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The Interns of Alex Harris [Bodman54/Abbey Chase]


Astrid is frantic, wanting to go out and find Abbey. Alex is very firm that nothing can be done today. He sends her to bed, leaning into his authority as her new master. She bows her head, accepting her place as she sadly makes her way back to her room.

The bed feels so big and empty without Abbey and she sleeps terribly, barely able to drag herself out of bed in the morning. She misses Abbey so much and can't figure out why she left.

She walks down to the dining room, sitting quietly as she eats. Alex had explained what happened to the girls so they give Astrid her space. Ashley and Kayla volunteer to go find her and he gives them permission
Abbey Chase
Abbey would take a long hot shower in the morning. It was actually odd to take a shower since, for the past three days, she didn't. Jackie would try and complain that Abbey was monopolizing the bathroom, but she would be kind enough to leave it alone for today considering what had happened the night before. Jackie still had no idea what had happened, but given how depressed Abbey was, Jackie was smart enough to know it was probably something about love....

But eventually, Abbey would emerge from the steam filled bathroom, feeling a lot better than she did earlier that morning. "Sorry about taking over the bathroom, I just needed a really long hot shower..." Jackie simply nodded and said "No worries love."

Abbey would get ready to head over to the model agency that was interested in hiring her, so she would dress up in her best 'supermodel casual' fashion, which basically consisted of a pair of skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a feminine black leather jacket and a pair of converse sneakers. Adding to the ensemble was a Destiny Infinity scarf, an impressive collection of silver bracelets, a nice knockoff Rolex divers watch (female), a pair of long slim contemporary earrings and perfectly applied but muted makeup. Abbey didn't need much makeup, just a little bit. She usually made sure to use subtle eye-shadow which highlighted her mesmerizing grey eyes. By the time she was done, Abbey looked absolutely stunning in her 'supermodel casual' outfit.

Her goal was simple. Go downtown, get a coffee at one of the shops and then head over to the modelling agency.
Kayla mentions to Ashley that Abbey had talked about going to a sick friend at the hospital last night. So they head downtown, trying to figure out which hospital to check. They are turning heads, walking around in their full latex outfits. They check a couple and get frustrated, not having any luck. They are wandering around, trying to figure out what to do next.
Abbey Chase
Abbey was at the coffee shop, enjoying her latte, trying not to think about the events of last night since she didn't want to start crying again, which would ruin her makeup. So she focused on what could happen at the modelling agency. It was just 9 blocks away from the coffee shop, so a nice morning walk will end up energizing her. Thankfully, the temperature outside was somewhat cool and no humidity, so walking 9 blocks would not be a sweat inducing exercise. Abbey aimed to get at the modelling agency at 9 AM sharp as to demonstrate excellent punctuality...
Kayla to Ashley

Kayla sighs as they turn up empty again. "This isn't working," Kayla said to Ashley. "We can't find her." She looks around in frustration. Then she has an idea. "Didn't she give Master her last address when he hired her?" People give the two of them strange glances. From the strange latex outfits, black catsuit with latex jeans and t-shirt for Ashley and a red catsuit with a pink latex sundress for Kayla, and the fact that she referred to someone as Master made people shy away.

They ignore the looks though. They don't care what other people think. They love their clothes and love their master. Why should they hide who they are?

"I think you're right. I'll give him a call and we can head over and see if her friend knows where she is at the moment." Ashley picks up her phone and calls Alex. She soon has the address and she and Kayla are soon on their way.

They arrive at the building, finding the correct apartment and knock on the door.
To Abbey

As Abbey sits in the waiting room of the modeling agency one of the receptionists walks out. "Ms. Chase? If you'll come with me I'll show you to the agent who is going to talk to you."

The woman takes Abbey back into one of the offices, showing her inside. If she looks around she would she pictures of models. What is unusual about them is that all the girls are all dressed in mostly latex.

