The Interns of Alex Harris [Bodman54/Abbey Chase]

Ashley to Jackie

Ashley smiles as Jackie compliments the clothes. "Yes they are. Mr. Harris spares no expense in making sure we are dressed to impress. And yes Abbey wore her clothes beautifully. i worked closely with her and was impressed at how comfortable she seemed."

When Jackie said that they could come back Ashley gets a devious idea. "You seem to be interested in latex. We have some time. Would you like to go shopping for some outfits? We'll be happy to pay."
Abbey Chase
Abbey has never heard of either the fashion house or designed that Mr. Dix mentioned as it related to that new initiative that the model agency had signed up to represent, so she wasn't overly enthused. Abbey knew she'd have to do a lot of research on what people were hearing about this new fashion house, about that designer. Thankfully, Abbey knew of all the good places on the internet to go and chat with fashion industry insiders. The rest of her questions were answered to a satisfactory degree.

Abbey would stand up from her chair as Mr. Dix did and once her was done saying what he had to say, she would reply "Well, here's hoping I can prove to be a good fit for the needs of your agency." as she shook his hand "I'll get back to you before tomorrow end-of-day".

Abbey had a lot of work ahead of her, so once she left the modelling agency, she would head right back to Jackie's place.
Jackie to Ashley
Jackie seemed surprised with the offer as she got a bit of a devilish grin on her face. After all, latex isn't cheap, so getting some latex for free sounded like a great idea, so she would gladly accept. If anything, it would be a fun little shopping experience and at best, she might get away with some free latex. She would note that "Wow, I wish I could have seen Abbey in latex. I'm kind of jealous actually..." as she looked at Ashley. After a pensive pause she added "How does your boss not walk around with a continuous hard on, with all these gorgeous women walking around in tight latex?"
Ashley to Jackie

"Let's go then," she says with a smile, waiting for Jackie to gather her things before the three girls head out of the apartment. The trouble with latex is that you couldn't just walk into any old store and buy it. There were only certain stores that stocked even a little. Luckily, Ashley had done this before. Someone had to stock the wardrobes of new girls whenever they showed up. So she leads Kayla and Jackie to the best latex retailer in the city. On the whole west coast too. Mr. Harris made sure that they had plenty of reason to stay in business so the girls were ushered right in. The main storefront looks like any fashion boutique. But the girls are led in the back, through a secret door to a building piled high with latex and rubber outfits.

The things they see range from full on fetish catsuits to latex recreations of iconic outfits. Ashley turns and smiles to the two girls. "Let's go nuts girls. It's all on the company card." She starts going through the racks, cooing at the latest lines of latex business suits. She picks some out and puts them aside, moving to the more casual outfits.

Kayla heads straight for the swimsuits, wanting to show off something over her regular catsuit. She grabs a whole armful, rushing back to the dressing rooms to try them on and model them for Ashley and Jackie.
Jackie to Ashley and Kayla
Jackie simply could not take that grin off of her face as they entered one of the most expensive latex couturier of the west coast. Jackie had naturally heard of them, but never really could afford to shop there since all of the latex was the expensive duratex latex as opposed to supatex latex (which tears and rips a lot). Jackies says a wide eyed "Anything I wants?" as Ashley nods. Oh wow, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. Jackie would end up ordering several total enclosure catsuits, several latex dresses and actually go for a business suit as well as a latex equestrian outfit. She would also get some really heavy rubber stuff, like a rubber hazmat suit, several pairs of gloves and stockings, several hoods. At several times during the shopping spree she would ask Ashley if it was okay if she could get a different outfit and each time Ashley would smile and tell her to feel free and go ahead.

Of course, everything at the store was mostly 'custom sized', so most of what Jackie ordered would not get to her for several days. But there were a few swimsuits as well as one dress and the heavy rubber hazmat suit which were 'off the rack'. Obviously, the gloves, stockings and hoods were all off the rack.

