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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel continued on sleeping away and she eventually woke up in about 2 hours and she yawns and stretches for a few minutes and she quickly crawled out of the bed and quickly ran into the washroom and she threw up and knew that she was pregnant for sure and she was hppy about this.
Kaname sat on the bed thinking of a way to tell her family and everyone. He sent a message to Edward 'Ed tell bella that angel is prego and try to not let it get out of hand and be a huge deal ok' He sighed and walked to the bathroom "Angel honey you ok" He asked rubbing her back
Angel said to Kaname,"Yeah I'm ok,just getting the signs of being pregnant with your child,it'sd no problem at all,I can handle this on my own Kaname,as long as you stay by my side and help me through with this pregacy Kaname."
He sighed and got down beside her "Of course i will help you through this Angel now want to go tell your family and bella" he said making it sound like this was great and he kept up his spirits to keep her cheerful even though he was worried about how she will be as time goes on. "Hey Angel tell me how many kids do you want"
Angel said to Kaname,"My family already knows that I'm pregnant I called them on my cell phone and they are happy for us both Kaname. I'm really am glad that you are going to help me through this pregacy thanks Kaname."
He smiled at her "I just wish i had at least one family member that would be nice like your family but as far as i know they are now all dead" he said sadly thinking of how the baby might be afraid of his heratege on Kanames side "What will we do" he said to him self a bit worried
Angel said to Kaname,"Everything will be ok,you'll see Kaname.Please don't worry about a thing,because when you get worried,you also get me worried as well. My family has except you in their life,everything will be fine Kaname,you'll see,you got to trust me and I'm always right Kaname my love ok."
Kaname sighed and looked at her "Thats not it. I do trust you with my life and i just worry that the baby wont have a chace to know the things i went through growing up" He sat there with her in the bathroom and thought of how James was the one to show him how to fend for himself when lost. He thought out loud "I wish i knew why James turned evil like that"
Angel said to Kaname,"No one knows why James turned evil like that,not even I know. If I knew why James turned evil,I'd tell you Kaname. Don't worry our child will do fine in this world,we'll make wonderful parent's nad we can teach our child how to be good,if you want our child to be good,I'll need your help to show our child the way of good Kaname ok."
Angel said to Kaname,"Don't worry we'll make our child understand that Dark is a bit dangerous to be around Kaname,I'll worn our son/daughter ok you have my word Kaname." Angel kissed Kaname back on his lips and she smiled at him.
Angel said to Kaname,"I'll talk with Dark as long as he doesn't go after me for sex,that is the only way I'll talk with him Kaname and make sure that Dark understands my descision Kaname ok."
Kaname did a slight nod to say yes as his eyes slowly opened to the color of Darks and the now red eyes shined at her "Dont worry i aint gonna attack you for sex" he sat there and acted almost human. He smiled at her "So Kaname's gonna be a daddy" he thought of if it meant he to would be a father or if he would be left out completely "I would like just one night with you before the pregnancy gets far along. And that of course is all up to you"
Angel looked at Dark and she said to him,"I'd rather wait until Kaname and I child is born before you have one night with me,and do not worry we both won't leave you out of our child life,but if our child is born,I can't guarntee that he or she will be comfy around you or not,I have no idea what Kaname nad I child will react to you Dark ok."
Dark sat there "Thats fine i just what the kid to know both sides of its father and i would wait forever if i am promised just one night at least with you" he closed his eyes getting ready to let kaname back out "I am ready to go back if you want Kaname again"
Angel said to Dark,"The child will know both sides and we must wait until the child is born and I think for a female vampiress to give birth to a child it only takes about 3 months instead of nine months I think,I'll figure it out Dark." Angel laid down back on the bed and she was resting up and wondered if this child will be nice or mean when it's born and she sighed and continued on resting up for a bit.
Dark layed next to her and kissed her cheek "Would you like Kaname back. To be honest i do like being out and spending time with you, though i seem evil as kaname says it just that i act on his feelings. When i pinned you that night like that it was because i was acting on wish want to become one with you not to be evil" he explained how he was more of act on instinct then being evil and kept making sure if she wanted him to stay out or if she wanted kaname back as he gently rubbed her stomache
Angel said to Dark,"You shouldn't of pinned me like that at all I do not like being pinned like that,because when another vampire pinned me like that about 2 years ago,I killed him with my wooden stake and stabbed it through his heart. I almost wanted to kill you like I killed a male vampire about 2 years ago Dark. I know you like being out,but I just don't want you to go after me for sex while I'm resting and pregnant Dark I hope thta you'll understand my point of view Dark and I would Kaname back please and thank-you Dark."
Dark siled "Sure anything for you Princess and i'm sorry for being like that and i'm sorry for hurting you if i did" with that he kissed her on the lips passionately and then layed next to her as he let Kaname back out after telling her that he loved her as well. Kaname looked at her and said "I hope that he didnt hurt you or scare you when he said he loves you as well"
Angel said to Kaname,"No he didn't scare me at all when he said he loves me as well as you do Kaname. I can't wait until our child is born I hope that our child will be healthly just like were in really great shape Kaname and good night now Kaname." Angel closed her eyes and leaned her head on Kaname chest and she was out like a light once again.
Kaname smiled and watched her sleep as he talked with Dark 'exactly what did you do' Dark smiled 'i told her sorry for i always act on your feelings and that i would die if i ever hurt her or the baby' Kaname smiled 'thanks Dark' Dark smiled 'you need sleep, later' and then it was silent and kaname passed out and was a light sleeper to make sure he could protect his new family
Angel continued on sleeping away and she enjoyed sleeping on Kaname chest and she curled up more closer to Kaname body and she was having a nice dream and no more nightmares.
Kaname got up the next morning and sat in bed with her still sleeping on him as he spoke to Dark. 'Hey why do you act on the feelings and instincts i have' Dark spoke serious but softly 'its just something i do, you and i get it from you mom. she was the best female vampire ever and if i had been around and in my own body i would have fallen in love with her' Kaname sighed 'i miss her Dark' Dark sighed as well 'i know you do but you have a women still and she is even ok that i m here' Then as if they were one set of eyes they both looked at angel asleep in kanames arms
Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and she yawns and stretches and said to Kaname,"Good morning Kaname,I slept very well and thanks for everything you have done for me, and I'm little bit thristy could you please get me a drink of water please and thank-you Kaname." She smiled at Kaname and felt the child slowly starting to kick inside her tummy and she wonders if Kaname felt their child kicking or not yet.
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