1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only.

Dark looked at her and said "Thank you Angel for loving me so much" she pulled her down and held her tightly in his arms "Thank you for so much, i sometimes feel like i dont deserve you" Kaname came to and saw what was going on 'Dark what happened' Dark said "Kaname is coming out for a bit. I love you so much angel" he kissed her and then turned into kaname. Kaname looked around and then at her and his clothes seeing the blood "Angel, what happened"
Angel said to Kaname,"We were attacked by Dark father side of the family,they tried to take our son,but thanks to Chase,he protected our son and his daughter from Dark father side of the family,that what happened Kaname,but everyone is alright and here is some change of clothing for you to change into. Plus Dark father side of the family burned your parent's home and we can live in the basement of my family home and their is a nursery where our son Dark jr. will be safe and so will Sash as well Kaname."
Kaname stood up and went to the door and saw that Dark had use his powers to save the house from being destroyed and all the stuff in it had been untouched by the flames. "Looks like we got some work to do at getting the stuff from the house before it falls down" he was going to need everyones help but was not sure if he could ask her family to help
Angel looked at her family and her family said to Kaname,"Of course we'll help you get the rest of things out of your parent's home,before it totally falls into pieces Kaname and let's start grabbing what the things that aren't burned ok let's go."
Kaname smirked "Thats gonna be all of it since dad made sure to protect the shit from anything" he then looked up at them and said "Mind if i ask why you guys all were so quick to support angel in being the princess and soon to be queen"
Angel family said to Kaname,"We all decided to support Angel since she is princess and she is going to become queen,we always have supported her in her whole life Kaname. We all promised Angel's father thta we'll watch over her and help her out in anyway that she needs our help with,that is why we quickly decided to help her out Kaname ok."
Kaname smirked and said as he stood up "So you guys are all ok with the fact that one day she might ask for me to turn her" he looked at angel hoping that day would not come right away if at all but he had to make sure for his own knowing of her family
Angel's family said to Kaname,"Yes we'll be fine if one day you had to turn her,her father was half vampire/half human. Were fine with it we'll support Angel in anyway that we can Kaname." Dark jr. woke up from his sleep and he cries again and Angel said to her family,"Dark jr. is hungery again I won't be long see you all later." Angel took Dark Jr. upstairs into her room and she laid Sash down on a small crib that wasi nher room and she begins to breast feed Dark jr once again.
Angel was done feeding Dark jr. and she changed his diaper and put a clean diaper on and threw the dirty diaper away. Angel gently pats Dark jr. on his back and he burps and he looked at her and said his second word which was mama. She smiled at Dark jr. and placed him down in the crib beside Sash and she tucks them both in and hums a lullaby her mother taught her and both of the kids were asleep and she watched over them.
Kaname and Chase both watched and felt like she really was an angel sent to watch over the kids. Chase walked in and said "Princess you are a natural" Kaname stood in the door and watched his wife and best friend get along and said "Honey we were gonna go get the stuff soon"
Angel said to Chase,"Thank-you for the comment,I watched my mother and my mother taught me how to become a mother so when I'm old enough I can have a child of my own,and I did have a child of my own Chase." Angel said to Kaname,"Thanks for letting me know your getting the stuff soon Kaname my love." Sash slowly woke up and she begins to cry and Angel said to Chase,"Your daughter is crying just letting you know that's all."
Angel said to Chase,"Thank-you for the comment you gave me and your right Sash sounds more better then Sasha." Angel continued on watching Dark jr. and she said to Kaname,"Our son is so quiet now,he needs sleep."
Kaname smiled walking over and hugging her from behind "As does his mother. I'm sorry for what happened and how dark said the truth if he drank from those he killed to save you and your family" his voice showed slight sadness
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their,I honestly do believe you Kaname,and everything is going to be ok now Kaname ok." Angel hugged Kaname back and she gently kissed him on his neck.
He smi8led at her and said "I thought that Dark was going to have to turn you to keep you safe, I got so scared Angel" Kaname burst into tears and said "I dont ever want to have to let you turn but it might have to be that way someday hun"
Angel said to Kaname,"I know that someday I'll have to be turned,but not right now,if I ever did needed to be turned,I want you to turn me,not Dark Kaname ok." She comforted Kaname again and hugged him tightly.
Angel said to Kaname,"I probably won't be ready to be turned from a year now Kaname. But if it's any sooner,I'll let you know ok Kaname my love."
"Your welcome Kaname." Angel returned the kiss as well and she sees Dark jr. slightly being a bit flightly and she said to Chase,"I think you better put your daughter back into the crib,that is the only way Dark Jr. will stop being figty Chase."
Dark jr. stopped figty and he gently held Sash's hand and Angel said to Kaname,"I agree with you Kaname,they are in love with each other,but they must be old enough to understand what love truly is Kaname."
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