"Oh my, this is crazy, I can't possibly ask you to buy all that" she would say to Ashley as she realized just how much this would be.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would arrive back at Jackie's apartment, finding it empty. She figures Jackie is off somewhere, so Abbey simply dives right into her research. The fashion house Mr. Dix was talking about was not well known at all, but there was a bit of a buzz about it. She would fire off an email to one of her friends which was a fashion industry insider, asking her what she thought, asking her if she should take a risk and model for that fashion house. Abbey would also receive the information Mr. Dix had promised, dutifully reading through all of it pretty quickly, thanks to her eidetic memory she would memorize all of it in very little time. Seeing that she was home alone, Abbey would dig up the pair of short black latex gloves with ruffles and put them on, missing the feel of latex on her body. She smiled and became a bit aroused just by wearing the latex gloves. It made doing all that boring research a bit more fun :)

Ashley and Kayla exchange numerous glances as Jackie races around the store, picking out multiple outfits. Some that are even surprisingly intense. It seems that Jackie was more than a latex hobbyist. She was a pure latex lover. She'd explode if she ever came to the compound, seeing what everyone is wearing all day every day. When Jackie protests the price Ashley just waves it away. "I don't think you understand how much money Mr. Harris has. This will be like us spending 40 dollars. He won't even notice. I'm just happy I could help a fellow latex lover expand her collection. Would you mind showing us what you have? I'd love to see you in an outfit."

She smiles sweetly at Jackie. She was starting to warm up to the girl and was enjoying her company. But her first goal was to find Abbey and convince her to come home. Master Alex had selected her to be one of his newest slaves. Ashley wouldn't let he escape.
Abbey Chase
Abbey's research seemed to be doing okay, but she wasn't 100% convinced that she would agree to be a model for that new latex hybrid line of fashions, although the fashions did look appealing... Abbey didn't really pay attention to the time or whatnot, she was obviously focused on her one task. After all, she had some big decisions to make...
Jackie so so impossibly excited about all this new latex. And it was duratex latex, so it would last her a long time. This would easily more than triple her current wardrobe. By the time everything was tabulated, Jackie would get four new catsuits, 5 new dresses including a mistress dress, 3 new skirts including a sexy pencil skirt, 4 new tops including a latex blouse, a latex business suit, several swimsuits, 5 pairs of latex pants including jeans, slacks and latex yoga pants. Then there would be the latex equestrian outfit, one latex Star Trek cosplay outfit which was a catsuit in and of itself as well as a totally spies cosplay outfit which also as another catsuit, one heavy rubber hazmat suit and a whole bunch of accessories like gloves, stockings, hoods, bras and panties. This was a record haul!!! And she simply could not believe it when Ashley agreed to pay for all of it.... But she wasn't going to complain, particularly when it's explained to her that 'the boss' was filthy rich and this was just the equivalent of a small lunch....
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Ashley and Kayla volunteer to help Jackie bring all the stuff that wasn't custom home with her. It was still a decent amount and she would struggle to carry it all without help. They chat cheerily as they head back to the apartment. "I can't wait to see you in this stuff Jackie. You're going to look so good," Ashley gushes, only laying it on a little thick. The other girl was going to be gorgeous in body-hugging latex. Now Ashley just had to convince the girl to visit the mansion and take a job there.

As they walk in Ashley looks around and her face lights up when she sees Abbey. "Oh my god. Abbey. We've been looking everywhere for you. We were so worried when you disappeared last night."
Abbey Chase
Abbey would hear the tell tale sound of someone playing with the lock of the apartment. Figuring it was Jackie coming back from wherever she was, Abbey would be quick to peel off her short black latex gloves, stuffing them under the cushion of the chair she was sitting on while working on her laptop. She would say a "Hey Jackie, welcome back" while still starring at her laptop screen as she heard the door open, but then was surprised to hear a familiar voice, her heart sinking like a stone.

Abbey looked completely shocked as she say Ashley and Kayla, totally decked out in total enclosure latex, along with Jackie and dozens of shopping bags full of latex. Abbey was quite literally rendered speechless as she was now standing beside her chair, stunned.

