1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Kaname deepened the kiss and after a few moments he looked up at asked "I'm sorry ma'am but i did not get your name, and you said you are the queen of vampires. Please tell everything for i am a bit confused" he was looking at angel's mom. Chase moved to Kaname's side as his counsuler.
Angel's mother said to Kaname,"My name is Kira,I'm the queen of all vampires and now you know what my name is Kaname. Take great care of my daughter and the new princess as well,I'm going to make sure that everyone else is ok see you all again soon." Kira walked away from them and she walked back in the family room and all of her family were alright and not hurt at any cost.
Kaname sat there frozen and held his wife and son "Your mom is the queen of all vampires? Angel what does she mean" Kaname was cusious and worried that he might have just found out something that she had kept from him "Angel please tell me what you know of this i'm a bit nervous haveing just met the queen and find out she is your mother. I...i dont know how to act know" Chase went inside and said "Lady Kira, may i ask as to why you kept this from your daughter. Kaname is freacking out, scared he may do something wrong now that would upset you"
Kira said to Chase,"I have always wanted to tell my daughter the truth,but I'm not sure how she'll react,until I knew she was old enough to know about whom I'm really am Chase. I didn't mean to scare or freak out Kaname at all Chase,I'm really am sorry."

Angel said to Kaname,"I didn't know that my mother was the queen of vampires at all,until tonight Kaname,I'm also a bit shocked at this as well,please don't be mad or upset at me please don't Kaname." Angel felt tears falling from her eyes and she sat down and hugged Dark jr. and wiped away her tears.
Kaname cryed and said "I'm not upset or mad at you Angel, i never could be. I just dont know how to act around the queen" Dark came out cause of Kaname pushing him out and said "Damn it Kaname just cause you found out something new dont mean you gotta push me out you know" Dark then helped Angel up and said "Lets get inside fast alright Angel." Once inside he said "Queen Kira long time no see your highness, why have you come to your full awareness and stopped the council"
Kira said to Darkness,"I had to stop the council,but they wouldn't listen to me to keep my duaghter as a mortal,I'll have a word with the head vampire myself to see what has goten into him Dark,plus I had to try to save my daughter life before council tried to kill her informnt of you,me and Kaname as well. But the council is dead now thanks to you Dark,and not sure if the head vampire will be very pleased about this or not Dark."

Angel takes Dark jr. and lays him down in the crib and tucks Dark and Sash in the crib and she stayed with the kids and sighed.
Dark sighed watching angel and said "No offense Kira but i fear you need to talk to your daughter more then anyone and explain to her the truth of this situation" Chase sat in a chair near by and said "Princess are you alright" he was worried about angel
Angel said to Chase,"Yes I'm alright,don't worry about me I'm fine. I wish my mother told me this alot sonner instead of me finding out that she is the queen of all vampires,I'll be fine Chase."

Kira said to Dark,"I will talk to my daughter,but I notice that she is a bit weak,and could Kaname back and help Angel,she needs Kaname help right now Dark."
Dark bowed to her and said sadly "He keeps saying he is ashamed of him self for having to turn Angel, and refuses to come back out no matter how hard i try" He was within ear shot of angel and felt bad that the side she fell for was scared, ashamed and was hiding behind the stronger side
Kira said to Dark,"Tell Kaname it's alright and not to be ashamed at all,I forgive him and I know that my daughter will also forgive him as well Dark,"I will talk with her now."

Angel said to her mother,"Why didn't you tell me that you were the queen of all vampires,I wish you told me alot sooner mother, and one quick question,whom is the head vampire I need to know this right now,please tell me whom the head vampire is right now mother.?"

Kira looked at her daughter and said to her,"The head vampire is none other then James oldest brother and his name is Victor,and he'll eventually come after you,Dark/Kaname and Dark jr. He wants your son so badly so he can make your son as evil as James was once before,I'm sorry that I didn't tell you,Dark/Kaname at all until now,I'm truly am sorry pelase forgive me see you all later good night everyone."

Kira walked away and she laid down on her bed and she sighed and fell asleep.
Kaname slowly came out and sat on the couch scared of what all had just happened and wished that he could turn angel back 'dark i dont know how to act around kira now' Dark sighed 'just be yourself trust me you can count her as an ally'
Angel kisses Dark jr. on the forehead and she feels a bit weak and she suddenly passes out from what happened,being turned by Kaname and she tries everything to help her wake up,but nothing is helping her right at the moment.
Angel slowly wakes up and said to Kaname,"I must be a bit weak,but not sure what I could be weak from,when a vampiress is weak,does that mean she needs to drink from her loved one that turned her or not Kaname.?"
Kaname nodded softly and pulled her close so that her mouth was close to his neck "Go ahead and drink Angel, i'll be fine and you need to drink some blood ok" Chase kept the babies from watching and said "Do it quick princess, i'm not sure how long dark jr. will be distracted"
Angel nods her head and she gently sinks her vampire fangs into Kaname neck and drank enough blood to help her not ot be so weak and she licked the vampire bite up and licked the blood off her lips and she quickly hugged Kaname back and was glad that he wasn't nervous or scared around her mother.
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their Kaname,please don't be scared of my mother at all Kaname. I feel much better now,I hope I didn't hurt you when I drank yoru blood from your neck Kaname,thank-you Kaname." Angel rested her head against Kaname shoulderblade and she slowly closes her eyes and smiled at Kaname.
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm glad that I didn't hurt you when I drank your blood at all Kaname,I'm so comfy right now Kaname,please don't move your shoulderblade is so darn comfy to me. I would never ever leave you at all,because we have our son Dark jr. in our lives now Kaname."
Angel said to Chase,"Next time I need blood,I'll ask to drink your blood from you and hopefully nothing will happen to me at all Chase, and I'm feeling much better now thank-you for asking me Chase." Angel continued on nuzzling up against Kaname and she gently nibbled on Kaname earlobes for a bit.
Kaname smirked down at her "Is my dear wife a little longing for fun" He turned to chase as he stood holding her "Chase watch the kids and call if there is an attack" he then took Angel to her room and shut the door behind him and said "Now that we are alone feel free to drink more if you need to"
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm ok for now,I had enough of your blood to help me not to be so weak at all Kaname,I forgot that nibbling on your earlobes is one of your turn on spots sorry about that Kaname." Angel smiled at Kaname and she crawled into their bed at her aunt's place and she was comfy and waited for Kaname to join her in bed.
Kaname went over to the bed and got above her and looked down into her eyes "I want you to spend all of tonight with Dark and to have fun ok" he smiled and wanted her to have one full night with dark in all ways she can think of
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