The man at the desk smiles as Abbey walks in. "Hello Ms. Chase. I'm Kevin Dix. Pleasure to meet you."
Abbey Chase
Abbey would smile as she got up from her chair and followed the receptionist. As Abbey entered the office, her eyes would be immediately drawn to the pictures of all the girls in mostly latex, feeling her heart skip a beat. She would look at Mr. Dix ((lol, nice name)) and greet him with a polite "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Dix", trying to hide the look of surprise on her face. He would invite her to sit down on a chair facing a coffee table, as he sits down on the other chair more or less across it.

This wasn't at all what she had expected. Abbey knew this modelling agency, they were mainstream, so why was the office displaying pretty fetishy imagery? It struck Abbey as quite odd. It was still had for her not to stare at all the beautiful women in latex...
Jackie to Ashley and Kayla
One could here "Coming..." from behind the door. After a few moments, the locks on the door would sound out and the door would crack open. The look on Jackie's face was one of total surprise. None of her rubber friends every showed up dressed in rubber at her apartment, that was forbidden. However, after a second of shock, her face would turn into a devilish smile as she asked "Can I help you?" while checking out both of the latex clad beauties. Jackie really had NO idea what was going on, after all, her rubber fetish was something she practiced at Club Rub, not here...
Kevin to Abbey

Kevin sees Abbey eyeing the latex pictures. "You have a good eye I see. I'm sure you're curious about that. We've been acquired by someone who wants to bring a little more wow into the mainstream. So we're starting to work some unusual fabrics into our fall collection. And I think that you would look great in the centerpiece of our collection." He turns back to her, appraising her form. He gives her a wide smile, knowing that she will be a stunner in form-fitting latex. "I have a contract here that we can sign if you would like."
Ashley to Jackie

Ashley smiles as a cute girl answers the door. She is used to unusual reactions but this girl's is different. There is shock of course. But then something else. Excitement and or intrigue. She smiles warmly at the girl. "Hi. I'm Ashley and this is Kayla. We work with Abbey and we were wondering if you'd seen her? She left work rather abruptly and we haven't been able to get a hold of her and were very worried about her."
Jackie to Ashley and Kayla
Jackie stood at 5'9" with E cup breasts and a dancer type body. She was pretty hot actually, but in a girl next door type of way. She didn't quite have a 'signature feature' like Abbey's mesmerizing grey eyes... Jackie frowned as Ashley spoke up, revealing that the two were co-workers of Abbey. Jackie would invite them in, mostly to make sure the two latex clad girls didn't just stand there in the middle of the corridor.... Turning around to face them Jackie looked confused, considering the girls were apparently co-workers and were al encased head to toe in latex. "You work with Abbey?...." she said, puzzled, looking at the two girls from top to bottom... "Abbey was here last night, obviously super upset about something, telling me the new job wasn't going to work out. She's gone downtown for the morning to see about another job offer she had." After a pause she asks "Are you sure you work with Abbey...You know, tall hot girl with eyes you can't forget..." as she points at the two latex girls, obviously implying something about all the latex. Jackie didn't mind it, the two girls were really hot, but she just couldn't picture Abbey in latex...
Abbey Chase
Abbey seem a bit uncomfortable all of a sudden as she heard about this new direction the modelling agency was taking, something about signing up with a fashion house with makes pretty rubbery fashions. This definitely was not mainstream and Abbey wondered if following through with this would be a career limiting move. After all, mainstream is where the money was at.

