The Interns of Alex Harris [Bodman54/Abbey Chase]

Astrid To Ashley
Astrid was obviously really excited as she stripped down to just her latex catsuit before climbing into the vacuum bed, her latex clad body making a cacophony of rubbery squeaks as she wiggled her way in. After securing the tube in her mouth, Astrid was filled with anticipation. The feeling was simply mind blowing as she felt the latex top sheet begin to collapse on top of her, first feeling it pressing down on her large breasts, before pressing down on her legs, her pelvis and within seconds, totally squeezing her in from all directions. When asked how she was doing, all she could do was give one long sensuous moan as she wiggled sensuously in the vacuum bed. She was obviously LOVING it!
Ashley smiles as Astrid responds even better than Abbey did. So she figures she can try again. She climbs on top of Astrid, straddling the girl's waist as she leans over her. "Isn't it delicious? The smell everywhere. The feeling of it pressing down fully onto you. There is nothing else like it in the world." She brings her face right up to Astrid's, the only thing separating them is the thin black sheet. She slowly lowers her lips to Astrid's pressing them together in a gentle kiss.
Astrid to Ashley
Astrid loved every second of it, the feeling of being so tightly squeezed in the latex simply out of this world. Anytime she tried to move, the latex vacbed would give her a couple of inches of stretch, only to force her body back to it's original position. Being totally enclosed and totally vulnerable at the same time was such an incredible turn on. Astrid would squirm erotically in the latex vacbed, enjoying Ashley's ministrations, particularly after Ashley would climb on top of her, straddling her. The most delightful moans would escape through the mouth tube as Ashley teased Astrid, obviously enjoying the latex trapped girl...
Ashley can see that Astrid was enjoying herself much more than Abbey did. So she goes even further. She pulls out a vibrator, turning it on and running it over Astrid's body. "The first time I came in here was so intense. I've never reached that level of orgasm again."

That was a lie of course. Every time her master let her cum was a mind-blowing experience. "Just one orgasm and you'll be addicted to it. And I want to be here to help you."
Astrid to Ashley
Astrid squirms a little more as little feminine squeals escape from the breathing tube as Ashley begins to slowly run the vibrator against Astrid's latex trapped form. The way the latex vacbed strained, the way Astrid's body squirmed so sensuously, even the way Astrid's long latex clad fingers struggled to make a clenched fist only to be returned to their original 'fingers spread wide' position. Astrid would buck her hips up and down as the vibrator glanced upon her clitoris through the two layers of latex. Even with all that latex, she could still easily feel the full effect of the hitachi wand. That and the feel of the tight latex, the scent of it, the cacophony of rubbery squeaks, all of it conspired to drive Astrid crazy with desire and lust...
Ashley leans down, pressing her body fully along Astrid's. She makes sure to jeep the vibrator held firmly against each other's pussy as she begins to kiss Astrid's latex covered face. "Oh fuck. It feels so good doesn't it? All that latex pressing down around you. Filling your nostrils. And it's all thanks to Mr. Harris. He's so good to us. Welcoming us into his home. His beautiful, beautiful home. Giving us fulfilling jobs. Showing us the power and beauty of latex. He's soooooo generous. We need to repay him don't we? I mean. He must get so lonely due to his condition. What woman could ever love him? Never being allowed to leave the grounds. Always worrying about his health. But we care don't we. We can make him happy. We do what we have to do."

