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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel said to Dark,"I love you so much as well as I love Kaname so much too Dark." Angel cuddled up more closer to Dark and she suddenly heard another howl and said to Dark,"What was that,the howling sound is getting closer to us Dark,I have another bad feeling about this."
Dark stood up with her and said "Angel listen carefully, i want you to go tell Chase and Goren to come here while you and your mom watch Sash and Dark jr. ok" He kissed her then jumped down to the ground to stand guard.
Angel walked back inside of the house and said ot Chase,"I have been hearing some holwing sounds coming this way,Dark needs your help to stand guard,go help Dark Chase, and I'll let Goren know as well ok Chase. My mother and I will protect Dark jr. and Sash ok." Angel walked into her mother's room and said to Goren,"Dark and Chase need your help as well to fight off some werewolves that are coming this way,please help them both and my mother and I will remain inside go help them please Goren.?"
Angel and her mother both stayed in the nuresy with the kids and Dark jr. was slightly fussing again and he woke up and wanted his mama and Angel picked up Dark jr. and she held him in her arms again and grabs a soother and Dark jr. begins to chew on the soother,because he was begining to teeth a bit.
Dark stood with Chase and Goren when a group of wolves showed up and the leader said "Where is Angel, i came to see my old school mate from a few years ago" Dark growled at him "What do you want with my wife, and who are you" The man smirked "My name is Nick and i am her fiance" Chase ran inside and told Angel what the guy Nick said about being her fiance and that Dark is about to attack. Foren held Dark bark as Dark screamed "The hell you are, i never saw a ring therefore she aint your fiance" Nick laughed "Please does she even know your a damned vampire Dark"
Angel said to Chase,"Whatever that werewolf Nick said to Dark,it's not true I'm not Nick's finace at all never ever have I ever been his finace at all Chase,here you hold onto Dark jr. becareful he is startign to teeth." Angel glared at nick and said to him,"I have never ever been your finace never ever Nick,your just jealious of Dark,because he is more stronger then you and more good looking then you'll ever be Nick,leave us alone or else Dark will kill you Nick." Angel stayed behind Dark and didn't move from his side at all.
Nick looked at her and smiled "Angel dear have you forgotten that i proposed and gave you a ring before you left to move here" Dark started to turn feril and Goren was starting to have a hard time holding him back "Angel do something, Dark's going feril and wanting to kill" Dark snarled and bared his fangs at Nick.
Angel said to Nick,"I don't remember that at all,I had my reasons why I left where I originaly came from,to get the hell away from you,you are a threat and a danger to all of us,I don't like you anymore Nick,I love Dark only and Goren can't hold Dark back anymore,your funeral is now,unless if you leave now and never ever come near me or my family ever again Nick." Angel said to Goren,"I never ever been engage to a werewolf at all,I have no idea what the blazes he is telling,it's all a lie Goren and Dark."
Angel said to Dark,"Enough Dark you know that I can't stand the sight of blood anymore,just tell him to leave us alone and if he ever comes near us ever again,you'll kill him,please trust me Dark,if you kill this werewolf,I might never ever talk to you ever again,please stop this my dearest prince.?"
Goren was silent and Chase stood in the doorway holding Dark jr. Dark froze his fangs inches away from the major vain in Nick's neck. Dark jumped back and landed behind her and pulled her close resting his head on her shoulder next to her neck "Scram mut" was all he said as a beat up Nick ran away with his commrads. Goren pulled Dark back and moved so that Darks fangs bit him and not Angel. As he was bitten Goren said "Angel get in the house now, please you should not have to see him like this now please get inside" Fang had bitten hard and was drinking quite a bit more then he needed to and Goren was doing his best to hide this from Angel so she would not be scared.
Angel was already inside the house with Chase,Dark jr. and her mother and Angel said to Chase,"May I please hold my son now,thank-you for watching him and Dark jr. needs his mom now ok Chase." Kira hugged her daughter back and was glad that Dark didn't sink his fangs into her neck and Angel was alright and wondered if Dark would be alright or not.
Dark soon withdrew his fangs and passed out. Chase ran over and shouted "Kaname" Goren sat there holding Kaname and said "He's ok Chase. He just passed out thats all" Goren did not even bother to mess with his neck which was still bleeding and stood up and took Kaname inside.
Angel put Dark jr. back to sleep and she laid him back down in the crib beside Sash again and put the baby blanket over them both so they wouldn't get cold during the rest of the night. Angel said to Chase,"Are you sure Kaname is going to be alright Chase,I'm a little bit worried about him Chase."

Kira leaded Goren to the room that Kaname/Dark and Angel both shared and she said to Goren,"Hopefully the prince will be alright Goren."
Chase stood in the doorway and said watching Kaname "He'll be fine Angel, he just needs to rest now" Goren put Kaname on the bed then sank to the floor on his knees and out of breath "Damn, i guess he took more then i thought" and he passed out after leaning his back against the side of the bed and his neck started to finally slow down on the bleeding from the bite mark. Chase walked over and sighed and said "Angel, Kira, they are both fine this has happened before we all met you. Kaname took to much this time and Goren just over did it by pushing himself to far" soon Chase had bandaged Goren's neck and both guys were sleeping ok.
Kira carries Goren into her room and she lays him down on her bed and she lays down beside Goren and she slowly closes her eyes and she get's some sleep once again.

Angel crawls into bed beside Kaname and she slowly closes her eyes and she drifts off to sleep for a bit.
Kira gently placed a wet damp cloth over Goren forehead while he sleeps and she whispered to him in his ear,"Next time please becareful Goren,I love you Goren and night now."

Angel stayed beside Kaname in their bed and she was glad that he got rid of that werewolf Nick and his werewolve friends and Angel sighed in her sleep.
Kira woke up from her sleep and she gently kissed Goren on his lips while he was sleeping away.

Angel gently kissed Kaname on his lips as well while he sleeps away and hoped that her kiss didn't wake up Kaname at all and she continued on laying on the bed still.
Angel said to Kaname,"Dark passed out after he drank some of Goren blood and when he passed out,you were yourself Kaname,just rest, don't move too much, I'll be getting some groceries for the house,don't worry I'll be fine Kaname ok. Just rest up you need more rest ok I'll be back in a bit Kaname ok."

Kira said to Goren,"Yes Kaname is alright his head is just killing him,and Angel has gone to pick up some groceries for here,she'll be alright on her own ok Goren."
Kaname was in to much pain to stop her. Goren got up and said "Kira you go take care of Kaname" he then left and quickly caught up to Angel and said "You should never leave the house alone Angel, Kaname will worry to much"
Kira looked at Kaname and she gently placed a damp face cloth over his head and said to him,"Goren has gone with Angel to pick up some groceries for the house ok don't worry about her too much Kaname ok."

Angel said to Goren,"I know that Kaname worries about me,but he needs to know that he can trust me Goren and were at the grocery store and please try to keep your fangs inside so you don't scare these mortals at all Goren ok."
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