Reflection of the Week
When I start to dislike someone, it's like a cancer. It just spreads and manifests into something ugly - much like how they appear to me otherwise I would like them, right? And I'm not talking about physical ugliness, though I've found that if I dislike someone's personality and way they handle things [like being a manipulative twat or a condescending fuckwad] they physically start to look ugly and unattractive to me.
Anyways. I find that when I start to dislike someone, I want to mess with them and destroy them in pieces. Maybe not outright at first, but occasionally it gets to a point where I feel I have to try to destroy their spirit. Call it the monster in me, but I like watching people suffer and cry depending on my mood and if I don't like them. It's a human flaw that I accept wholeheartedly about myself. I think it has to do with part of myself saying, "Prove you aren't weak. That you aren't ugly and frail." But they usually prove they are weak when I get a nice reaction out of them. Some sort of defense. See, some might call that bullying, but that would mean I'm jealous of something they have and want it, or that I'm taking my frustrations out on them unnecessarily. But I don't go out of my way to do this. I don't go, "Oh, you're my new favorite toy!"
Human beings like picking on the weak, as much as it can be a disgusting and disturbing quality. I don't actually do this. I pick apart the stupid, bitchy, and downright arrogant fucks. So I guess I'm the ugly bully who bullies the bully. Interesting, no? Yet as I said, I don't go out of my way to do this. And I do try to avoid opportunities to feed this monster of destruction.
But what fun would I be if I avoided all of those opportunities?
At least the sarcasm makes me funny.