1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I will feed our son my love." Angel said to Chase,"That is good Sash said dada to you. I'm glad that my son and your daughter are friends Chase."
Chase smiled "As am i princess. Kaname, you need to call you uncle who is head of all vampires and let him know about the attacks recently" Kaname nodded and left to make the call and came back saying "He said he would be here with in the hour. Angel go get your mother, she should be here when uncle arrives"
Angel walks into her mother room and wakes her up and her mother wakes up and nods her head and she follows her daughter to where Kaname/Dark Uncle will be here in an hour. Angel sat in her room and breast feed Dark jr. again and she gently pats him on his back and he burps again and she wipes his mouth off and fixes her top and put's her top back over her breast and rocks Dark jr. to sleep.
After an hour had passed a man stood out side and yelled "Kaname, where are you boy" the mans voice was not harsh, but instead gentle and full of eagerness. Kaname opened the door and stepped out "Right here Uncle and please dont call me boy anymore" The man walked over and said hugging him "I am your uncle and i will call you what i want" Kaname sighed as Dark came out "Hello Uncle Goren" Goren smiled and said "Dark long time no see" he froze and sniffed the air "Kira, Kira are you here" he knew the scent very well of his sister-in-law
Kira said to him,"Yes I'm here I'm inside the house with my daughter and her baby,don't need to yell out my name Goren." Angel hid behind her mother and Dark jr. was still sound asleep in her arms.
Goren smiled at her and said putting his arm around Darks shoulders "Kira you look as beautiful as ever. You never change do you" he walked over to give her a hug and said "I am very sorry for the attacks on your daughter and everyone. I would have stopped them myself had i known of them" Dark walked over to Angel and said "Dont worry hun, uncle Goren is one person who you can trust with your life. In fact he is the one who watched after kaname and me when dad went mad after mom's death"
Angel said to Dark,"Ok I believe you Dark." Kira said to Goren,"Thank-you for the comment you gave me,and you are handsome as ever too Goren. Your apology is excepted,but thanks to the council Kaname had no choice but to turn my daughter into a vampiress Goren."
Goren turned to angel and sad with true sorrow in his eyes "I am so sorry my dear, if there is ever anything i can do you just let me know ok. Kira i will do all i can to see if there is a way to turn her back if she wishes it" Dark turned back into Kaname. Kaname said "Uncle, may i know why those council members said that it was your order to attack us and that i could not wed a human" Goren was silent showing he had truely not said this "Kaname, i love you as a son and trust me i would never send anything or anyone to attack you or your family. Vampire or human, i would let you have your princess be whoever you liked"
Kira said to Goren,"Yes their is away for a vampiress to become mortal once again,the cure is somewhere hiden in Count Dracula castle in the lab of his,don't you remember that at all. I remembered that for sure Goren. But the only way to find the cure is if a male vampire is willing to risk his life to bring the cure back to make a vampiress back to mortal once again. But this male vampire must be able to face all of the dangers that lie in Dracula castle in his lab. This male vampire must be able to kill werewolves, lycans, and about 6 vampiresses thta are guarding the cure,no vampire has ever been able to come back alive,that is what I excatly remember,you should remember too Goren."
Goren turned to her and smirked "Yes but i am no normal vampire now am i Kira. I shall go and get it personally and while i am gone Kaname is in charge of everything" Kaname ran to his uncle and said "But you cant, what if you get injured uncle. Please let me go with you" Goren sighed "Kaname no, you have to stay here and take care of Angel and your son" Kaname turned away from him "I still dont want you to go alone" Chase walked out and said "I shall go with him. Angel would you take Sash in as your own until we get back" Kaname lost it "Chase no you are her only parent, if anyone is to go with uncle it will be me unless angel says otherwise cause i do not want him to go alone"
Angel looked at her mother and then at Kaname and she said to Goren,"Let your nephew go with you,he is a pretty good fighter,he can fight no problem. Let him go with you please Goren." Kira said to Goren,"Angel is right I've seen how well Kaname/Dark both can fight,they can kill werewolves,lycans, and vampiresses in no time at all Goren." Angel tosses Kaname a sword and said to him,"This sword can kill any kind of immortal creatures,I have used this sword so many times it will help you Kaname,please come back safe and sound Kaname and you too Goren."
