The Interns of Alex Harris [Bodman54/Abbey Chase]

Abbey Chase
All four latex clad girls would head out to the aquarium after breakfast. Of course, the first part was to peel out of whatever latex outfits they had put on for breakfast, leaving only their latex catsuits on. This would be the first time Abbey sees Ashley in nothing but a catsuit, so she would blush a bit. Squeezing into the heavy latex drysuits was obviously fun, as Abbey 'helped' Astrid into hers and vice versa. Abbey would interweave the fingers of her hands to settle the drysuits attached gloves into place, the soft mat latex of the attached gloves making much softer latex squeaks than the usual shiny latex gloves. Abbey felt this strange sense of anticipation as her heart was beating pretty quickly, her eyes already staring at Astrid but also stealing more than a few furtive stares at Ashley. Once everyone was sealed inside their shiny heavy latex catsuits, they would help each other with the rebreather back packs and finally everyone would put on a pair of long black heavy rubber gloves before heading to the platform.

Abbey looked at Astrid several times, more than once holding and squeezing her heavy rubber gloved hand, as they waited for their turn to put on the fins and slide into the water. Almost immediately, the water pressure would press against the heavy rubber drysuit, making it look as though the heavy latex had become vacuum packed against their bodies. With four rubber clad girls in the water, the symphony of rubbery squeaks was more frequent. Once again, Abbey would steal a few furtive looks at Ashley, who looked so alluring all squeezed up in shiny latex, with those long black heavy rubber gloves... But, most of her attention was focused on Astrid as the two of them actually held hands underwater for the first little part of the dive, as they swam a little deeper enjoying the wondrous sights of the aquarium. At first, Abbey would make sure to steer clear of jelly fish and man-o-wars.
Astrid loves the way that all the girls look in their outfits. She can't help but check out Ashley and Kayla's asses as they walk up the stairs ahead of them. She makes sure to grab Abbey's hand, excited to go swimming with her again. They get to the top and all work their way into the fins. With a deep breath, Astrid jumps in and immediately feels all the remaining air being forced out of her suit, pressing it firmly against her body. All the other girls experience the same thing so the aquarium is filled with four big breasted beauties swimming around. Ashley and Kayla kick away, going through the caverns to the other side. Abbey takes Astrid's hand and leads her away from the floating jellies, swimming along the outside of the tank.

Astrid slips out of Abbey's hand, swimming underneath her and flipping over so she is staring up at her girlfriend. She smiles under the mask, reaching up and tracing her finger along Abbey's breasts before shooting away playfully, daring Abbey to chase her.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would crack a devilish smile as Astrid plays games with her, feeling a heavy rubber gloved finger glance upon her latex encased breasts, the finger digging into the tit flesh. As Astrid takes off, Abbey takes off after her. It's actually pretty distracting since, as Astrid takes off, her tightly latex encased breasts wobble under the friction with the water. Abbey herself almost loses a heavy rubber glove as the water catches into it and almost flips it off of her, forcing her to stop a bit and pull her heavy rubber glove back on. This would cost her a second or two, so it would be harder to catch up to Astrid as she swam away.

But Abbey knew that Astrid really didn't want to actually get away. After all, this wasn't a race as much as it was a really great excuse to fondle each other while in heavy rubber.
Astrid thinks she has a good headstart on Abbey, ready to duck into a cavern to hide from her lover and start a game of hide and seek. She looks over her shoulder and sees Abbey catching up quickly and she lets out a little yelp. Abbey was such a good swimmer. Astrid swims into the caves, using the twists and turns to escape. She uses one of the many exits and immediately swims up, pressing herself against the rocks of the cave. She is breathing heavily from the exertion but she doesn't think Abbey saw where she went.

She stays there, hiding against the rocks as Ashley and Kayla slowly swim by, obviously enjoying a nice and relaxing swim as Astrid and Abbey were wearing themselves out. She continues to look for Abbey, ready to pounce out and get some nice handfuls of that gorgeous ass of hers.
Abbey Chase
Abbey followed Astrid into the artificial caves, loosing track of her. Abbey would do her best to not hit any of the jelly fish. She would once again almost lose one of her heavy rubber gloves as water caught into the loose lip of the heavy rubber, the water rushing by as Abbey swam quickly almost pulling off the large heavy rubber gloves. By the time Abbey came out of the cave, she looked around, not knowing where Astrid went, feeling a little anxious all of a sudden since she didn't like loosing track of her buddy.
Astrid sees Abbey come out one of the other entrances to her left, looking about worriedly. She swims over as quietly as she can, staying behind the searching woman. When she is in position she reaches out with both hands and grabs Abbey's ass, holding it and jiggling it, feeling it respond under the many layers of latex and rubber they are wearing. Then before she has a chance to react she swims around, coming face to face with Abbey and gently pulling their heads together, looking into her girlfriend's eyes as their foreheads touch. She smiles through the mask as they slowly kick, staying in place as the fish swim around them.

