The Interns of Alex Harris [Bodman54/Abbey Chase]

They thought they were being subtle. But they weren't. They were worse than two fourteen-year-olds who had snuck out for the night. Everyone knew what was going on between them. The smiles when they'd catch a glimpse of the other. The reaching for a hand or other body parts. Everyone knew because everyone had seen the footage. Everyone had seen the two of them writhing around on the bed, caught in the throes of passion. That footage had led to more than one of the girls taking to their bed, their own dildo slamming in and out of them as the screamed out in pleasure.

But now they had to pretend they didn't know. And Abbey and Astrid were making it very difficult to pretend. And through it all, Alex was watching with a small smile. Watching the two of them bind themselves together. The closer they were, the harder it would be for one to leave the other. All day he had been working on Astrid, pumping her brain full of subliminals, telling her that she loved him. That she needed him. That she needed to kneel before him. It was slowly working. He caught occasional glances in his direction, a faint intake of breath as she dreamt about him. Ever so slowly winding her around his fingers.
Abbey Chase
Alas, lunch would come to an end, and Abbey feared that once again that Astrid would be pulled to duties away from Abbey, but she wasn't sure. She'd hope the two would be working side by side again. She would say "Well, lunch was delicious as always. Thank you Sam, thank you Isabella" before looking at Ashley and asking "And what will I be doing this afternoon". Abbey was always proactive like this, never waiting for things to happen but always putting the first foot forward.
Ashley had spent most of the lunch whispering to Alex, advising him on what she thought it would take to convert Abbey and Astrid. He was nodding occasionally, agreeing with what she said. When Abbey stood up and asked her question she smiled. "Well. We have paperwork to fill out, letters to write. There's so much to do when you're the assistant to a multi-billionaire." She smiles fondly at Alex before standing up and leading Abbey from the room. The rest of the girls file out as well, going about their duties.

That just left Astrid and Alex. She squirms a bit as she feels his gaze on her. It was so powerful, seeming to pierce right through her and see into her core. She was afraid he'd see her secrets. The relationship with Abbey, the desire to fuck him. If he knew, would he fire her? She hoped not. After a long moment he tears his gaze away, standing up with a small smile. "Back to work," He says, walking back toward his office.
Abbey Chase
Once again, Abbey would be separated from Astrid and that really saddened her. She was looking forward to working with Astrid side-by-side, but alas this was not to be. Instead, she would follow Ashley to wherever they would be managing all that paperwork. Abbey would make sure to give Astrid a little loving squeeze of her latex gloved hand and a 'I"m sorry' look on her face as she walked away, following Ashley.

Abbey's latex outfit made delightful little rubbery squeaks as she followed Ashley. And Abbey would certainly steal a few furtive looks at Ashley which looked absolutely gorgeous in her latex outfit. And even though Abbey might stare at other people, her heart very much belonged to Astrid.
As Alex stood up from his chair he turned to Astrid. Ashley had been teasing him all of lunch and his cock was very hard, pressing against his outfit, the latex outlining it just enough to show what it was. Astrid catches a glimpse of it and gasps, seeing the size and thickness of his member. She remembered how good the tentacles felt the other day. And the dildos last night. Would a real cock feel the same way? She catches herself fantasizing about it as she follows him. He leads her to the office, away from where Ashley had taken Abbey. Divide and conquer.

They sit back down and get back to work but Astrid finds that she is having trouble concentrating, the image of his big cock stuck in her head. She just couldn't shake it.

Meanwhile, Ashley and Abbey were sitting in a room that had been converted into Ashley's office. It was much smaller than Alex's office, but it still fit a desk and some chairs. Ashley hands over some papers for Abbey to review and sits back, typing away at her computer. She smiles as she begins to swing her foot idly, brushing up against Abbey's leg. "Oops. Sorry," she says embarrassingly. Or at least that is what she wants Abbey to think.
Abbey Chase
Ashley would lead Abbey into her office where she would give Abbey a pile of papers to review and summarize on her notepad. Abbey had a pretty unusual system, whereas she would just read all the papers, almost making it look as if she's just glancing at them and then, when done with all the papers, she would summarize it all on her notepad, her black latex gloved fingers writing away with a really nice fountain pen.

