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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel whispered into Kaname ear and said to him,"Yes I'm ok with that how you asked me to be engaged to you Kaname. If you need anything else I'll be laying down on the couch Kaname,enjoy your sleep."
Angel felt Kaname squeezing her hand and she said to him,"Ok with me I'll lay down beside you then Kaname.I know you are still in pain from the fight,just continue on resting up Kaname ok." Angel laid down beside Kaname like he asked her to do and Angel gently leans her head against Kaname chest and she slowly closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep for a bit.
As they sleep Kaname has nightmares of Angel either being killed or turned into a vampire that kills him. He sat up suddenly screaming "NO!!" he looked and saw he had clentched his fist causing Angel's for arm to bleed. He got to the floor crying "ANgel i'm sorry, i'm so sorry" and he gently licks the blood
Angel suddenly wakes up and said to Kaname,"Calm down Kaname it's ok,I'm still here,please stop crying please Kaname,it was only a nightmare you had,I'm fine Kaname." Angel sees Kaname licking the blood up on her forearm and notices it that it's healing up and she knelt down beside Kaname and put her hands on Kaname face to wipe the tears away from his eyes.
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"I know it's a bit dangerous to be around you Kaname, I know how it feels to have nightmares,trsut me it's not a good sight to have nightmares Kaname. If you want me to leave you and stay away from you,I will then,see you around Kaname." Angel started to slowly walk away from Kaname and she wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing or not.
He got behind her and pulled her into a tight hug not letting go. His voice changed to that of his evil side "You cant leave. If you do the other vampires will kill you or even turn you against me by bitting you" he held her so she could not look at him. He said softly "If anyone comes near you i want you to lie and say i have bitten you. Now please dont move or this illusion wont work" He gently took his fingers and made to puncture wounds looking like he bit her. "That is just my nails, i wont ever really bite til you ask" he said gentlylicking the blood from her neck.
Angel felt Kaname pulling her into a tight hug from behind and knew that he wouldn't let her go and Angel said to Kaname,"I promise you that if any other vampire tries to turn me I'll lie to them and said that you bitten me already ok Kaname. Hopefully this illsuion will work of yours Kaname. Is their anything else you want me to get you a glass of water or are you ok Kaname.?"
Angel said to Kaname,"I'll be alright Kaname,Bella and I are going for a walk and we both have two daggers to defend ourselves. Because Edward gave Bella two daggers one for her and one for me to defend our selves,we won't be long on our walk Kaname,and if we end up in any trouble we'll shout Edward and your name out ok Kaname. We'll be back in about 10 minutes Kaname ok." Angel left the guest room and Bella and Angel both went for a walk around the house and they were both talking to each other,unaware that a male vampire with venom inside of his soul was following the two girls.
Kaname nodded and watched her leave with bella. Laurant followed the girls knowing that his best chance for a meal was the new girl Kaname had. Laurant jumped and bit Angels wrist and then looked at bella with blood thirst eyes "Your turn girl"
Bella yelled out Edward and Kaname name and Edward quickly caught up with Bella and he kept Bella away from Laurant and glared at him and said to him,"Your going be sorry for biting Angel in her wrist,you do not want to face Kaname wrath once he finds out what you did,he'll kill you and keep away from Bella and leave her alone."

Bella caught Angel when she was biten in the wrist and she slightly cursed underneath her breath and hoped that Kaname would get here as soon as possbile.
In the blink of an eye Kaname was face to face with ;laurant and spoke as if he were James "Your in trouble and this time no one can help you since your the only one left" Kaname bit and tore a piece of Laurants neck off and threw against the wall breaking bones
Bella said to Edward,"You were right about how protective Kaname is of Angel and I've never seen Kaname act like this at all until now,just hopefully he can save Angel without turning her Edward."

Edward hugged Bella and said to her,"Just like how I was protective avout you Bella dear."

Angel winches in pain and she passes out from the poisonus bite in her wrist and she knew how much pain Bella went through when this happened to her about 3 years ago.
Kaname left Laurant on the floor in pain "Edward make sure he doesnt move" Kaname then went over to bella and Angel and took angel in his arms. He softly tapped her cheeks "Angel wake up i need to to choose" he looked at her and hoped she would come to. He took her wrist and removed all the poisen and a bit extra to make sure he got it all. He then stopped and took her to the guest bed. Placing a damp cloth on her forehead he said "Please wake up Angel. Bella stay and watch her" he then went back to Laurant and said "You tryed to girl ANgel you are no longer worthy of life" he then killed Laurant and stood looking at him.
Bella said to Kaname,"Hopefully you can wake up Angel Kaname and she is slowly waking up now."

Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"What the blazes just happened to me,am I going to be ok Kaname.?" Angel was a bit scared now and didn't know what else she should say to Kaname.
Kaname looked at her still in his evil form "Laurant bit you and i sucked out the poisen and killed him" He tourned back to the dead body on the floor "Angel your wrist will take a while to heal but there is something i need you to do now that this has happened" He went over to her and in a flash he had her in a tight hug "I'm sorry but you have to make the choice now if you want to be turned or the next time it will be to late and you might die from the massive pain from being turned" Edward walked over to Bella adn put an arm around as the two watched Kaname and Angel
Angel said to Kaname,"Thank-you for sucking out all of poiosn out of my system thank-you Kaname and I'm not sure if I'll enjoy being turned or not,but remember what I told you,before you turn me,I would like to be engage to you Kaname."

Bella very queitly said to Edward,"You do have the engagement ring that Kaname got for Angel give it to him and he can purpose to Angel Edward.?"

Bella didn't mind Edward arm being around her at all.
Edward tossed Kaname the ring. Kaname put it on Angel's finger and said "Marry me Angel" his normal self not yet back. Edward pulled out a second ring and said "Bella be mine forever" and he put in on bellas hand. The guys waited for them to answer
Bella looked at the ring and said to Edward,"Of Course I'll always be yours forever and the ring is so beautiful Edward thank-you Edward." Bella hugged Edward and she gently kissed Edward on his lips.

Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"This ring is so beautiful and you have great taste in jewerrley and of course I'll marry you Kaname,as long as you go back to your normal self again Kaname."
Edward whispered into Bella's ear "Do you still want to become like me" he said softly kissing her neck. Kaname smirked and closed his eyes, opening them he said in his normal voice "I need you to give an answer now ANgel. Would you like me to turn you into a vampire like me"
Bella whispered to Edward back,"Yes please I'd love to be a vampire like you Edward,I'm ready for the change."

Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"Yes you can turn me into a vampire like you,but remember what I also want to happen when you turn me into a vampire Kaname." Angel moved some hair away from her neck and she exposed her neck for Kaname to turn her.
Edward pinned her carefully to the floor "This may hurt Bella but it wont be anywhere near as the pain you felt from James" He took a moment then bit Bella's neck to start her turning into a vampire. Kaname pinned her to the bed and let his fangs grow as he got ready "I know we become one" he said taking the time to get the naked to full fill her request. He placed himself inside her and thrist in taking her virginity away and as the pain came he covered it by bitting her neck thinking 'this is only the start of your new life'
Bella closed her eyes and felt Edward turning her into a vampire and his bit didn't hurt as much as James bite hurted her.

Angel winches in a bit pain after Kaname sank his fangs into her neck and she felt a bit weary and a bit weak after she was turned.

Angel slowly woke up back in their room at Kaname parent's house and she was slowly recovering from being turned by Kaname.
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