On the other side of the tank, Ashley and Kayla have found one of the jellies floating peacefully. Part of their goal was to have a nice relaxing swim. But the main part was to give Abbey and Astrid another go round. So they start milking the jellies, clouding the water around them with the semen like slime. As the others start to respond the girls kick away, streaking over to the two girls. The jellies all converge on the four of them, quickly reaching out and starting to slime the drysuits.
Abbey Chase
Abbey let out a small feminine squeal in her full face rubber breathing mask as she feels someone grab her ass, but her moment of surprise is replaced by a bright smile as Astrid comes into view, the two of them hugging each other in their heavy latex drysuits, their heavy rubber gloves gently caressing each others bodies as they floating pressed up against each other. As Abbey saw movement to the side of her eye, she realize it was Astrid so she would push a way a bit, blushing quite a bit since Astrid and her was trying to keep their little romance under wraps. As Abbey looked at Ashley, all she noticed was this semen like slime all over her heavy rubber gloves. As she looked back up, she suddenly realized that the jelly fish from all around them were conversing on the four latex clad beauties...
As the two girls watch, the jellies surround them Astrid tries to escape. But they were surrounded. Jellies around them, jellies above them, jellies below them. Astrid starts to panic, remembering what happened last time. She wasn't afraid of getting hurt. She was afraid of becoming addicted to it. Would she start coming out here as much as possible, shirking her duties to be wrapped up in the tentacles?

She doesn't have a chance to think anymore about it as they close in. In a flash all four girls are wrapped up, arms and legs restrained as the jellies begin to secret their slime into the water. This time they go after Abbey first, pinning her arms and legs together as they start working their way into her gloves, filling the space with their slime. They drag over her mask, obscuring her vision as they thoroughly coat her. They pulse around her, pumping more and more slime into the area she is floating in.

Astrid watches her disappear in a cloud of slime, only imagining what is happening inside her head and unable to help at all. The tentacles are surprisingly strong, making it difficult to break free, even if she wanted to. But the longer she was in their clutches, the less she wanted to. She could feel pleasure coursing through her body, making her shiver in their grip.
Abbey Chase
Abbey and Astrid would try to swim away from this, but it was too late, the jelly fishes were all around them, tentacles reaching out from all over the place Abbey would feel slippery gelatinous tentacles slip into her heavy rubber gloves and seconds latex, she would feel the warm goo of the semen like slime begin to ooze into the heavy black rubber. Tentacles would wrap around her legs, pinning them together while others pinned her arms to her body as the jelly fish began go slime Abbey from top to bottom thoroughly. The last thing Abbey saw was Astrid trying to get away from the jelly fish while Ashley and Kayla were floating there, their rubber gloves overflowing with semen like slime as tentacles filled them up.

The slime was intense. Even if it didn't touch her skin at all, just being close to her caused her body to become intensely aroused. Abbey's nipples would grow stiff very quickly under the two latex of latex that encased them. Abbey would squirm and struggle, but the arousal would make sure that within moments, her struggles would slowly turn into a more erotic squirming. This was so intensely arousing! Abbey was already moaning like a wild banshee and a part of her wanted to see what was happening to the other girls. Was it perverted to desire this, to desire seeing the other girls, all dressed in heavy latex getting slimed and pleasured by tentacles?
The tentacles around Abbey continued to pulse, giving her an erotic massage as she writhes inside them. She was coated in a heavy dose of slime and as she moved it floated off of her, sticking to the others in the group. Ashley and Kayla didn't fight it, giving in to the jellies as they were taken as well. They had floated together and were able to grab each other's hands, staring into each other's eyes as they start to shudder, the first of many orgasms washing over them.