Abbey would feel Ashley's latex encased foot brush up against her leg, at first lightly as if just brushing up against her latex slacks, but then the foot would rub up against Abbey leg, eliciting some rubbery squeaks and a "Ooops, Sorry" from Ashley. Abbey would give a sheepish with a "No worries", but there was something about how Ashley had brushed up against her leg that felt more than just accidental.... However, Abbey would convince herself that it was just an accident and continue to work away....
Abbey and Ashley continued to work with Ashley occasionally brushing against Abbey's legs. "Oh. I'm so sorry. Not used to having company," she says with a laugh before doing it again. She was so turned on right now that she can't help it but squeeze her legs together in desire. Abbey looked so hot in her outfit that Ashley just wanted to throw her down and repeat the footage from last night. But she restrained herself, knowing that her master would want to take them before any of the other girls got to play.

They continue to work, Ashley occasionally stopping to explain a question that Abbey has. They organized the paperwork based on the filing system that Ashley has set up over the years, ready to get scanned and entered into a computer later. Ashley was impressed with Abbey's work ethic and intelligence. She made sure to remember to compliment her to Alex later.

The work took the rest of the day, taking them up to dinner. Ashley sits back with a sigh. "Done for the day. I'm exhausted. Let's go see what Sam and Isabella have whipped up for us tonight."
Abbey Chase
Abbey was indeed a hard worker, but she was also really efficient. Her eidetic memory made it a breeze for her to handle paperwork flawlessly. If she was shown where something was, she wouldn't have to ask again later.

And Ashley continue her little accidental teasing, so to speak. When helping Abbey, she made sure to sometimes stand right beside and over her, brushing up against her latex body more than once, invading her personal space. And then there was the trick with the leg, brushing up against her and then scoffing it up to the unusual situation. And Ashley persistence paid of to some degree since, subconsciously, a part of Abbey didn't mind her standing so close, having her large firm latex covered breasts almost in her face whenever Ashley stood beside her and 'leaned in' to show up something... A couple those little 'accidents' would actually elicit a blush from Abbey. After all, Ashley was really gorgeous, smart and entirely encased in latex, three things that really captured Abbey's attention. And Ashley balanced her little accidents 'just right', going far enough that it would draw some reaction from Abbey, but not far enough that Abbey would start to clue in and wonder what the hell was going on.

And dinner would come quickly, or at least it felt like it, which made Abbey more than happy because it meant she would be sitting with Astrid again. She didn't have to be asked twice to go to the dining room, but she would make sure to thank Ashley for all of her consummate assistance, even adding "I hope I didn't slow you down too much" as Abbey thought to herself that Ashley had stopped to help her an awful lot of times, not realizing (yet) that Ashley was using that as an excuse to stand close to Abbey...
They were the last ones to arrive at the room, everyone already seated. Astrid had made sure to save a seat for Abbey again. A wide smile crosses her face as she sees Abbey and she bounces slightly, causing her large tits to jiggle in her latex suit. The meal is Mediterranean rack of lamb, with a side of green beans.

The smile as they sit down after serving. It was so great that they were allowed to enjoy their food after cooking it, instead of eating fast food take out because they were exhausted after a shift. Everyone starts eating, complimenting the food as usual.

Alex turns to Astrid and Abbey. "So. Tomorrow's Saturday. Do you two have any plans?" He was implying that he was asking if they had separate plans. But he was expecting to see if they would answer together.
Abbey Chase
Both Astrid and Abbey would look at each other in surprise, suddenly realizing that they didn't make plans for the weekend. Although both of the girls were surprised by the question, Abbey came up with a "We do not work weekends?... Oh... I think that Astrid and I were under the impression that this job was 24/7.... But if we do have some free time, perhaps go to the beach or enjoy some time at the spa. Of course, neither Astrid or I are locals, so maybe there are other fun things to do that we don't know about".

Astrid would nod and say "I'm with Abbey on that. I really didn't give it much thought. Hanging out with my new roommate sounds like fun. But neither of us has really talked about it."

The question had actually caught the two latex clad girls off guard. Both of them actually were under the impression that the internship was a 24/7 job, so they never stopped to think about time off... Of course, in Abbey's head 'cuddling all day' was right up there and she hoped Astrid felt the same way. It was probably funny watching the two girls looking at each other for hints, trying to hide (and quite poorly at that) that the two were lovers.
"Yes there are always things to do around here. But a lot of the business things that everyone is involved in is put on hold till Monday. Due to the fact that everyone else is closed as well. So there is a lot more free time on the weekends for you."