She leans close, barely whispering into Astrid's latex covered ears. "We must submit."
Astrid to Ashley
Astrid's mind was getting pulled into Ashley's world as this whirlwind of latex and bondage and desire filled Astrid's mind, leading her to a totally mind blowing orgasm in the tight latex that encased her. She wanted it so much now, this incredible idea of latex subservience filling her imagination. It was pure bliss. The feeling of the tight latex embracing her like a quiet lover, the feeling of Astrid on top of her, of her hands, of the vibrator. Being totally enclosed and protected while being totally vulnerable and accessible. The only thing missing was being filled with a nice hard cock!
Ashley rides the vibrator, grinding her hips down onto Astrid's. "Oh fuck. Cum with me." Her hand goes to her tit, groping it as she starts to shudder and scream, cumming hard on the vibrator, so turned on by the whole situation.
Astrid to Ashley
Astrid was in rubber heavan as she felt one of Ashley's latex gloved hands groping her latex encased breasts, as she felt the vibrator between her sex and Ashley's sex. She could feel her gyrating her hips, grinding herself on the vibrator, causing the vibrator to grind into her latex encased sex in return. Astrid's body would squirm and twitch as her arousal reached fever pitch. As Ashley orgasmed, so did Astrid. It was so incredible to be trapped like that, totally helpless. To be completely encased while feeling absolutely naked, the dichotomy was not lost on Astrid. It was so hot to watch her body spasm while trapped in the tight rubber.
Ashley screams out in pleasure, her suit filling with her juices from her orgasm as she feels Astrid joining her. She leans forward, still grinding on the vibrator, to kiss Astrid's lips through the latex covering. She continues to shudder, rolling off Astrid and curling up next to the trapped woman. She throws an arm over her, hugging her as close as she can considering the bed as she kisses the side of her head. "Wasn't that amazing," she whispers. "Think of how good it feels. And then multiply it by ten when you discover someone who is strong enough to just take over. Taking what he wants and giving you what you need. He knows you better than you know yourself. Submit to him and he'll bring you to heights you've never dreamed of."
Astrid to Ashley
All Astrid could do was make little moaning sounds while trapped in the tight shiny black rubber vacbed. She would listen to Astrid as Astrid sold her the idea of submitting to her boss. For Astrid, the idea seemed so appealing. It would seem that the subliminal sounds and conditioning were in fact taking root in Astrid's mind. All she could do is squirm erotically in the tight latex bed.
Ashley turns off the bed, helping Astrid out of it. She holds the other girl close, their breasts pressing together as Ashley looks deeply into Astrid's eyes. "Are you ready? To give yourself to him. You have to love him above all. Even above Abbey. Can you do that?"
Astrid to Ashley
All Astrid could manage is to nod her head a bit and squirm around in delight in the tight latex that encased her. If she could beam a bright smile, she would. Her decision was without hesitation. She didn't understand why, but she knew that she belonged to Alex now. She didn't think about Abbey as she made her decision, the effects of the subliminal therapy having worked perhaps a little too well on Astrid.
Ashley smiles. "Good," she says, leaning in real close to Astrid. "Now you need to go to his office and drop to your knees at his feet. You then need to say, 'Master Alex. I am yours. Do to me what you will because I am your loyal latex slave.' Can you do that for me?"
Astrid to Ashley
Astrid felt really nervous about what she was being asked to do. It seemed like such a big step to take all of a sudden. She would give a sheepish nod, well as sheepish a nod as can be when one is trapped in a black latex vacbed. Butterflies were bouncing around in her stomach as a mixture of nervousness and anticipation mixed in with a little bit of fear. Fear of the unknown really. Most of what Astrid felt she could not understand right now, or at least could not explain. But it 'felt' right to do this somehow, not that any of it made any sense though. Astrid didn't even give a thought to Abbey at all as she made her decision.
Ashley smiles as she sees the nod. She hops up and turns off the bed. "Don't disappoint me," she says as she helps Astrid out of the bed. She looks deeply into Astrid's eyes before leaning in and kissing the woman. "Go. Kneel before our master and join our sisterhood."
Astrid to Ashley
Astrid's tall latex clad form would squirm out of the deflated latex bed in a cacophony of rubbery squeaks. Astrid felt a bit weak kneed for a second and had to take a moment to stand up. Looking down as Ashley talked to her, she said "I'll do my best...", but deep inside, she felt so incredibly nervous. Was she making a mistake? Or was it excitement? She wasn't sure. The maelstrom of emotions inside of her was overwhelming and half of what she was feeling she could not really explain. Was she making an impulsive decision that she would regret in the morning, a decision made in the heat of passion?

Once taking her leave from Ashley, Astrid would head to the study where Alex was. She would stand there in front of the double doors, her latex gloved hand too timid to open the door for what seemed like the longest time. She was so nervous, she almost felt nauseous. But at the same time, she felt excited, she felt anticipation, she felt desire. 'What am I doing?' she thought to herself. She paced back and forth in front of the study, slowly gathering the courage to go in and proclaim her devotion to Alex. For a second, she almost turned around and left, almost chickened out, but she remembered Ashley's words not to let her down and that was pretty much the only thing that kept her there.

After A LOT of hesitation, she would open the door and timidly walk in, looking down at the floor the whole time. It was obviously she was nervous. And as she got near Mr. Harris, she just stood there and said "Mr. Harris..." but then went silent. Her heart was beating so hard, it felt as though she would have a heart attack. Astrid really could not understand why she was doing this, but it 'felt' right somehow. After a long pregrant pause, she would get down on her knees with hesitation and say a meek "Master Alex. I am yours. Do to me as your please. I am your latex slave" Astrid cringed a bit since it wasn't quite the words that Astrid had told her to say, but given how nervous she was, it was a miracle she could even formulate words....
Ashley smiles at Astrid, squeezing her hand encouragingly. She looks deeply into Astrid's eyes. "I know you'll do great." She stands quietly as the other woman walks out the door but as soon as it is closed she begins to dance around in glee. It is always a momentous occasion when a new sister is brought into the fold. And she was very excited that it was Astrid. The Swedish beauty was perfect. Master Alex would mold her to be the perfect latex slave. She would take part in the orgies and she would help service and worship the master. She jumps into her bed, wriggling between the two latex sheets and sealing herself in. She feels the latex being pulled tight across her entire body, moaning with pleasure as the familiar suction takes hold.

