1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Kaname smiled as he got to hold his son "Angel he is so perfect, just like his mother" he gently kissed her lips and was happy. Dark looked and said 'i never thought i would have a baby named after me' Kaname smiled "Dark is happy his name sake is so cute" he giggled and handed the baby back to Angel
Angel rocked the baby boy very gently and carefully in her arms and said to Kaname,"Yes our son is so perfect just like we are perfect,and all of this giving labour to our son,has made me a bit tired out I need my rest, and thanks to everyone that helped me through this.I'm really am thankful to have friends. Good night everyone."
Esme took the baby and put him in a little crib and said "Alright both of you stay here and rest and tomorow we will see if you are well enough to move around ok" Kaname nodded and layed down next to Angel "Good night princess"
Angel said to Kaname,"Good night Kaname my prince." Angel closed her eyes and she rested her head against Kaname chest nad she felt defently safe around Kaname and Dark and so will their son feel safe around them both as well.
Angel continued on resting during the night and she was very proud of giving birth to her son and knew she'll make a great mother just like Kaname and Dark will both make great fathers.
Kaname slept and in the morning Dark was sitting by the crib looking at the baby. Dark sighed "I have never had anything named after me. He is so cute" he reached in and placed is finger in the baby's hand "He is so soft"
Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and saw Dark looking at the baby and she was glad that her son wasn't afraid of Dark at any cost.
Dark did not look away from the baby "Morning princess, the little prince is cute like his mother. Thank you for nameing hi after me and for loving both side of Kaname, it means alot to me really" he smiled at angel and never moved from the kids side
Angel said to Dark,"Good morning to you as well and of course all babies are cute when they are born weather they are human or not human Dark,and your welcome for naming the baby after you Dark."
He picked the baby up as if he were a natural at it and brought him over to her and sat by her "Here hun have your baby boy" Rosalie was in the door way watching "Looks cute you two and i gotta say he looks just like you Dark" Dark smirked not looking at her "Thanks rose" he had called her rose since long time ago when he first met the Cullen's family
Angel held her baby boy in her arms and said to Dark,"He looks like Kaname and he also looks like you as well Dark." Angel cradled her son in her arms and the child slowly fell alseep and she smiled at her son.
Angel said to Rose,"I would like a small garden salad that is all." Angel continued on paying attetion to her son and she loved her son so much.
Angel nods her head and she continues on being very content with her son and she notice that her son slowly opens his eyes up and she smiled at him and his eys were just like Kaname eyes.
Angel said to Dark,"I have no idea if he'll be like Kaname and you,I have no idea we just have to wait and see,and let time go on to see how well our son will grow up and be like when he get's older."
Angel said to Dark,"I do see your point their Dark,I also don't want to deal with an alter ego especially when it comes to a baby boy Dark and Kaname."
Dark gently kissed her cheek "My princess i have to go now ok, you know how to get a hold of me for anything" he then closed his eyes and fell into a chair. Rosalie stood in the door and said "I-is he ok" Kaname opened his eyes and said "Hey guys, i guess Dark spooked you Rosalie" he smiled as he went and got the water and salad and went back to angel. "Time to eat hun" he gentally put the baby back in the crib so she could eat "So are you doing Angel"
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm doing much better now,the water is for Dark and the salad is for me and thank-you for the salad Roselie it looks really good and yummy. Thnaks for bringing me my salad to me Kaname." Angel slowly eats her salad up and it tasted very good to her and she was almost done her salad,when she heard the baby begining to cry.
Angel said to Kaname,"We can head home soon in about an hour from now and the baby is crying,I'll be right back Kanama,unless if you want to try to mkae our son stop crying go ahead and be my guest Kaname my love."
He smiled "You stay put and eat." he walked over and held the baby and sat down in a chair rocking him and letting him suck on his finger "He needs a pacifier hun, for something to have instead of my finger" he laughed a bit.
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