Sabrina speaks up as Abbey talks about not being local. "I'm local. I can show you two all the great spots to hang out. It can be a girls weekend all weekend." Her goal was to spend as much time with the two of them as possible, worm her way into their good graces and then bring them to her master from the inside. The same way Kayla did with her. She smiles at her friend and the black beauty smiles back, recognizing Sabrina's plan.
Abbey Chase
Abbey was once again looking at Astrid. It was apparent from how they stared at each other that they didn't want to have a third wheel, that they wanted their time together to be just the two of them. "Well... I guess Astrid and I can discuss the possibilities after dinner". To Abbey, this was currently the best course of action. To be alone with Astrid and actually discuss what how the two of them wanted to spend their free time. Of course, in Abbey's head, different scenarios played out, including a return to the aquarium. Leaving the estate would most probably mean not wearing any latex, so that didn't seem as much fun. Abbey loved the sight of Astrid in latex, she looked like such a goddess.

Astrid would back up Abbey by saying "We'll probably take some time after dinner, after such a busy day at work, to come up with a plan. After all, we didn't know we have free time until just 10 seconds ago..."

Abbey would stare into Astrid's eye and give her a cheeky wink...
"Well take your time. You have all weekend to come up with plans. And I think my yacht will be back sometime Saturday. If the weather is nice we might go out on it." He enjoyed cruising the ocean. Not only because the girls would usually wear only their main catsuits but because it was easier to control the contaminants, allowing him to relax.

Astrid nods her head in agreement. "It is surprising to hear. I was also expecting to be on the clock 24/7. I hear there are some amazing art museums in the area I'd love to see. And what girl doesn't love shopping," she asks with a laugh.

"Though going out on the yacht of a billionaire does sound fun. How many people can do that once? Let alone regularly?" As much as she wanted to spend a lot of alone time with Abbey, the image of his large cock is seered into her brain.

"But I agree. I will need to talk with Abbey before I have anything concrete. Going out with her the other day was a lot of fun. I'd like to do it again." She grins at Abbey, loving the wink.
Abbey Chase
Abbey gets a cheeky grin as she winks back before lightly chewing on her lower lip for a brief moment.

Dinner would eventually come to an end and after complimenting Sam and Isabella for yet another great meal, and after bidding Mr. Harris, Ashley and all the other girls a good night, Astrid and Abbey would retire to their room. No sooner were they in their room that Abbey would be all over Astrid saying "I missed you so much!!" before pressing into her and kissing her passionately. The kiss was really sensuous and would last for several minutes.

But eventually, the two girls would have to 'come up for air', so to speak, and in that pause Abbey would ask Astrid "So, what do YOU want to do this weekend??" while looking at her flirtatiously. Abbey was up to anything, as long as it was with Astrid.
The group watches Abbey and Astrid practically skip off to their room together. As soon as they're gone they gather around Alex, wanting to be near their master. Each of them smiles at him, madly in love with the man who has changed their lives. "How goes the conversion master," Kayla asks, sinking to her knees and resting her head on his arm, looking up at him with her big dark eyes. "We're so excited to have two new sisters coming so soon after we just got another one." Her hand reaches out and touches Sabrina lovingly. Kayla had been instrumental in seducing Sabrina and the two had a close bond. Not as close as Sam and Isabella or the one Abbey and Astrid were getting, but close nonetheless.

"I think it's going well. I caught Astrid peeking longingly a few times today. She's curious which is good. And if I get her then I get Abbey as well. I don't think one will leave without the other anymore." He smiles at his girls, so proud of them and so possessive of them. They wouldn't have thrived out in the world the way they do here. It was a kindness to bring them in and have them submit to him.

"This weekend will be very important. Make sure you are all on your best behavior around them. We don't want to scare them off yet." They all nod in understanding as they stand up to go outside and relax. Alex grabs Isabella's arm and holds her back. She smiles as she sinks to her knees, crawling under the table and begins to kiss his cock through his latex suit. She reaches in, fishing it out and taking it deep in her mouth, staring up at him with nothing but love in her eyes.