Astrid watches as the jellies surround her, sliming her so much that she can't see the original color of her dry suit. But it ceases to matter as the arousal shoots through her body. She has a need and she won't let anything stop her. She starts to slowly kick, drifting over to Abbey. When she reaches her she pulls her love into a hug, pressing their bodies together. The tentacles shift, surrounding both of them, pressing them so tightly that their breasts bulge out from each other. Astrid looks into Abbey's eyes, showing her the love she has as a tentacle works its way into her gloves, filling it with slime. She cries out, her orgasm hitting her hard and fast, shuddering in pleasure as she is held against Abbey.
Abbey Chase
Abbey could see anything, but she could feel all the slippery tentacles squirming over her vacuum packed latex drysuit, caressing her thighs, her breasts, her arms, everything. Already, her hips were trembling with desire. Luckily, a lot of the slime threatening to engulf her entirely floats off towards Ashley and Kayla as she can finally see a bit more, staring at Astrid whose body is barely visible under the thick semen like slime. And just as Abbey is about to try and swim towards her as best she can, Astrid swims into Abbey, the two pressing into each other, feeling their slippery heavy latex drysuits rubbing effortless against each other as their breasts bulge up and out, slipping and sliding over each other as if to try and escape each other. Abbey begins to squirm to and fro, causing the latex encased tit flesh to slip and slide, the large tit flesh bulging in all sort of directions. But what turned her on the most was that she could feel Astrid's erect nipples under all of this heavy latex.

Abbey's rubber gloves hand would fumble about, the heavy rubber gloves continuously threatening to slide right off, as she caressed Astrid, pushing her sex into Astrid's thigh and welcoming Astrid's sex against hers as the two rubber girls begin to grind against each other while the tentacles wrap around their waist, pinning them together, as the other types of jelly fish, the bell shaped ones without tentacles, actually suction cup themselves on their breasts, sucking the latex encased breast flesh into their transparent gelatinous bodies. In fact, a whole bunch of these weird jelly fish would begin to suction themselves onto all the girls, slowly engulfing them.

Abbey would have her very first orgasm very quickly as she felt one of the jelly fish ooze onto one of her breasts, squeezing and sucking the heavy latex encased F cup breasts into it's slippery gelatinous body before fondling it, making it look as though dozens of invisible fingers were digging into her breast flesh.
Astrid can feel the jellies doing exactly what she wants, holding her close to Abbey. She feels her legs getting forced apart as the float. She moans as she feels Abbey's latex-clad thigh pushing up against her aching pussy. She starts to grind as Abbey does the same. It feels so good right now she can't stop moving, needing more. The only thing that could make this better would be if she could kiss Abbey. But that wasn't possible so she settled for the next best thing. Making sure that their masks were pressed together so they could look into each other's eyes.

They were enveloped in a cocoon of slime, cutting them off from the rest of the tank, leaving them to the jellies and each other. She gasps as the new jellies attached themselves to her bulging tit-flesh, starting to suck on them rhythmically.

She feels Abbey cumming, the tightening of her legs around Astrid's giving her a good indication. She moans out as her own orgasm soon follows. She could feel the new jellies all over her body. Her ass, her tits, her thighs. It felt like a million tiny fingers digging into her and milking out more pleasure. She closes her eyes, letting it carry her away.
Abbey Chase
Abbey's orgasm start to multiply as the effects of the slime, and feeling of Astrid's latex encased body and more than anything, the feeling of her body quivering against her, each convulsion sending waves of pleasure thought her body. But it wasn't over as she felt something between her legs begin to slide to and fro, her bright grey eyes growing wide eyed as her heavy rubber gloved hands dig into Astrid's ass, but things are so slippery that her latex gloved hands almost slide right out of her heavy rubber gloves... Oddly enough, Abbey spends a few moments doing her best to slide her hands back into the slime filled heavy rubber gloves.
Astrid could care less about the gloves, focusing on the feelings that she was getting from the various jellies attached to her body. She came four more times in a row, screaming out in pleasure as her whole body shook. She was starting to get drowsy, the effects of so many orgasms wearing her down. She'd cum more in the last three days than she had in the last three years. A person could only take so much before becoming exhausted.

Unless you were used to it like Ashley and Kayla. They each had the sucker jellies attached on their nipples and pussies, focusing the pleasure on the most erotic zones of their bodies. They too were cocooned in slime, their bodies reveling in their multiple orgasms. They both imagined that their master was here with them, thrusting deeply inside them, stretching them out as he came and filled his suit with all his cum. They shudder through another orgasm, ready for more as the tentacles start creeping toward their ass. They both moan as they feel themselves being stretched out deliciously wide, the thrusting of the tentacles feeling so much like their master's cock.

