1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel finally cums for Dark and said to him,"You made me cum when you used your tongue inside of my pussy,I need a sip of water now ok." Angel takes a small sip of the glass of water and it quinched her thrist for a bit longer.
Angel moaned again when Dark was sucking on her clit and felt him fingering her more harder,and she said to him,"I know it's my choice if I want you to do something to me,but I'm not ready for anything else Dark ok."
Dark looked up at her still fingering her "Ok princess, but you are gonna have to cum again and it has to be bigger then your last one" his old self showed a bit in his words as he went back to sucking on her clit. Kaname watched unable to came back out at the moment and prayed angel would be ok.
Angel said to Dark,"Fine with me after I cum bigger then my last one,can we please rest up Dark please." Angel cums again and it was bigger then last time and she was a bit tired out from all this.
He smiled and moved to beside her while keeping his fingers inside her "Sure thing, we can rest hun. I'll even let Kaname back out be fore we pass out" Dark removed his fingers and put them in his mouth as he turned back. Kaname was shocked to find her taste as the first thing he got. He turned and faced her "Angel honey are you ok, Dark didn't do anything bad did he"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I'm ok,and no Dark didn't do anything bad to me at all Kaname,I'm really am fine Kaname." Angel hugged Kaname and she rested her head against his chest and smiled at him. She hears the baby crying and said to Kaname,"I'll be right back baby Dark is crying Kaname." Angel crawled out of the bed and she walked into the nursey room and found baby Dark blanket and she gives the blanket to baby Dark and he stops crying and she smiled at him.
Angel leaves the nursey room and she walks back to their room and laid down beside Kaname and she gently closed her eyes as well and thought inside her mind,"Why is Dark trying to force me into something that I don't want to do I'm not ready to get pregnant again,not until from 2 years now then I'll be ready."
Angel said to Kaname,"What is wrong Kaname,is something wrong,you can tell me what is bothering you or worrying you,please tell me what's wrong.?" Angel was a bit worried about Kaname and she comfort him,like he comforted her when something was wrong with her.
He sighed and held her as close as possible "Its just, Dark is turning into his old self somewhat and that could be dangerous now. I'm scared he might do something that would hurt our marraige and how the baby grows up" he had tears in his eyes as he spoke. Dark made it so his voice came out only "I was not going to change back to my old self, i only acted that way from wanting to give her pleasure and to get it out of my system before it drove me mad. Dont worry i aint gonna act that way again unless she wants me to and only when its here in bed" Darks voice then spoke softly "Angel i want you to know that if i was to enter you i would pull out and do everything possible to keep you from getting pregnate again" and with that Dark was gone and passed out so only angel and kaname where left
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point thier,but I don't think that he'll jeoparize our marriage at all Kaname,when I first met you and then Dark I was a tad bit scared of Dark,but now I'm getting use to this new life you have given me Kaname. I will always be here for you no matter what happens in the future Kaname,I'm really am happy with you Kaname,everythign is going to be alright Kaname." Angel wipe the tears away from Kaname and she gently hugs Kaname and she gently kisses his lips to help him realx and not worry.
Angel said to Kaname,"Please don't be scared,because when you get scared,you also make me scared as well Kaname,please realx Kaname."
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok Kaname,we have always survived in this life we both have for a bit Kaname. I love you Kaname,I hear a noise it's coming from the basement,and I have no idea what that noise is."
Kaname imedeately turned into Dark. Dark got up and said "Angel go to the baby and stay there no matter what. If you need me just yell got it." He then grabbed his fathers dagger from the drawer and went to the door "I love you and be careful" He went into the hall to slowly investigate what was in there home
Angel quickly runs into the nuresy room and stayed with baby Dark and she wonders whom else could be in their home and she was a bit scared and she pulled out her father's holy dagger and kept it close to her at all times and stayed with her child.
Dark slowly went down stairs and shouted "Who the hell is in my home and why are you here" A man sat in the corner and said while holding his daughter who was about two days older then baby Dark "Dark calm down be fore you wake up Sasha" Dark turned and saw him and sighed in relief "Damn it Chase you know better then to come like this." Dark shouted up to angel "Angel honey come down here and bring the baby" Dark motioned for Chase to come stand in the light so Angel was not scared
Angel put her father's dagger away and she carried baby Dark in her arms all the way downstairs and said to Dark,"Whom is that guy,I never seen him at all and what is he doing here hmm.?"
Chase handed his daughter to dark and bowed "Forgive me Princess for how i entered your home. My name is Chase Alsbeth and i am the person in charge of the council for which your husband leads." Dark looked at her "Angel he is also an old friend and forgets to knock, bad habit he needs to loose now." He turned into Kaname and said "And this hun is his daughter Sasha, she is about 2 days older then baby Dark" Sasha giggled as she went back to her father.
Angel looked at Chase and his duaghter and said to him,"It's a pleasure to meet you Chase, and your daughter is so cute and adoreable. You are forgiven for entering the home,I forgot that some vampires like to knock and some like to enter without anyone knowing their presence is around." Baby Dark slowly woke up and he sees another baby and he looks at his mother and then at his father. Angel said to Kaname,"I think your son wants you to hold him again Kaname my love."
Kaname smiled and took baby Dark and said "Hey you would you like a friend" He showed his son Sasha and said "What do you think" Chase smiled and said "The young prince is very cute my lady, may it be alright for us to stay with you guys for a few days to go over plans for the ceramony of crowning the new king and queen. Princess angel i would love for our children to be good friends growing up"
Angel said to Chase,"Ok with me that our children can be friends when they both begin to grow up,I'm fine with it as long as Kaname and Dark are ok with this as I am Chase." Angel sees Baby Dark begining to play with his father hair and she smiled at them both.
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