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1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel didn't relaize that while she is sleeping she was also playfully nibbling on Kaname earlobe and knew excatly what it does to him and she wants to make love with Kaname only and has no idea when.
It was morning now and Kira was the first one to awaken from her sleep and she yawned and stretched for a few minutes and she climbed out of her bed, and she gently nudged Goren to wake him up from his sleep now.
Kira said to Goren,"Do you have any blood tablets on you,my blood is a bit low and I'm thridty for blood,hopefully you have a blood tablet on you Goren.?"
Kira said to Goren,"Are you sure your blood won't have any bad effects on me.?I just don't want to end up like Dark ended up Goren,that is my only concern I have,if I drink a bit of blood from your neck Goren."
Kira sinks her fangs into Goren neck and begins to drink some of his blood and hoped that her bite didn't hurt him at all and she drinked enough blood to help her be strong and she removes her fangs off his neck and licks the bite up with her tongue. The bite was all healed up and she licked a bit of blood off her lips and said to goren,"I hope that my bite didn't really hurt you alot if it did I'm sorry Goren."
Kira said to Goren,"I drank enough blood from your neck Goren my love,i'm not so weak like I was before,I'm feeling much more stronger then last time my love,I had enough blood,and thnaks for the comment how you like my fangs sinking into your neck Goren my dearest love."
Goren smiled and pulled her into a kiss and then said "Kira even if you are not weak anymore i still want you to drink all you want ok. You have had tablets for to long and i want you to have your fill of fresh blood"
Kira said to Goren,"I had enough fresh blood for a bit,if I drink anymore of your fresh blood,I'll probably end up being sick to my stomach,and I do not want to be sick Goren." Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and she yawned and crawled out of the bed and stretched for a few minutes and she let Kaname continue on sleeping away.
Kira said to Goren,"Of course I can lay with you for a bit Goren,I don't mind at all Goren." Angel said to Kaname,"I'm just going to the washroom to have a nice realxing shower,why do you ask for Kaname hmm.?"
Kira laid down beside Goren and kept him company for a bit. Angel said to Kaname,"Ok I won't run away at any cost,I shouldn't be long in the shower ok see you after my shower Kaname." Angel walked into the washroom in their main room and she turned the shower on and removed her pjs off her body and she stepped into the shower and the water felt so nice against her naked body and wonders why Kaname was smirking for and she shrugged her shoulders and sighed.
Angel knew that Kaname let Dark out and she said to him,"Hello my prince,I just needed to have a shower so I can feel so nice and clean,I'm fine Dark." Angel was almost done her shower and she smiled at Dark and wondered when he'll let Kaname back. Kira looked at Goren and said to him,"Fine with me,that we move to my bed more comfortable then this couch Goren."
Goren sat up not letting go and stood up holding Kira in his arms and carried her to the bed and set her down gently saying "I love you so much Kira" Dark smirked and said "I came to join you princess, just for even a little bit if thats ok"
Kira said to Goren,"I love you so much as well,but I'm not ready to have another child,the child could die of crib death like my 3rd child died of crib death Goren." Angel said to Dark,"I don't mind that you join me in the shower for a bit I'm fine with it my prince."
Dark proceeded to kiss her and did not care that he was still in his pj's and that they were getting soaked. Goren smiled at her and said softly "Kira i wont do anything untill your ready" he then layed next to her and held her close as he closed his eyes happy to just be with her if nothing else
Angel returned the kiss as well and the water felt so nice against her body and she smiled at Dark and she was now feelinga little bit more realxed then last time. Kira said to Goren," I know that you'll won't make me do anything until I'm ready Goren,which I'm fine with." Kira rested her head against Goren chest and she falls back asleep for a bit.
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