Goren walked over and knelt down in front of Angel and said softly "My dear are you sure you want me to take your husband with me knowing he could get severely hurt doing this" He completely ignored Kira at this time as he wanted to give Angel his full attention. Kaname and chase both sighed and watched angel also wanting to know if she was sure about this
Angel said to Goren,"Yes I'm sure about this,you have to trust Kaname,please trust him,he'll be a great help to you Goren,I know what the consequenches are,I believe in Kaname,you should also believe in him as much as I do Goren." Kira was a bit pleased how tough her daughter was being.
Kaname dropped the sword on the ground and ran to her and pulled her into a tight hug "Angel i am thankful that you are letting this happen and i swear to you, i will come home safely and you will be human again" Goren stood and said placing his hand on her shoulder "You are very brave to do this Angel. Your so like your mother was when i met her years ago. I will have the Cullen family keep an extra close watch over you guys while Kaname and i are gone ok"
Angel said to Goren,"Thank-you for the comment you gave me about I'm so much like mother thank-you Goren." Angel hugged Kaname back and smiled at him and said to him,"I have always believed in you Kaname when we first met and I know that you'll come back safe and alvie with the cure,may fate be with you both."
Kaname kissed her and then went and got the sword and tied it to his side where it belonged. Goren gave angel a kiss onthe forehead saying "We will be back as soon as we can dear" he then went over to her mother and said "Kira, i know i'm to late with this but for give me for my actions" and he kissed her on the lips deeply. When he pulled back he turned to kaname and got ready to leave "Be strong both of you and never give up hope on us" Goren then glanced back at the girls hoping they would be ok. Kaname sighed and wished there were another way, he was scared of leaving Angel and his son alone for a long period of time
Angel looked at her mother and said to her,"I never knew that you and Goren were an item at all,you sure know how to charm a guy mother." Kira face slightly blushed when Goren kissed her on the lips deeply and said to them both,"We'll never give up hope on you both at all,be strong as well Goren and Kaname." The two girls watched the guys leave and prayed that they'll be safe on their journey for the cure.
Kira and Angel both headed inside the house and said to Chase,"Were in before the storm hits Chase." Angel places Dark jr. back in the crib beside Sash and Dark jr, gently placed his arm around Sash to let her know it will be ok and not be afraid of the storm.

After about two months Chase runs in to the room and shouts "Lady Kira, Princess Angel, they are back" his voice was harsh and was full of worry. Goren was helping Kaname walked up to the house and they hit the ground. Goren shouted "Angel hurry Kaname needs you" Kaname just glared at his uncle for sounding like he was dieing "I am not Dieing Uncle, no need to worry her" Chase ran outside and said "Kaname do you need blood, you know you are welcome to take mine if need be"
Angel ran outside and said to Kaname,"Are you sure you ok Kaname,you need to get that cut looked after on your chest,hang on Kaname." Kira saw how badly hurt Kaname was and grabbed some stuff and mixed it up and Angel gently cleaned out his cut and said to Kaname,"This is going to sting like hell,just hang onto my hand if it stings too much ok." Angel said to Goren,"I know what I'm doing,I've tended to Kaname wounds and cuts once before,so don't worry ok."
Kaname quickly snatched her wrist before she could put anything on the wound and said "Angel could i ask for some blood, i have told you before i heal faster when i drink blood but i want to get your permission" Goren said "Angel do it, he went in and came out with the cure for you with out my help saying he wanted to make it up to you for having to turn you"
Angel looked at Kaname and said to her mother,"Make sure Dark jr. isn't watching this take him inside please mother." Kira took Dark Jr. back inside and Angel said to Kaname,"You have my premssion to drink some of my blood as long this cure makes me mortal once again.go right ahead Kaname."
Kaname brought her close in a hug and said softly "Thank you Angel, for everything" and he swiftly bit her neck and began to suck some blood out. Once he was healed he withdrew his fangs and licked the bite closed and said "You have no idea how much i owe for this honey" he pulled out the cure for her and said "Here this should make you human again, but only take it if you want. No one is forcing you to do this" Goren and Chase went inside and Goren explained the whole thing to Angel's family.
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"I want to be mortal once again Kaname,please don't be mad or upset with me with this descison I finally made. Hopefully Dark jr. will still know that I'm his mother,I have no idea how to use this cure,could you please use the cure on me please and thank-you Kaname.?"
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