Alex is working quietly in his office. It was so hard to run a multi-billion dollar empire from the comfort of his own home, but that was the price he had to pay. He was lucky, most people with his condition die young. He had not only survived. But thrived. Now he was one of the richest men in the world, able to buy anything he wanted to. And he also has a stable of beautiful women addicted to latex and himself. And if all goes to plan he would add two more to that stable. From what he heard, Astrid was closer than Abbey was. The Swedish girl was naturally submissive and all it took was a little nudging to guide her on the right path.

As he is thinking about her the door to his study opens and she slips inside. He shifts in his chair, the latex squeaking as he moves and stares at her. She is nervous, that much is obvious. But about what. He waits patiently for her to start talking to him. She is fighting an internal battle and he is content to wait it out. He does not have to wait to long though as she slowly lowers herself to her knees.

He smiles widely as she stumbles through her offer, looking more and more nervous. He stands up from his chair, walking around his desk and stopping in front of her. "That is a generous offer Astrid. It warms my heart to hear that you are willing to say the words. But I need to know that you mean it. Are you willing to devote yourself to me, heart and soul, like the other girls here? I know how special Abbey is to you. Would you punish her, beat her until she was crying because I told you to. Sam and Isabella would. They would happily torture each other at my command because no matter how strong their love for each other is, their love for me is greater."

He crouches down and looks her straight in the eye. "I will gladly accept you as my slave. But you need to prove yourself to me. Bring me Abbey. Convince her any way you can. Make her devoted to me like I know you want to be. I want her willingly kneeling here next to you. That is your first task my slave."
Astrid to Alex
Astrid heart was beating so hard, it was actually hard to hear almost. But as she heard the part about 'beat her', Astrid would suddenly look up with a frown as she said "What?... Beat people? Hurt Abbey?.... Never. Why would you ask anyone to do such a thing?" Astrid hadn't really thought about Abbey in any of her decision making up to know, and she suddenly felt bad about that. Astrid was also not a violent person, so asking her to visit violence on others would be asking her to do something that is most decidedly not a part of who she is. Suddenly, Astrid wasn't so sure about her decision. Trying to look brave she said "I will try to convince Abbey, but things like beating her, or anyone for that matter, is strictly something I'll never do" Astrid could not understand why she was still trying to impress Alex, to please him. After all, what he just asked her to do should have ordinarily sent her packing.
Alex chuckles. "No. Of course not. I was just giving examples. I don't actually beat my girls when they need to be punished. I have more creative methods for what I want." He caresses the side of her face. "I know you'll do your best. Because there is something inside you. Something that you never knew was there. You've opened the door a crack. Now submit to me and I'll pull it open all the way. Help you discover your true nature. I will being you levels of pleasure you've never experienced." His voice was soft and reassuring. She was in his palms now and he didn't want her to fly away.
Astrid to Alex
Alex's words seem to give some comfort to Astrid, but in the back of her mind she hoped he would never actually ask her to do something unsavory. She would give a sheepish nod and say "I'll do my best", but of course, Astrid really didn't know where to start and she was too afraid to admit it out loud. She'd have to figure something out. After all, Abbey didn't strike her as someone impressionable.
He nods. "Good. I expect nothing but the best from my slaves. Once she has submitted to me I will give you a bed like Ashley has. Until then you keep your regular bed. Think of it as a goal to strive for. But for now." He tilts her head up to him. "Are you ready to serve me?" She must know what he is planning. This was all leading up to it. His cock was erect in his suit, a large bulge forming behind the latex.
Astrid to Alex
Astrid's face would light up as she spotted the bulge forming behind the latex. She would look up at Alex, with that mischievous grin on her face, before looking back down, her latex gloved fingers reaching out and gently caressing the bulge, her latex gloved fingers squeaking along the shiny latex where the bulge was growing bigger and harder. She would caressing it lovingly for a minute or so before reaching up and slowly unzipping Alex's pants, revealing the latex catsuit underneath. Without hesitation, she would lean forward and start licking up and down the latex clad shaft as her gloves hand slowly pulled down Alex's latex trousers and lifting up his latex shirt, exposing the full length of his erect cock which is still pressed up against his belly, licking it up and down slowly, her fingers gently caressing it at the same time.
He smiles down at her as she eagerly starts to stroke his cock. "That's it he says. Worship my cock." He places his hand on her head as it slowly grows to its full size. "Take it in your mouth," he commands. "I want to see how talented that mouth it." He peels his cock away from his body, stroking the latex clad shaft as he positions it right in front of her mouth. "Open up pet."
Astrid to Alex
Astrid's latex gloved fingers would pull at the latex pouch that covered Alex's latex cock, pulling out the latex cock from it, his long hard cock now bounding up and down in front of her. She eagerly grabs the latex clad cock with one of her latex gloved hands as she brings her lips to it, as she begins to suck on the cock, alternating between licking it and sucking it. For some reason, she really loved the taste of latex and the scent of latex, so being so close to it and so close to Alex's hard cock was really turning her on. Astrid wasn't exactly the best at sucking cocks, but she really gave it a lot of enthusiasm.
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