Astrid and Abbey were experiencing something similar, tentacles prodding at their holes. Astrid relaxes, allowing it to slowly push inside. She moans in pleasure, feeling her ass being violated by the tentacle of a genetically modified jellyfish.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would first feel the tentacle slide into her latex sheathed vagina, first pushing past the small pin prick hole in the drysuit and against the super thin latex hiding behind it and then the same for her latex catsuit. The feeling was heavenly as she felt her love tunnel swell with the slippery gelatinous tentacle. The feeling of it slowly sliding in and out of her was causing her to convulse each time it pushed into her, particularly because each time it did, it ejaculated slime inside of her, causing the twin latex vaginal sheaths to inflate inside her, like an inflated dildo. But what really got Abbey's attention came moments later when a tentacle began to push into her ass. Abbey would let out a small feminine shriek as she tried to pucker up her sphincter, but alas the slippery tentacle had the advantage and before long, it was inside of her ass. Abbey had never been penetrated in the ass before, but it actually felt surprisingly great. She didn't know if it was because of the slime.

The tentacles would pump in and out with wild abandon, slime oozing out of everyone's latex sheathed holes. It wasn't long before Abbey would experience a body ripping orgasm, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she blacks out...
Astrid was not far behind her, her own earth shattering orgasm coming a moment later as both her holes are filled with the slime. Both girls slump down in the grip of the jellies and are slowly lowered to the floor. The rest of the jellies turn their attention to Ashley and Kayla, increasing their pleasure 10 fold.

That was too much for even those experienced girls, sending shockwaves through their bodies as they're overwhelmed by the amount of slime they are covered with.

With all the girls satiated the jellies drift off, the only sign of what happened is the copious amount of slime floating around the four unconscious bodies. After a few minutes, Ashley and Kayla stir. They look around and see Abbey and Astrid still unconscious and they get worried. They swim down to the girls, grabbing them by the shoulders and dragging them to the surface, hauling them onto the platform with a little difficulty.

Astrid stirs a few moments later, looking around, confused at her new surroundings. She pulls off the mask, shivering as even those movements send waves of pleasure through her body. "What happened?"

"You two got overwhelmed by the jellies. We were worried so we pulled you out." At the mention of two Astrid panics, looking around for Abbey. She sees her unconscious form and scrambles over, not even pretending that they weren't an item.

"Abbey baby. Wake up for me." She gently shakes Abbey, trying to wake her up.
Abbey Chase
Abbey didn't wake up as easily, but with the help as Astrid, her heavy latex clad form would eventually stir. Just feeling the slime still inside of her would give Abbey a post orgasmic quiver almost as soon as she wakes up, one of her heavy rubber gloved hands going to her groin and the other, to her breasts. She was still swimming in a sea of pleasure, feeling all this latex and rubber pressing down on her, her nostrils still inhaling the sweet smell of rubber with every breath, still feeling the delightful little rubbery squeaks caused by the friction between her latex catsuit and her heavy latex drysuit as she moved a bit.

After her little orgasmic quiver, Abbey would raise a heavy rubber gloved hand to the side Astrid's, semen like slime oozing off of her gloves into long treads of goo reaching down to the platform... With a breathless tone, Abbey would say "I'm okay gorgeous... I'm okay." And after a pause she added "This was even better than the first time"
"Oh baby. You had me so worried." She pulls Abbey's mask off, caressing her face. What she didn't even think about was the slime still on her hand. As she removes her hand from the side of Abbey's head, slime sticks to the catsuit, latching onto where the mask was covering before. "Are you ok to move," she asks, concern still evident in her voice.

Ashley and Kayla have shed themselves of most of the extra burdens, now just hanging their feet in the pool as they wait for Astrid and Abbey to do their lovey-dovey thing.
Abbey Chase
As Astrid removes her slimed heavy rubber gloved hand from her head, a whole bunch of slime stays behind on the drysuits mat black latex hood, with some of it oozing down on Abbey latex clad face where the full face mask used to cover. A hint of slime end up touching Abbey's lips, who at first seems revolved as she reaches up and tries to swipe the slime off, only to put more slime on her lips because her heavy rubber gloves were still covered in slime. Within seconds, Abbey's arousal skyrockets. Like, Warp speed skyrockets.... With all urgency, she squirms out of her rebreathing unit and literally jumps onto Astrid, pinning her to the platform as she starts to grope her and grind her sex against her thigh in an absolutely animalistic manner. It's as if Abbey was a drug addict drying out but just as the most difficult part shows up, someone drops 10 kilos of heroine next to her. She begins kissing Astrid, thus also sliming her lips a bit.
Astrid is shocked by Abbey's sudden animalistic attack on her. She can barely react before Abbey has her pinned to the platform and is aggressively groping her, literally tearing at her suit to get at her body. Abbey's lips crash into Astrid's, transferring the slime to the other girl. As it touches her lips her eyes go wide and all her exhaustion is wiped away. All that is left is a burning desire. A desire to fuck Abbey until neither of them can move.

