1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

They both smiled and waved as they left to get the stuff from the house. About 3 hours later a loud crash was heard and Kaname and Chase stood out side the house Kaname grew up in that was now a pile of ash on the ground and Kaname bit back tears of seeing every memory be crushed as the house fell
Angel heard the loud crash as well and she knew that Kaname house came collasping down and she knew that Kaname will be upset and she is always their for him and she waited until he comes back and she'll comfort him in anyway that he wants her to comfort him.
Chase come running in and said "Princess Kaname need you, i'll stay with the kids" Kaname had fallen to the ground and did not move when the members of the council came and started questioning him about the killings that Dark had done. Kaname had a wall of black flames around him to keep him seperated from everything else
Angel ran to where Kaname was and she sees some council people and saw Kaname surroned in a black flame cage and she wasn't sure what to do and looked at the coucil and said to him,"Kaname did not kill Dark father side of his family at all. Dark killed them,because he was protecting me and his son from harm,don't hurt Kaname or Dark at all,they kept our family,please reconsider this harsh descion please." She courtesy liked a princess and hoped that the council will change their minds.
Kaname shot over to her and put the flames around them both as a council man shot a fire ball at her saying "Stupid human" Dark was suddenly out and said Angel stay quiet or they will kill you, they hate humans. The flames are mine to keep kaname and now you safe from their powers" He shot a fireball back killing the man who attacked Angel "She is not involved in this so leave my wife alone" The council members said "You have forgotten that your father forbid you from marring a human girl Dark" Dark bit his lip "Damn it your using dad against me" He looked at Angel and said "I know how you and kaname dont want this but i might have to turn you now to keep them from killing you"
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"I rather Kaname turn me not oyu Dark,I don't want to be like your father side at all Dark. I only want Kaname to turn hope you understand Dark." Angel wishes her family could help her out and she sighed.

((Forgot to say that Angel's mother is the queen of vampires,because Angel's father turned Angel's mother into a vampiress thta is the queen of all vampires and vampiress's.))
Dark nodded and said "I understand but i might have to come out after wards to help you show them your not human, so your going to have to bite your lip so they dont know and think this happened back when we first got to gether" He let kaname out. Kaname said quietly "Angel you sure about this"
Angel very queitly said to Kaname,"Yes I'm sure about this Kaname in order to protect our family and my life I must be turned,unless if a mircale happens right now Kaname." Angel's mother ran to where the council was and she glared at them all and said to them,"You have forgten what I'm truly am,I'm the queen of all vampires and my husband was the king of all vampires as well,if my daughter decides to be turned I want to help her through this new life she'll be getting,and if she doesn't like her new life,I'll be very upset with all of you council vampires that rule underworld." Angel was a bit a shocked at this and wished her mother told her this a lot sooner.
The queen said to the council,"I was human just like my daughter ,and my late husband was a vampire,you didn't have nothing against us both at any cost,you let my late husband and I be together and get married and on the honeymoon I asked him to turn me, and he did turn me. Can't you please reconsider this rule until Kaname and Angel get married to each other. If you don't let them get married first,I will go higher up your heads council,you know that I can do that,please change this rule. If not I will tell the head vampire what you are doing and once he finds out what you council members are doing,he'll kill you all change this rule right now or else I'll tell the head vampire hmm.?" Angel whispered to Kaname,"Before you turn me,let's see if the council will obey my mother rule or not let's just wait and see please Kaname.?"
The council said "We have strict orders from the head vampire that he cant not wed a human girl my lady" Kaname sighed and said "They wont, i'm gonna bite now ok hun" he gently sank his fangs into her neck and began to turn her as the flames disappeared to show him biteing her neck. The council all stared at him and said "Prince Kaname what are you doing" Kaname held her close to let her know he loved her no matter what
The queen looked at council and said to the council,"You got your wish that Kaname turned my daughter into immortal,if she doesn't like this life at all,don't be surpise if she ends up killing you all later on in the future.

