The Interns of Alex Harris [Bodman54/Abbey Chase]

Abbey Chase
Abbey looked so sheepish as she was asked the question, she was at a total at a loss for word as she babbled "Well... um... I came to see how you were doing.... well.... I mean I knocked.... but then there was no answer.... so, I mean. I saw you there and... well what if you were in trouble.... I mean.............. What is this?"

By far, the absolute worse sentence that Abbey has ever put together in her life. The type of sentence worthy of someone less than half of her IQ... Like... A lot less than half of her IQ.
"No. Nothing was wrong. I was just taking a break with some personal time. I was fine." She rubs her arms, feeling incredibly awkward about the whole situation.
Abbey Chase
Abbey didn't really understand what was going on, or that that strange latex contraption was, but she felt as though she was intruding, so she would say a sheepish "Oh.... I see... I'm sorry if I intruded. We'll um... let's talk later then... and again, I'm really sorry, I should not have intruded..." With that, Abbey would start making her way to the door of the room as she prepares to leave the room and leave Ashley alone.
Ashley feels bad about the way she just snapped at Abbey. "Wait. Stop. I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself. You wanted to talk," she asks quietly, moving over to sit on the lounge, waiting for Abbey to turn around.
Abbey Chase
Abbey turns around just before exiting the room and replies "I was looking for you to see how you were doing. You seemed really quiet during lunch and I just wanted to know if everything was allright. I didn't mean to interrupt... Well... this" as she points to the empty vacbed. "But now that I'm here, I just have to know, what is that?" Abbey was way to curious not to ask.
"This is my bed," she says, standing up and walking over to it. "I've been using it so long that i can't imagine sleeping without it. It's like a warm hug every night. But all around your body." She looks slyly at Abbey. "Want to try it? Without all the mind altering chemicals affecting you?"
Abbey Chase
Abbey was really shocked at the proposition, but at the same time there was this part of her that really wanted to due to both curiosity, but also because the concept seemed alluring for some reason. This maelstrom of feelings manifested as hesitation as she babbled a "What?... Try that?... I'm not sure about that... I mean... um... ". After a pensive pause Abbey then added "So... well... okay, maybe I'll try it just bit. I'm just... you know... curious...". Abbey was very nervous about the idea, but at the same seemed excited if one could imagine these two emotions at once...
Ashley holds open the sides. "Step in then. Let's see how you like it." Once Abbey was all settled in, fully encased with the breathing tube in her mouth Ashley turns on the vacuum, sucking the latex tight to Abbey's body. She walks around the bed, reaching out and running her hands over Abbey. "How does it feel," she asks, knowing Abbey can't hear anything. "When you submit to our master you'll get a bed like this for your own use. Or I guess you and Astrid."
Abbey Chase
Abbey seemed very hesitant as her latex clad form approached the side opening of the latex vacbed. Her heart was beating pretty fast as she sheepishly swung one of her legs up, sliding it between the two sheets of latex in a cacophony of rubbery squeaks. It would take a couple of minutes of squirming and scooting about for Abbey to be in place and aligned. After putting on the mouthpiece in her mouth, Ashley would press the button the sealing mechanism to close down just as the vacuum activates. At first, nothing seems to happen other than the two sheets of latex seem a bit tight. But like any vacbed, it would go from slightly tight to absolutely sucked on in just a moment, causing Abbey to let out a feminine squeal. She didn't expect that sensation, how the latex just pressed all around her, molding itself and her catsuit super tightly around her entire body. She would try to move, but whatever minor movement she was able to manage would immediately be counteracted by the latex vacbed.

Ashley would say something that Abbey didn't make out since it was said before the loud vacuum shut itself down. Once the vacuum was off, the only sounds that could be heard were the rubbery squeaks made by Ashley latex gloved fingers rubbing up against the latex vacbed and the latex groans caused by Abbey testing just how restrictive this vacbed thing was.

More little feminine squeals would pipe out of the breathing tube as Abbey felt Ashley's latex gloved hands running over her body. This caused Abbey to become nervous, her heart beating even faster than before. But, at the same time, the feeling was deeply arousing....
"How are you feeling," Ashley says, climbing onto the bed and straddling Abbey's waist. "Doesn't it feel incredible? The way the latex sheets just hold you so tight. You can barely move and you find you don't even want to." She starts feeling Abbey's body, running her hands over her curves, getting turned on by talking about it and seeing Abbey in this predicament. "Mr. Harris sometimes uses these to meditate and when I tried it for the first time I was addicted. I begged him to allow me to have one to sleep in and because he's so kind he allowed me too."

What she wasn't saying was that he expected all his girls to end up in one of these eventually. He has his own but he is using one of his girls almost every night so it doesn't get as much use as it used to.