Astrid grabs Abbey's arms and rolls the girl, pinning her to the platform as she takes control. "Your mine she growls," jamming her thigh painfully between Abbey's legs as she begins to hump her. "Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck you, Abbey. I'm going to fuck you so hard." She can barely form coherent sentences anymore. All that is left in her mind is the desire to cum. She leans down and bites into Abbey's shoulder, feeling the thick latex give under her teeth. She growls in pleasure, holding Abbey down as they ride each other's thighs.

Ashley and Kayla look over when they hear the commotion and jump up as the two girls wrestle each other to the ground and begin aggressively humping each other. They rush over and try to pull the girls apart but they are fought off. Astrid literally punches at Kayla, driving her back. "She's mine. You can't have her."

Ashley rushes down the stairs, turning on the intercom and calling up to the house. "Master. The girls have been slimed on bare skin. They're going crazy. We need you."

Alex hears the call and rushes down, grabbing two large bags as he does. He is swearing to himself as he rushes up to the platform. He stops as he sees Astrid and Abbey still on the ground, howling in pleasure. He gives Kayla and Abbey a bag, ordering them to be ready. He walks over and grabs Astrid, using his superior strength to muscle her into the bag. She fights him the whole way, trying to free herself so she can get back to Abbey. They lock her in and flip a switch. The bag suddenly starts tightening on Astrid. It's a portable vacuum bag and the air is being sucked out, restraining her.

Kayla has intercepted Abbey and Alex rushes over and does the same thing to her. Once they are both secure, nothing but their heads showing and the bag so tight neither of them can move Alex sits back with a sigh. "We need to isolate them. What happened?"

"I do not know master. I think Astrid may have touched Abbey's face after the mask came off and some slime from her gloves transferred to her lips." Alex picks up Abbey and hoists her over his shoulder. Kayla and Ashley are able to manage Astrid together. They carry them out of the building, taking the underground tunnels to the basement. Alex brings them into one of the rooms and sets the bags on hooks, leaving the two girls thrashing helplessly in the air.

"Well. We just have to let it run its course. Make sure they stay hydrated." He closes the door behind him and sighs. They weren't going to make it easy on him.
Abbey Chase
Abbey's mind was filled with but one goal in life, fuck Astrid continuously. The need to orgasm over and over again, the need to orgasm again, she was on fire! Abbey didn't mind being pinned by Astrid, it turned her on as the two began humping each other's heavy latex suited forms with a worrisome level of insanity in their eyes. It was absolutely chaos as the two latex drysuited girls, still slathered in copious amounts of slime, groped each other harshly, heavy rubber gloved fingers digging very deep into tit flesh and into ass flesh, as they humped each other wildly. And the orgasms came quickly and in multiple successions as the two girls totally lost track of their surroundings.

This is why it made it somewhat each for the others to trap them in black latex bondage vacsacs. Neither Astrid nor Abbey would realize what was happening considering how 'out of it' they were, but after much struggling, Alex and the girls would manage to vacuum pack Astrid and Abbey in the black latex bondage vacsacs, the shiny black latex molding itself to their bodies. You could see all the details of the wrinkles in their heavy latex drysuits that were still vacuumed against their bodies from the dive and now, they were even more tightly packed in latex. The two girls squirmed and grunted like animals as they were carrying over to one of the rooms in the basement, as Alex hung them from metal hooks looping through hard latex loops integrated in each shoulder of the black latex vacsacs. Each girl would end up handing in their black latex bondage vacsacs, squirming around trying to escape.

Even if Astrid and Abbey were in fact angrily trying to escape, from the outside it looked like really energetic squirming and anyone into bondage would most probably be significantly aroused by the 'show', particularly considering how well defined Astrid's and Abbey's gorgeous tall bodies were in all that vacuum packed latex. Everyone could clearly see hints of nipples under all that latex, hints of their belly button, the sex, everything. You could even see things like the outline of the heavy rubber gloves all squished up against their bodies.