"Oh, I see...To be honest, this is somewhat unexpected. As a would be model, I pictured myself positioning my career in something more mainstream. This latex stuff seems like a bit of a niche. I'm not sure if doing this type of work would end up pigeon holing me in a genre that is away from mainstream. Being a fetish model seems like it could be a career limiting move"

Abbey had done TONS of research on the modelling agency. She was well aware that models must make very early career choices when it comes to the 'type' of model they wish to be, that successful models are those that are able to convey a certain 'look and feel', that successful models are those that know how to properly establish themselves in a specific genre in the industry. She also knew that doing the wrong type of work can end up being a career limiting move. For example, posing in a latex fetish magazine would probably close the door on any work in magazines like Seventeen or other tween magazines.
Ashley to Jackie

Ashley and Jackie exchange glances. They had no idea why Abbey would say anything like that. They thought that she was getting on really well. They all knew what she and Astrid were getting up to. And now they were hearing that Abbey was apparently unhappy.

"Yes we're sure. I met her when she showed up for the interview myself. We had no idea she was unhappy. She seemed to just be settling in. I have no idea what the problem might have been."
Kevin to Abbey

"I know this seems strange. But the outfits aren't going to be fully latex. Regular fashion with latex worked in. More like an accent than anything. Don't worry about your career growth. We see this as a booming market. You'll be cutting edge. Once the world gets a load of you you will be in such high demand we'll be beating away job offers with a stick."

He had lots of experience convincing uncertain models about this new direction. He had been tough to convince at first. But once he had been converted he was in wholeheartedly.

"I'll tell you what. I'll give you some research to prove that this is the future and we can set up another meeting to sign the contract."
Abbey Chase
Abbey smiles and nods and says "Actually, I'd very much like to see that research since, obviously as you know, it's important for models to carefully control their 'look and feel' in order to ensure that one is marketable in the areas that interest them. So I want to make sure that I chose my work carefully"

Abbey was interested to know who the fashion designers were, since obviously posing for well known fashion designers was what she wanted to focus on. It was also important to know who the photographers would be. Once again, being seen by the right photographers was a sure fire way to ensure that she would find more opportunities in the future. After all, photographers often help fashion designers pick the right model for the job.
Jackie to Ashley and Kayla
Jackie shrugged as she said "Abbey really didn't want to talk about it, she was really upset. But, if I were to guess, I would say this had something to do with a broken heart. At least, that's what it felt like to me, since there's no way Abbey would be upset about losing a job just three days in, particularly when she has other offers waiting for her. You know, she's going to be a super model one day. That girl has the eyes for it...." Jackies was obviously referring to Abbey's signature bright grey eyes which were hard to forget. As Jackie talked, she couldn't help by steal more than a few glances at the latex clad hotties in front of her. She herself was getting a bit aroused by the scent, the rubbery squeaks, and the sight of all this wonderful all enclosing latex...
Kevin to Abbey

"Yes of course. I completely understand. We want all our models to be empowered and have control over their careers. With input from us of course. What is your email? I will send all the information I have over to you." He didn't normally go through this much effort to land a brand new model. They were a dime a dozen. But Abbey was special. With her out of this world curves and her piercing eyes, she would be a hit no matter what she was dressed in. He just had to land her.
Ashley to Jackie

A broken heart? That was even more confusing. Last time anyone had checked, Abbey and Astrid were head over heels for each other. Ever knew it. They were fighting Sam and Isabella for most in love couple. This was coming out of left field for both Ashley and Kayla.

"Are you sure? Was she seeing anyone? Because we can't think of anything at work that would lead to a broken heart." They weren't going to tell Jackie about the sexcapades that the girls get up to at the house. She was a on a need to know basis about their job, and that was not need to know information.

