1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Fine with me,as long as Dark doesn't get me pregnant at all,that is the only condtion I have,hope you'll understand my condition Kaname."
Kaname smiled at her "Of course Angel, why would i not understand" Kaname then let Dark out for the night. Dark opened his eyes and saw he was above angel and said "He set this up for us didnt he" his eyesshowed he knew kaname did something and he asked "So how long do i get with you tonight" his voice held concern about this
Angel said to Dark,"Yes Kaname did set this up and I think that you get one full night with me tonight,and he understands my one conditon I have Dark,as long as you do not get me pregnant Dark."
"That is correct Dark as long as you don't get me pregnant at all understood Dark,hopefully none of my family will bother us at all tonight Dark."
Dark closed his eyes and layed on her being sure to not crush her and whispered "Why would you be ok with this, you know the effect you have on me and how i am the one to act on instinct more then anything. I am afraid of hurting you Angel"
Angel said to Dark,"Yes I know how you react around me and I know that you are scared that you might hurt me, and I'm also scared that I might hurt you as well,but Kaname wants us both to spend one full night with each other Dark."
Angel returned the kiss and said to Dark,"You are forgiven,the only thing that hurted me what you did to me,was when you accidently spranged my left wrist from the first time you attacked me and after me for sex. I'm not ready to get pregnant again not for a while Dark ok."
Angel felt Dark deepen the kiss a bit and said to him,"I know that you'll keep your promise,if you don't Kaname can stop you don't forget Dark ok." She felt Dark hand slowly exploring her clothed body.
With her words Dark slowly began to undress her so he could see what kaname was blessed with. He stared at her now exposed body and said placing a hand over her heart and said "You are the most perfect thing i have ever seen Angel"
Angel said to Dark,"Thank-you for the comment you gave me Dark,and I thought that I was never beautiful even when I was a mortal,most popular girls would always pick on me and always pushed me into the locker or into the pool,I didn't have a good life when I was younger Dark."
Angel said to Dark,"No it's ok,I don't go below their level at all,I'm really am happy now with Kaname,you and Dark jr. in my life Dark thanks for the offer but I'll pass Dark."
Angel was a bit shocked at this and wished that Dark would eventually gain control once again and she felt him kissing her in away he lost control and she sighed very queitly underneath her breath.
Angel felt his hands exploring her body a bit faster and said to Dark,"I love Kaname and I also love you as well Dark." She tries her best not to groan or moan until Dark slowly regains control once again.
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"It's ok Dark,I think I might have something that might help you keep yourself control,it worked for my father and here where this pendent,and it will help you be in contorl same with Kaname ok please trust me Dark ok." Angel places the amulet around Dark neck hoping this would help him.
Dark slowly calmed down and after 5 minutes he was back in full control and sat down next to her placing his hand on her cheek "Thank you Angel for never running away when i stop my self from huting you like that. I know the first time i scared you badly and so i am sorry for that and this time"
Angel said to Dark,"It's ok Dark,you are forgiven and I'm glad that you are back to your normal self again Dark,I knew that Amulet would help you get back to your normal self again."
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