Ashley leans over, her breasts brushing up against Abbey's. "I bet you'll be addicted to it too. You'll never sleep the same way again. Hugged so tightly and securely. It feels like a second skin. But better. Smell the latex. It's intoxicating."
Abbey Chase
More little feminine squeals of surprise would pipe out of the small breathing tube as Abbey felt Ashley get onto the latex vacbed. She can feel the latex pressing downwards where Ashley's knees are. As she feels Ashley's latex gloved hands over her body, Abbey's seems to shake her head no, squirming a little more, as if perhaps to say that she wasn't consenting to this, but from the outside, it just looked like really erotic squirming. Half of Abbey wanted this to stop because she was getting way too turned on and she felt as if this was like cheating on Astrid, but the other half loved it to no ends, this felt so erotic, so intense. Abbey would then feel the tips of Ashley's breasts rub up against the tip of her breasts, the latex clad tit flesh squeaking against each other as Ashley's breasts brushed up against Abbey's... Abbey's heart would skip a beat as just that feeling of being totally vulnerable, of all that tight rubber, was really turning her on. Instead of a feminine squeal, Abbey would let out a soft moan as the latex clad tit flesh squeaked by.

"Et e ou" said Abbey, trying to say 'let me out' through the tube, but one would be hard pressed to understand anything. For the most part, Abbey wanted out because the arousal was getting way too intense for her. This was entirely unexpected, she never thought she'd react so profoundly to being trapped in latex like that.

Abbey looked impossibly hot in that tight latex. Her perfect tall form, totally outline to perfection, her large breasts molded flawlessly. It was now very evident that Abbey was really turned on, judging by her very evident nipples trying to poke out of the latex and judging from the heat radiating from between her legs. And Ashley, straddling Abbey as she was, would actually feel Abbey's hips quiver for a moment.

"ET E OUUU" repeated Abbey, a bit louder as she squirmed and thrashed even harder, but once again, it simply look so intensely erotic...
Ashley was so turned on right now. She started subtly grinding her hips on Abbey, seeing and feeling the movement underneath. She bent down and hovered her head right above Abbey's. "Don't tell me you don't like it. It's so addicting. I know you do. I think you're a little like me. One little taste and you jumped right in. Don't think I didn't see you smuggling those gloves into your room the other night. You're hooked."

She licks the latex over Abbey's face, leaving a trail of saliva from her chin to the crown of your head. "I can make you cum in here you know. Just say the word."
Abbey Chase
Abbey was really horrified that this was turning her on, hugely... There was no way she was going to cheat on Astrid, she'd never be able to live with herself. An even louder and angrier "ET E OUUU" piped out of the small tube through which she was breathing, as she squirmed even more under the tight latex prison. She could feel Ashley beginning to grind against her, causing to let out a shocked feminine squeal. The latex vacbed groaned and rubbery squeaks filled the air as Abbey became increasingly agitated. But, the more she struggled, the more aroused she became. On a couple of occasions, Abbey's hips would quiver as a quick little moans escaped her lips.

Being so helpless was so arousing, and hearing Ashley talk about the gloves, feeling her lick her latex encased face.... Abbey was so close... But....

Abbey wanted this to stop. Had this been Astrid, she'd be having a massive orgasm right now, but Ashley wasn't the right person. At least, that's what her rational mind was saying. Her body however was desiring something else. The conflict inside of her was absolute torture... Abbey wasn't sure if she could resist much longer.
"Come on Abbey. I know you want to. It's ok. Let it all out." She starts playing with Abbey's breasts. "Submit to the power of latex. Cum for me." She's really worked herself up right now, grinding faster and faster on Abbey, her breaths coming in shorter gasps. "Oh god Abbey. Cum with me. Pleaseeeee." The room was filled with the sound of latex squeaks, Ashley grinding on Abbey, Abbey writhing in the bed.

And in the hallway, Alex was standing, watching the whole thing happen. He could see Abbey's breasts rapidly rising and falling, knowing she was so close to cumming. "Cum for me my pet," he whispers, giving Ashley permission.

Ashley hears him, yelling in pleasure as she cums hard, her whole body shuddering on top of Abbey.
Abbey Chase
Abbey was really trying hard to break out of the devilish vacbed, but all she could managed was that really erotic squirm which just encouraged Ashley to continue. Little grunts and little moans would come faster and faster out of Abbey's breathing tube as the feeling of Ashley grinding herself over her was pushing this huge waves of pleasure on her. Abbey was trying to hard to resist... Suddenly, she feels Ashley's latex gloved hands cup her breasts, Ashley's latex gloved fingers digging into her tit flesh, rubbing up against her overly sensitive erect nipples through the two layers of latex.

"OP.... OP" angered Abbey, trying to tell Ashley to STOP because Abbey didn't want to cum. But what she wanted and what she would get would be two very different things. Ashley could probably feel Abbey's abdominal muscles bunching up as Abbey neared orgasm. The feeling of Ashley's latex clad body grinding away on top of her, of her breasts being fondled with wild abandon, of being trapped in latex, everything was conspiring against Abbey. Even the scent of latex, how vibrant all the latex squeaks seemed....