Astrid whips around when they're in the room alone, throwing her arms around Abbey. "I missed you too," she says, kissing her lover deeply. Their hands explore each other's body, feeling the curves and sinking into the passionate kiss. Astrid shudders in pleasure as the latex slips and squeaks around, reminding her about how much she loves her new situation. As the kiss winds down Astrid sinks down onto one of the lounges, pulling Abbey into her lap. "Anything with you baby," she says, kissing Abbey's shoulders. "Though it would be fun to join Mr. Harris and the other girls on his yacht. I bet it's huge. Did you see the size of that pier in the water?"
Abbey Chase
Abbey cooed and smiled and kissed as her latex gloved hands roamed all over Astrid as, one again, the two girls gravitated towards one of the latex beds. Abbey would say "Sure, the yacht is definitely a great considering I've never been on one of those luxury mega yacht. I'll definitely be an experience!"

And with that, Astrid would push Abbey onto the bed, Abbey falling backwards with Astrid on top of her, still fully dressed in the latex business suits, so the latex squeaks were a lot more numerous as the two girls rolled around the bed caressing each other and kissing each other.
Astrid smiles. "I bet it's big enough we could disappear for a bit. Have our own fun," she says as she kisses all over Abbey's glorious breasts. "Have you ever made love on a boat? I haven't." She moves on from the breasts, kissing down Abbey's body, leaving the impressions of her lips on the suit Abbey wore. "Let's get this off you," she says, reaching for the hem to start working it off Abbey.

Even though the latex outfit was tight enough to show off Abbey's curves. There was something about the full body catsuit that just set Astrid off. Maybe it was because it was their new naked like Ashley said on the first day. Maybe it was the was the light shined off it. Whatever the reason, Astrid needed to see it again.
Abbey Chase
Abbey didn't have to be asked twice as the two girl began helping each other peel out of their latex business outfits. Latex gloved hands would lift blouses and caresses bodies with this sense of wild abandon as a symphony of rubbery squeaks echoed through the room. It would actually take longer than normal since Astrid simply could resist caressing each other, kissing each other. For example, while lifting Astrid's blouse off of her body, Abbey would stop and just start kissing her breasts, kissing her nipples through the tight black latex. And all of it was mixed with this intensely eager energy, that want, like drug addicts trying to open a difficult to open box which contains their fix for the day.

But after an fiercely erotic five minutes, the two girls would end up just in their shiny black latex catsuits, the rest of their latex clothes strewed about the latex bed and floor as they once again pressed together into a passionate kiss, but this time Abbey had her latex gloved hands all over Astrid's breasts, fondling them with wild abandon.
The time it took them to get naked seemed to last forever and pass in a heartbeat. Astrid lets out a sigh of relief as the remaining clothes hit the floor, leaving her and her girlfriend in nothing but their matching black catsuits. If Astrid was a man she'd be painfully erect, staring at her lover in nothing but skintight black latex. It was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen. Except for Mr. Harris' cock, a small voice says in the back of her mind. She squashes that voice and turns her attention back to Abbey.

All that mattered was the two of them, tangled up in a loving embrace. She nuzzled close to Abbey, feeling the other woman's hands lovingly playing with her tits. She sighed in pleasure as her nipples pressed out the latex, begging to be played with. Astrid trailed a hand down their bodies, feeling for that special hole which would give her access to her lover again. She finds it and coos into Abbey's mouth, pressing two fingers deep inside.
Abbey Chase
Abbey and Astrid would rubber fuck each other to exhaustion once again, from finger fucking each other, to 69'ing each other, to using that most orgasm inducing double ended electric dildo. They would actually spend 3 hours just pleasuring each other, from tender caressing to wild monkey sex love making, all of it filling the room with rubbery squeaks, feminine moans and the cries of pleasure.

The two girls would eventually fall asleep in each other's rubber gloved arms with Astrid spooning Abbey once again, her large latex covered breasts pressed deep into Abbey's latex encased back. And the two girls would fall deeply asleep like that.
Astrid spent 3 amazing hours exploring Abbey's body, learning how she reacts and moves when certain things happen. They fall into a peaceful sleep, cuddling together as the quiet noises filter into the room. Astrid's dreams were intense but for some reason when she woke up she couldn't remember them. All she knew was that she felt this strong desire to be filled. As quietly as she can, considering all the latex covering them and surrounding them and reaches for a dildo, sliding into herself with a quiet moan.