"You should see all the stuff we bought. Turns out Jackie loves latex even more than you do," she says with a smile, putting down her bags. "Jackie. How about you try on something you bought and we can have brief chat with Abbey here." She searches through the bags, trying to find something to wear. "How. About. This," she asks, holding up one of the latex dresses. It was baby blue and the hem was ruffled.
Jackie seemed more than happy to model the latex dress, but as she looked at Abbey, she could see Abbey was give her 'the stare', that 'don't you dare' type of stare. It was obviously the surprise appearance of her co-workers wasn't sitting well with Abbey for some reason, so Jackie would simply look at Ashley and say "Maybe... um... later... I'll um... let you girls talk..." And with that, Jackie would start heading to her bedroom to leave the trio to themselves, but Abbey would say "You don't have to leave Jackie..."
Abbey Chase
Abbey would look at Ashley and Kayla, all decked out in head to toe all enclosing latex. Abbey had this strange look of sheepish mixed in with a dash of anger as she looked at the two and said "What are you doing here?..." Abbey knew what they were doing, and it was probably her fault since she hadn't taken the time to email Mr. Harris to hand in her resignation, so obviously the two girls didn't know much...

Ashley watches Jackie go before turning back to Abbey. She frowns at the accusatory tone that Abbey takes with them. "You vanished last night. You told Kayla here that you were visiting a friend in the hospital, which we've learned was a lie. Astrid is crushed that you left. Why did you leave?"

She sets her feet and makes it obvious that she isn't leaving without an answer that satisfies her.
Abbey Chase
Obviously, this wasn't Ashley's fault. Well, it was a little bit a fault. Actually, it was a lot her fault, but Abbey didn't know that Astrid had tried out the vacbed. Abbey would put on a brave face and try to remain somewhat professional as she said "The events of the past day have led me to conclude that I wasn't a good fit for the opportunity given to me by Mr. Harris. So... I decided to leave" This was obviously a really poor excuse, but one could tell Abbey was holding back. Part of her decision was what Astrid did to Abbey, but obviously the biggest part of her decision was driven by what Astrid did with Mr. Harris. Abbey felt so betrayed, she felt hurt. She thought Astrid and her were lovers, but now Abbey believed that Astrid just wanted a fuck buddy....

Ashley stares hardly at Abbey, crossing her arms under her breasts. "Pardon my French, but that is bull shit. You were perfect. And everyone loved you. Why did you really leave? What is this about? I want you to open up to me. I'm here for you."
Abbey Chase
One could see that Abbey's eyes were tearing up as she was trying to remain composed, but just having to explain what actually happened was painful. She would say "I was a fool" before a tear rolled down her cheek "I fell in love with Astrid. It was so quick, it felt so perfect, I had convinced myself it was meant to be. And I believed that Astrid felt the same way about me... but..." as more tears would rolled down her cheeks. Abbey would feel a lump in her throat as she said "When I went looking for her last night when she proved really late coming to bed, when I went looking for her because I was WORRIED, I caught her fucking Mr. Harris in the study, calling him master as he called her his slave.... How fucked up is that?" More tears would rolls down her cheeks as she added, almost sobbing now "She never cared for 'us'... She didn't feel love, just lust, but she played me." Looking a bit angry now she added "And Mr. Harris knew that Astrid and I were 'a thing'. I mean, all of you did, it was plainly obvious. But he still fucked her. How fucking cruel and selfish is that...."

As she talked Jackie would go up to her, holding her by the shoulder to comfort her....

"Oh honey," Ashley says as she steps forward to take Abbey's hands. She bites her lip, torn between keeping her master's secret and bringing Abbey back into the fold. She decides that bringing Abbey in is more important. "Can I have a minute with her. Alone?"

Kayla nods, taking Jackie and leading her away. Ashley leads Abbey to the couch, sitting down with her and taking a deep breath.

"Astrid loves you. We can all see that. But you're right. There is someone else. Mr. Harris. He. He is our master. All of us. We submit to him. Fully. And we all adore him. There is something magnetic about him. We all fell under his spell. Astrid was just the latest."

She looks into Abbey's eyes. "Sam and Isabella. They're like you and Astrid. But they also worship him. They each love him just as much as they love each other. There have been many other girls but not all get chosen. He chose Astrid and I know he chose you. It's the highest honor anyone could get."

There it was. All out on the table. She hoped that Abbey wouldn't react to badly. "Please come home."
Abbey Chase
Abbey was shocked, absolutely gobsmacked by this revelation. "You are all his 'slaves'!?!" she exclaimed "This job is about Mr. Harris trying to turn me into one of his 'slaves'?!? Because he 'chose me'?!!". Abbey looked furious as she added "How impossibly presumptuous of him to decide that after all the work I've put into my studies, into getting into UC Berkeley, into being the valedictorian of my class, into having a vision of where I want to go in life, that wanted to be a model and working hard to get there, that after ALL THAT I should simply be made into someone's personal play thing, existing only for his pleasure."