If she does kill you all,you all deserve the punishment she will give you all."

Angel's mother shook her head and wondered why the head vampire let her late husband keep her as a human,but not her daughter as a human and she sighed.

Angel felt Kaname sink his fangs into her neck and she winches in pain from being turned and she doesn't wake up at all and her mother was really worried about her daughter and wondered how Dark Jr. would react once he finds out his mother is not human anymore. He'll be probably be scared of his parent's for the rest of his life.
Kaname slowly sank to sit on the ground and pulled his fangs out as he held her close "Angel, wake up please" The council all sat and watched as the prince held his wife. Dark soon came bck out and said "Ma'am come hold your daughter for a moment please" He then used his power to imobilize the council members.
The queen looks at Dark and she holds her daughter for a few moments and grabbed a damp wet cloth and she gently placed it over her daughter forehead and hoped this will help her slowly wake up. Angel felt the damp wet cloth over her forehead and she slowly wakes up and looks at her mother and then at the immbolize council members and wondered what Dark is going to do now.
The council members are all scared and saying "Please Prince forgive us for we were only following orders from yo..." they were cut off by dark. Dark yelled "I doubt that my uncle would allow for her mother to be human for the length of time she was and then send you to kill her daughter. You also tried to kill her for being my human wife, and for that the penelty is death" he reached out and was getting ready to kill them "This is for endangering my wife and her family you worthless vampires" and he struck them all across the gut killing them. He then went back over to Angel and her mother "Angel are you ok, Thank you ma'am for giving me the time to save her"
The queen said to Dark,"You are very welcome Dark,and our plan did work,and Angel needs a lot of rest now,she has had too much excitment DArk,keep the damp cloth over her forehead,it will help her realx ok." Angel said to Dark,"Yeah I'm ok Dark,just a little bit scared that's all."
Dark looked at her "Why are you scared Angel" he was worried that his actions of killing the council members was what scared her and hoped that her being turned was nothing compared to that. Chase came running out with both children "Prince, Princess are you both alright. My Queen" Chase imedately bowed to Angels mother and said "My Queen why are you here, you should be inside with your family making sure they are ok"
Angel looked at Dark,"Im scared that Dark jr. won't call me his mama anymore if he finds out I was turned,he'll be afraid of me Dark,that is what I'm scared of Dark."

THe queen said to Chase,"My daughter needed my help more then anything,and she is now immortal,the council is dead now,they didn't like the idea that Kaname has a human wife,and I wish their was away to make my daughter mortal once again. Oh well,the council got their way Chase."
Dark sighed and held her as tight as he could "Angel our son is vampire and he is smart already. He knows he has to keep Sash safe even though he is only a week old, i dont he could ever be scared of you. No one could honey" Chase smiled and said walking over with Dark jr. crying for her, his mother "He is right princess, see he wants his mother" He handed her baby Dark and held Sash who was smiling at her.
Angel held Dark jr. in her arms and she rocked him to sleep in her arms and he stopped crying for now and she looked at Chase and then at Dark and said to them both,"I do see your points and since I've been turned,I do not want to drink any mortals blood at all,I don't want to be a murder like Dracula at any cost Chase and Dark."
Chase smiled and said "Even Sash knows your still the same Angel she met. Princess the only thing that has changed is that you now have vampire powers like your husband" Dark smiled at her "I'm getting Kaname so you can be with him alright Angel." Soon Dark was gone and Kaname was back out. Kaname pulled her into a tight hug and began to cry "Angel, i'm so sorry. I wish you be turned back, i never wanted to have to turn you"
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok Kaname,I'm not mad at you for turning me,you did the right thing in order to protect your family Kaname. Nothing will ever ruin our marriage Kaname ok,please stop crying Kaname." Angel looked at Kaname and she kissed him on the lips to let him know that everything will be ok.
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