"Do you know when she'll get back? We'd really like to talk to her."
Abbey Chase
Abbey came prepared as she smiled while quite literally pulling a business card from her purse and politely offering it to Mr. Dix as she said "You'll find all of my contact information here". The business card was made of thick card stock, very glossy. On the front side was all of her contact information in a easily readable but very vogue typesetting, and on the back side was a close up picture of her signature eyes with absolutely perfectly applied makeup and color scheme, a real 'eye-catcher'. The picture of her eyes had obviously been taken by a professional photographer... Abbey knew that her figure was drop dead gorgeous, but understood full well that her eyes were going to be her signature feature. Always play to your strengths, that's the rule to success!
Jackie to Ashley and Kayla
Jackie shrugged and replied "Yeah, I'm 99% sure it's a broken heart. No one drinks a whole bottle of wine while sobbing all night long because of a lost job. Besides, as I said, Abbey has no shortage of options. She's smart as can be and a total knockout, so her getting a job is never going to be an issue. And no, Abbey wasn't seeing anyone that I know of. She wasn't exactly the type to date a lot which is surprising since every guy and more than a few girls out there would sure as hell want to shag that girl. I mean, she's a good flirt and everything, but she is a pretty picky lass much to the dismay of her many suitors." After a pause she said "And I have absolutely no clue when she'll be back. I don't exactly track her schedule or anything like that... Afternoon would be my best guess, but that's just a wild guess"

Jackie the pauses and says "You know, I really must ask since this has been itching at me ever since I opened the door. What's with the latex outfit. I mean.... MEEOOWWWW!" as said with a devilish glint on her face.
Kevin to Abbey

Kevin takes her card, impressed with the quality and craft of it. It was obvious that she was very serious about getting into the modeling business and he was very excited to work with her. "Great. I will send over the information as soon as we are done here. Take your time looking it over. I will include contact information for people we are working with so you can reach out to them and ask any question you have. I look forward to hearing good news from you. Do you have any more questions for me?" He looks at her expectantly. She seemed like a smart girl, he was sure she was just bubbling with questions he could answer.
Ashley to Jackie

Ashley nods. "Ok. Do you mind if we come back later? I don't want to have this conversation over the phone." She and Kayla exchange smiles as Jackie asks about the latex, clearly very interested in the outfits. "Oh these? Everyone who works for Mr. Harris wears them. You see, he has a rare immune disorder that prevents him from enjoying much of life. He needs to be encased in latex to prevent any bacteria from reaching his skin. And as a precaution we have to wear it too. But that doesn't mean we can't look good right?" She grins as she spins, showing off the way the material clung to her, leaving nothing to the imagination.

"You like?"
Abbey Chase
Abbey had plenty of question, so she would smile and say "Oh, I have many questions..." Abbey would start asking a ton of questions, from who was the fashion house producing the new latex hybrid fashions, to who the designer was, to whether or not the agency still kept a great relationship with magazines such as Seventeen or Teen Vogue or Girl's Life and cosmetic giants such as Sephora, MAC or Maybelline. Abbey understood that specific modelling agencies were usually aligned with repeat customers, mostly because in many cases models are hired to represent a brand over a long period of time, so that represents repeat business. Abbey then asked some legal questions about the agencies policy on models putting limitations on the contracts (i.e. no topless or nude work, etc...) and things like first right of refusal (i.e. turning down specific assignments if the model feels the work might diverge too much from her chosen 'look and feel').

Abbey was very polite and eloquent in how she asked her questions. It was obvious she did a lot of research before coming here today and that she was very prepared, unlike a lot of wide eyed teenage girls who just show up, not knowing what to do or what to expect.
Jackie to Ashley and Kayla
Jackie smiled and said "I love latex! And those outfits are so well made, the craftsmanship is fantastic." After a brief pensive pause Jackie would ask "Abbey had to wear latex outfits like that?... Wow, she must have been distracting to look at. I'm kind of jealous actually, and surprised."

Jackie would then add "You can obviously come back later if you want, but like I said, I can't promise she'll be here."
Kevin to Abbey

Kevin happily answered her questions, glad to see a model come in prepared and knowledgeable about the industry. He gives her a great pitch, explaining why choosing his agency will allow her brand to explode.

Once they're done he stands up and shakes her hand. "I'm very excited to work with you. I will let you go so you can do your research but I look forward to hearing from you." Once she's gone he sends her the information he promised. It would answer any remaining questions she had and hopefully convince her to sign with his agency.
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