I gave birth to. Thank-you for getting the baby a pacifer thank-you very much." Angel got off the bed and walked over to Kaname and their child and she sees how well Kaname is taking care of thier son and smiled at them both.
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes you do have a kind family and you make a great daddy,as I make a great moomy for the first time as well Kaname,we can leave for home when ever you want to. Do you have a crib at home to put our son in so he can sleep in hmm.?"
He smiled and stood up handing her baby Dark "Yeah mom always made sure to keep everything from us growing in the nursery she had. Dad let it be the only human thing she could do" He began to pack the things they were given and got ready to head home.
Angel carried the baby in her arms and said to Kaname,"I can't wait until baby Dark slowly grows up to see what he'll be like when he is a kid,I hope our son won't be any trouble for us both at all Kaname." Angel carried the baby Dark to the jeep and waited for Kaname.
Kaname followed her "He wont be trouble at all cause of us and Dark taking care of him" He smiled and helped them into the jeep so they could go as Ed came over. Ed said "Hey you guys take care and call if you need anything ok, and Carliel said to call you gguys family, so later bro" and he walked back over to Bella and waved at Angel.
Angel said to Edward,"Thanks for the tip,I'll tell my family that the baby was born and the baby is doing really well in health wise." She waved bye to Edward,Bella and rest of Edward's family too. Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their that me,you and Dark will keep an eye on the baby,and hopefully no evil male vampire henchmen tries to kidnap our child,that has happened so many times,I have read it in the book."
Kaname sighed "It happened to my mom, James was taken and that might have been why he turned evil" as they drove home he said "It happened cause the guy got close enough to take him and everyone saw the sings. When mom brought it up dad said that she was crazy so she sat back and watched it happen. Trust me that wont happen to baby Dark"
Angel said to Kaname,"I never knew that James was taken away from your mother at all,any other sercerts I need to know since I'm going to be ruling by your side Kaname hmm.?"
Angel get's out of the jeep and she walks into her aunt and uncles place and everyone saw how cute the baby was and her mother and step father said to her,"What did you name the baby boy please tell us all Angel or Kaname pretty please.?"
Angel's family was fine with that name and Angel's aunt said to Kaname,"Yes please I would like hold baby Dark please and thank-you Angel and Kaname,if it's ok with you both.?"

ANgel said to her Aunt,"It's fine with me that you hold your nephew go right ahead,as long as it's ok with Kaname as well."
He leaned forward and acted cocky as he put his arm around her shoulders after the baby was in her auts arms "If it wasn't ok i dont think Kaname would have asked, and its ok with me as well princess" his attitude showed it was Dark out. Kaname was mad 'Dark' but he also understood that her family had to get use to Dark as well. Dark stood up straight and said to everyone "Forgive me for forcing my way out but i wanted to formally meet everyone. I am Kanames other self, the baby is named after me." He bows in respect "I am Dark, and as kaname's other half i wish that you all enjoy seeing and holding the baby"
Angel's family looked at Dark and they knew that they had to get use to Dark as well and Angel hopes that her family will like Dark as much as they really like Kaname. ANgel's Aunt was holding the baby and then her uncle, then her mother and then her step father was holding the baby. Angel said to Dark very quietly,"When were with my family could you please just call me Angel instead of princess,I don't want my family to know about you and Kaname sercert ok Dark." She was fine with Dark arm around her and she was happy to see how her family excepted baby Dark into the family.
Dark looked at her and said just loud enough for the to hear "But why would you want to keep your new life as a princess a secret from your ownfamily hun, i dont understand" he sat down on the back of the couch and layed back so he was stretched across the back of it and said "Angel why dont you want them to know, its very important for them to know so you can see if they will support you or not. Kaname had me tell you so we could tell them" he closed his eyes trying to understand and added "Even Kaname wants to know why"
Angel said to Dark,"If my family finds out that I'm a princess,they'll keep here and won't let me have my freedom and my family defently over reacts when they find out that their are people that are roylatily nad I doubt that my family will support,they'll probably won't have anything to do with me,you,Kaname or the baby. That is how my family can be like,and I don't want to remain here without my own freedom." Angel sits down on the couch beside Dark and knew excatly that her family will be like this.
Dark looked at her and kissed her "Angel there is no doubts allowed with this, you have to tell them. I know you dont want to lose them but they need to know honey. Please at least talk to them about it for me and for Kaname" his eyes had tears in them and he was about to cry. He let the tears fall and said softly "I want them to know what life their baby girl will have"
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"Ok I'll tell them and don't blame me if they keep me here and try to keep me and baby away from you and Kaname. My mother and step father are more strict then anyone else in the family Dark,not sure how they'll react to this though." She gently kissed Dark back and she walekd back into the family room and wodners how she'll tell them all about that is a princess and Kaname and Dark are vampire prince's and she sighed.
Angel said to Dark,"Fine with me,but I think they'll all understand the situation that were in and here goes nothing."

Angel said to her Aunt,Uncle,Mother, and Step father,"I need to tell you all something and not sure how you'll react to this but, Kaname and Dark are both prince's of all vampires and I'm a princess of all the vmapires,I just found this out about 2 days ago,I hope that you'll understand the situation I'm in,please understand."

Angel's Aunt,Uncle,her mother and stepfather were all shocked at this and said to her,"Wow this is the latest news we have all heard,but we will support you and let you have your freedom for sure,we won't hold you back at al lyou have our words ok."

Angel said to them all,"Ok with me,I'm glad that all of you understand this and now you know the truth."
Dark put his cocky attitude back and said "See my princess you were worried they would hold you back, when all it took was telling them." he looked up at them and said "Thank you everyone for being supportive, and i hope you all will call to visit us sometime"
Angel's family said to them both,"Of course we'll call you before we vist you both and the baby take good care of our little girl Dark." Angel's stepfather hands Angel the baby back to her and said to her,"You sure have grown up the last time I saw you and your baby is so cute and take really good care ouf your mother and I grandson ok Angel." Angel said to her stepfather,"I will really take great care of your grandson and the family as well,bye stepfather." Angel said to Dark,"Are you ready to go home or would you like to stay around my family for a little bit longer hmm.?"
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