The inside of the black latex bondage vacsacs was slippery enough, because of all the slime that was on their bodies, to allow Astrid and Abbey to move their arms, albeit with a really limited range of motions since the latex sac made sure the arms remained pinned against their bodies. Any attempt to spread their legs open or push their arms away from their bodies would invariably end up with the tight latex bondage vacsac pulling their limbs back tightly against their bodies. But, it was really erotic to watch them try.
Alex watches them from the monitors, keeping an eye on them. As upset as he was to see them in this condition he was going to use it to his advantage. He flips on the subliminals, cranking them up a notch to really drill into them their submission to him and their need to please him. With their minds so focused on sex, it should be easy to hurry along their conditioning.

As he looks away Ashley and Kayla are standing in the doorway, looking chagrined. "You should have been watching them," he says sharply. "You know that I can't let this slide."

"Yes master," they say in unison.

"Down to the punishment room." The three of them walk down into the basement, passing by the room where Astrid and Abbey were being held. When they enter the room Alex points to two cages and the girls get on their knees and crawl in. He locks them in there. "I'll check on you in a few hours. I want you to think about what you've done." With that he walks out, turning off the light and leaving them in darkness.
Abbey Chase
Astrid and Abbey would eventually tire themselves out and fall asleep in their latex bondage bags. And although subliminal messages played out, their effectiveness was dulled by the fact that each girl had two latex hoods on, the hood from their latex catsuit and the hood from their latex drysuit. The double layer of latex muffled most of the low level sounds.

Eventually, both of the girls would stir back to life, the effects of the slime gone from their system for the most part. But, they would find themselves in tight rubber bondage. As Abbey cracked opened her eyes, she could feel she was significantly restricted and would squirm about testing her surroundings. She could feel she was in something heavily lubricated, but that it was pinning her arms to her body and her legs together. As she looked around, she spotted Astrid handing there in a tight black latex vacsac. For some reason, she would feel aroused by the sight of her love in tight latex bondage, but also because she realized she was in the same situation. Her heavy rubber gloved hands would begin to roam around her body under the tight vacuum packed latex, trying to find a way out. But the sensation of all that slippery latex inside the black bondage bag was really starting to turn Abbey on.

Within less than five minutes, Abbey's attempts to find a way out had turned into a much more sensual squirming, her latex encased hands slipping and sliding inside of her heavy rubber gloves as she began to pleasure herself, with one hand between her leg and the other fondling her breasts. She could still hear and feel the cacophony of rubbery squeaks created by the friction between her latex catsuit and her heavy latex drysuit. The latex drysuit itself would not really squeak against the bondage bag given the ample amount of semen like slime that was trapped inside the bag with Abbey, creating a really slippery layer of slime between her latex drysuit and the very tight latex bag...
Astrid wakes up to the sounds of moaning and squeaking. She looks around, panicked when she realizes she can't move her arms and legs. Looking to her right she sees Abbey, only her head truly visible outside of what looked like a large bag that was sealed around her body.

Astrid looks down and realizes that she is in the same predicament and struggles to get free. But the bag was sealed tightly around her and all she could really do was slip around a little inside. Her gyrations sent the bag swinging back and forth as she struggled.

Like Abbey, the struggles to escape soon turned into struggles to get off. She was able to force a hand between her legs, slipping a finger up inside her. The heavy glove made her finger bulkier than normal, which was fine by her. She doesnt have the space to freely move her finger, so instead she just grinds herself on her hand. She let's out a low moan, closing her eyes as she works herself up again
Abbey Chase
Abbey was getting increasingly turned out by all that tight latex and rubber and by the sight of Astrid pleasuring herself. Although the situation was somewhat frightening, to be imprisonned in tight latex, it was also intensely arousing as well. Abbey would fondle her breasts with one rubber gloved hand and do her best to finger fuck herself with the other, although just rubbing herself seemed to offer better stimulation.

Soft feminine moans would escape her lips, and then louder ones as the tempo accelerated. Before long, Abbey's body would shake violently as she experienced her first rubber bondage orgasm. It felt absolutely wonderful. But even after the orgasm, she would continue to play with herself. All that slipperiness, all that tightness, all those rubbery squeaks and the heavy scent of rubber in the air and the sight of Astrid writing about in lust, all of it made for a alluring experience
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