Abbey stops for a moment and then adds "I took the job because it paid impossibly well. I took the job because it was a means to an end in terms of helping me achieve MY DREAMS, not someone else's dream. And when you say 'chose me', this implies that he knew about me long before I showed up for that interview..." And after another pause she would add "And you think it's the 'highest honour' anyone could get?.... You think being someone's latex slave is a high honour? For me, the highest honour is winning a Nobel Prize or winning an Oscar, or writing a Pulitzer winning book. For me, the highest honour is being recognized for my intellect and my skill, not for my cup size or how wide I spread my legs."

Looking at Ashley she continues "I mean, look at you! You're smart, you're beautiful, you're certainly capable and definitely desirable. Is being his latex slave the pinnacle of your life's achievement? What happens when you grow older, when you are not so young? Is Mr. Harris going to trade you in for the younger model? Given his billions, he can certainly do that without hesitation. How quickly do you think you'll fall out of favor once he gets bored of you?"

"And Astrid never really talked about Mr. Harris in our private conversations at all. How come, merrily a day and a half after professing her love for me, she's suddenly his pet? Mr. Harris may have a magnetic personality, but no one suddenly decides to be a slave like that, like someone just flicked a switch." Looking suspicious, Abbey asks "Did you drug her?" Abbey suddenly felt quite worried for Astrid, this cloud suddenly coming over her as she suddenly feared that she might have left poor Astrid behind, helpless...

Ashley waits for the storm to pass, sitting and listening to Abbey angrily rant. Once she was done she takes a deep breath. "No. No one drugged Astrid. But he's a very good judge of character. If he selected her it was just a matter of time."

She pulls out her phone, doing some quick scrolling before she shows her phone to Abbey. It is a paper she wrote, talking about economic theory. She then pulls up Kayla's work in oceanic preservation. Sam's Michaline star, Isabella's chain of restaurants.

"You sit there, asking why we willingly serve him. How we can just throw away our dreams for some man. I'm going to tell you that we serve him because we don't have to throw away our dreams. I've been able to achieve so much more in life because of my service to him. His money has opened many doors for me. So don't you dare disrespect my master."

She stands up. "If you can't see the opportunity you've been given I don't think we have anything else to say. I'll just tell Astrid that you aren't into her anymore. Come on Kayla. We're leaving."

She turns and starts out the door, slamming it behind her. She is so angry about the presumption of Abbey.
Abbey Chase
Abbey was so stressed right now. First that whole thing with Astrid and then, merely 12 hours later, that whole thing about Mr. Harris and the girls... "Ugghh!!!" she screamed as Jackie came into the room, jesting a "Is it safe?...". "Yes, there gone... This is so out of control...."

Ashley and Kayla head home. Kayla is quiet in the car as Ashley fumes. She'd never been so angry. And to think Abbey had almost been one of the sisters. It seems Master Alex was wrong about this one. They pull back into the grounds and park the car. Ashley walks to Alex's study, knocking quietly as she waits to get let in.

"Enter," he says. She slides into the room, kneeling at his feet and looking down. "We found her Master. She ran because she saw you with Astrid last night. We talked and she refused to come back. I. I told her about you. About us. I figured that she would see the honor in it but she didn't. I don't think she is coming back." She bows her head, ready to accept any punishment he deals out.

He sighs and rubs his face. "I am disappointed pet. You're my first. My best. I expected better of you." He stands up and walks in front of her. "You know I'm going to punish you. Down into the basement." He follows her downstairs, locking her into the shackles on the wall.

"I will see you tomorrow pet," he says, shutting off the light, leaving her in darkness.
Abbey Chase
"Here I thought I had the perfect summer job and my whole world come crashing down. I ended up falling in love with this girl, hard... I thought it was meant to be, but it turns out she isn't what I thought she would. Or at least, our relationship wasn't what I dreamed it would be. And now, I find out all the girls working there are latex slaves of Mr. Harris and that he 'chose' me to be become one of his latex slaves... I mean... How the hell am I supposed to react to that revelation? Absolutely everything I thought I knew turns out to be something totally different. I've never felt so out of control before."
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