She leans over, gently kissing Abbey awake. "Good morning my love. Ready for our first weekend together?" She slowly rubs Abbey's body, feeling the swell of her breasts and hips as she clenches around the dildo inside of her.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would stir back to live after a deep sleep, feeling Astrid right over her as she kisses her good morning. Abbey beams a bright smile and says "Good morning gorgeous!" as she lets her rubber gloved hands dance over her. This time, Abbey still had her heavy rubber gloves on, her latex clad hands slipping and sliding inside the lubricated heavy rubber. Abbey would get up and say "We should take a quick shower to clean up all that lube off of our latex suits" but just then she would spot the dildo inside of Astrid's sex and crack a devilish smile as she walked up to her, pushing it in deeper as she said "Would you like round two?..." teasingly. But Abbey was jesting since they would have no time to do so before breakfast. So the two latex clad girls would soap each other up with they heavy rubber gloves, before actually letting the slippery heavy rubber gloves drop to the shower floor as to clean their arms and attached latex gloves. And eventually, each out 'clean' each other's latex sex, which was really hot and steamy to watch. Well that and how they helped each other 'clean' their latex covered breasts, with all the slippery soap... The two were caressing and petting each other so much that they almost began fucking each other once again...

Eventually, the two would be squeaky clean. Literally... Since this was a day off, Abbey would put on an electric blue bodycon dress which reaches down to almost her knees, with long sleeves and an attached full face hood. The dress clung to her body perfectly and the electric blue really showed well against her black latex catsuit. She would also put on that cute pair of black latex gloves with ruffles...

"Ready love?"
Astrid nods as she finishes adjusting her green minidress. She examines herself in the mirror before taking Abbey's hand and walking with her to the dining room. Their night had been fantastic and their morning had been just as good. She smiles as she remembers the shower, the way the latex repelled water, the streams from the showerhead hitting them and bouncing off. She loved the way they got slicked up, slipping and sliding over each other as they "cleaned" themselves. It had been the most erotic shower she's ever taken. And she can imagine that there will be many more in the future.

They release each other's hand as they approach the dining room. Everyone else was already there but had left two chairs together for Astrid and Abbey. The girls were talking and laughing, much more relaxed than previous days. Astrid sits down and accepts what turns out to be a mimosa. She smiles as she tastes the champagne, which knowing Alex is actual champagne from France. Ashley and Kayla are talking about going for a swim in the aquarium later, asking if anyone would like to join them. Astrid looks at Abbey, curious if she wanted to swim again and see what would happen if others were in the tank with them.
Abbey Chase
Abbey looks directly at Astrid as she hears the mention of going scuba diving in the aquarium later. Astrid can tell that Abbey is pretty interested in the idea, but Abbey is nervous. After all, if something happened, it would happen in front of the other girls. Of course, it's possible it's just a scuba dive, which is actually great since the aquarium was absolutely fabulous. There is a moment of hesitation, but Abbey gives a little shrug of her shoulder and a faint nod as Astrid beams a bright smile. Playing it cool, Abbey says "I think a scuba dive in the aquarium could be fun. After all, the aquarium is simply breathtaking." Abbey would nurse her mimosa, not wanting much alcohol inside of her if she was to go diving, and she'd make sure Astrid doesn't drink more than one single glass for the same reason.
Astrid pouts as Abbey stops her from reaching for another mimosa. She loves brunch and mimosas are an integral part of brunch. But she saw the wisdom in it. No point in endangering herself by going into the water intoxicated. Even though there will be at least two strong divers in there with her. As they continue to eat Astrid feels more included, taking part in more of the conversation around the table, talking about growing up in Sweden, coming to America for school. She was starting to feel welcomed here and not such an outsider with Abbey.

She looks over at Alex and wonders if he is going to join them. He was deep in conversation with Sabrina and Sam so she felt like it was unlikely. Still, Abbey would be there so it was going to be fun for her. Breakfast finishes and the four girls walk outside, down to the aquarium building. It is a beautiful day out, comfortably warm with an occasional passing cloud in the sky. The birds are chirping and the wind is blowing through the trees, passing over their face as it swirls around the grounds.

They reach the building, all the girls clambering into their respective drysuits. Ashley and Kayla help each other, leaving Abbey and Astrid to do the same.
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