And with that, Abbey's body would tense up and then start convulsing violently as Abbey lost her fight not to orgasm. A loud gutteral moan would escape through the small breathing hole as Abbey came really really hard. She actually didn't expect it, and the feeling of being so tightly restricted in the latex while convulsing was so intensely pleasurable....
Ashley shudders a few more times, rolling off Abbey and laying next to her on the bed. She looks over and sees Alex standing there. She smiles at him and mouths, "Thank you Master." He nods and walks away, allowing her to talk to Abbey alone. She hauls herself off the bed, groaning with pleasure as she turns on the blower, blowing air into the bed so Abbey can worm her way out of it.

She sits down again. "So? What did you think? Wasn't it mind blowing?"
Abbey Chase
Abbey was breathing heavily through that small breathing tube as she came down from her orgasm. It was surprisingly powerful and her body felt like jelly after straining against the tight latex for all this time. But as pleasurable as it was, Abbey was upset, she viewed what just happened to her as 'cheating' on Astrid. By the time Ashley let her out, Abbey was almost sobbing and visibly upset. No sooner would Ashley try to talk, asking Abbey if she found it mind blowing, Abbey would raise a latex gloved hand in a 'stop' motion as she said a rather unhappy "You forced this on me. I didn't give you permission..." as she headed out of the room.

So although the experience was intensely pleasurable, who it happened with really cast a shadow on what just happened. Abbey would go to her room and sob for a while and wait for Astrid to come back. She'd had to tall her about what happened and hope that it would break Astrid's heart, since Abbey viewed this a cheating and that's simply not her style.
Ashley sits back on her bed, the aftershocks of her orgasm still running through her. She felt a little bad because Abbey was so upset. But she knew it was for the best. Abbey needed to get used to the latex. To see how much pleasure it could bring her. A day or two to get her head in order and Ashley would approach her again.

Astrid had returned to their room and looks up when Abbey comes in. She jumps up, seeing Abbey is visually upset. She pulls Abbey into a hug. "Abbey?! What's wrong?"
Abbey Chase
Abbey looks so ashamed of herself and it takes her a few moments before she is able to find the words to explain that happened, how she was curious to try that latex vacbed but once inside, Ashley took advantage of her. But Abbey admitted that this is probably something she should have known would have happened and how she feels horrible for betraying Astrid.

"I tried to tell her to stop, but either she wouldn't listen or could make out what I was saying through that stupid tube. I tried not to orgasm, but I could stop it. I'm so sorry, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to do this without you. I'm a horrible person..."

Abbey was having a really hard time not sobbing out of control.
"Oh sweetie. You're forgetting I'm Swedish. We're much more open about sex than you Americans. Don't feel bad. I'm not angry at you. More like jealous I didnt get to see your sexy body all vacuum packed like that."

She wipes away Abbey's tears, kissing her tenderly. "I want you to know you can have all the fun you want. I know who your heart belongs too."
Abbey Chase
Abbey was surprised at Astrid's reaction. She thought for sure this would break her heart, or cause her to have a lesser respect for Abbey. Abbey actually looked stupified as Astrid took the news surprisingly well.

And the kiss would wipe away whatever fears Abbey had. "I'm still sorry, but thanks for making me feel better. I really thought I had let you down. I guess I'm not Swedish when it comes to such things..." After a pause she added "The vaccum bed was really hot by the way. We should try that together..."
"Its more European vs American baby. You're so repressed over here." She keeps kissing Abbey, reassuring the distraut woman. She's not jealous because she can see how much Abbey loves her. A little fun with someone else is fine.

"I would love to try it with you. Is Ashley the only one who has one?" She pulls Abbey backwards, the two of them falling to the bed, facing each other. Astrid tangles her legs around Abbey, preventing her from running away.
Abbey Chase
Abbey's sorrow turned into a bright beautiful smile as Astrid pulled them into the latex bed while facing each other. Abbey loved the comfort of feeling Astrid near her. "I don't think it's about being repressed. Maybe it's a different perspective on what one could term as faithfulness. I guess I would probably fall into the category of a monogamous girl..." After some playful caresses and cuddling Abbey adds "I don't know. The vacbed in Ashley's room is the first time I've ever seen such a contraption. We did get sealed in those vaccuum bags things yesterday... It's really odd that Mr. Harris seems to have all this kinky latex and rubber stuff..."
Astrid hesitates when Abbey talks about how weird it is that Mr. Harris has all these kinky things. She remembers her dream from last night, being confined in the slime as he fucked Abbey. And she remembers how much she wanted that. "Yeah. Crazy right," she says.

She kisses Abbey gently. "Maybe we can go back to Abbey and see if we can fit in hers," she suggests slowly, not wanting to scare Abbey more by her eagerness.
Abbey Chase
"No... Not right now. I didn't exactly leave her room in a good mood. Besides, I could do with just some restful snuggling. Sometimes, it's just nice to just cuddle and take a nap together. I do love the feel of your latex clad body against me."
Abbey would snuggle into Astrid, a nice quiet smile on her face. The past few days had been really intense, all this stuff about latex and now bondage and tentacles was so much to process in so little time.
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