1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel said to Kaname,"Yes he does work so hard I agree with you Kaname." Angel sees Sash giggling at her and she smiled at Sash. Dark jr. said "mama, and dada" Angel said to Kaname,"Did you hear what Dark jr. just said I heard him,did you hear him too Kaname hmm.?"
Angel said to Chase,"Good morning Chase." Angel said to Kaname,"Yes it will be interested in what Dark jr. calls Sash when they are both old enough to talk to each other." Dark jr. holds his small arms up towards Kaname and wants his daddy to pick him up out of the crib.
Kaname picks him up and says "Hey you, so what will you call Sash huh son" he spoke softly to his son and smiled at sash who giggled "'ark" Chase said happily "Guys she spoke, she said ark, must want to say Dark"
Angel said to Kaname,"Chase is right Sash is trying to say Dark,but she said Ark,our son will think of what to call Sash when his talking get's more clearer Chase."
Angel said to Kaname," Sash and Dark jr. are getting along with each other, which is a good thing Kaname my love." Angel watched Dark jr. and Sash.
Chase smiled "I know princess but i dont think he would do that, not with how protective he is over her" Kaname smiled "He has a point honey, you've seen how Dark is protective of Sash. Plus they are way to young to use their fangs yet"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I do see your point their honey and your point as well Chase,I see how protective Dark jr. is about Sash,which is a good thing,someday he'll grow up and be Sash's knight in armor,just like you are my knight Kaname."
Angel slowly eats her eggs up and she has never ever shallowed a blood tablet at all and wonders if she could shallow it or not and she sighed.
Kaname smiled and showed her "You put it in your cup of water and wait til its disolved" after his had completely disolved he showed her his water had turned to blood and he drank it "Its an easy way to get blood. And when you dont have water you can swallow the like a pill"
Angel places her pill into her cup of water and watched it dissolved and it was done disssolving and she drinks it up and said to Kaname,"Your right this is the easy way to get blood,thank-you Chase." Angel was done her blood and wiped a little bit off her face and smiled at Kaname.
Kaname smiled and said "How do you feel today my princess" Chase smiled and put a tiny bit of blood on his finger and gave it to Sash and said "Would it be alright if i gave Dark some blood, Sash was given it before her mother died so she is ok"
Angel said to Chase,"That is fine with,only a little bit not too much,but you should see if it's ok with Kaname as well Chase."
Dark jr. tasted the blood and he made an awkward face expression from tasting blood for the first time. Angel said to Kaname,Looks like Dark jr. isn't too keen on the taste of blood."
Sash giggled and tugged at her dads hand for more. Chase moved his hand for sash who smiled as her tiny fang nicked his finger and she sucked the blood from it. Chase smiled "She is so much like her other and those fangs are so cute, Dark will learn in time that blood is ok for him. Just be patient"
Angel said to Chase,"I'm always patient,I know how to be patient with my son Dark jr. and I think he is hungery I can tell Chase."
Kaname smiled and handed her their son and said jokingly "Then feed him pretty mother" Chase smiled and felt his daughter stop sucking and looked to see her smiling "Dada" Chase's eyes lit up and he smiled "Sash just said dada"
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