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The Interns of Alex Harris [Bodman54/Abbey Chase]

Astrid would stir slowly, blinking sleepily as she looks at who is shaking her. She smiles widely as she recognizes Abbey. "Did I fall asleep," she asks, rubbing her eyes as she sits up. She feels so relaxed right now, yawning a little as the remaining sleep leaves her system.

She sits up, the latex of the lounge peeling off her latex suit with a long ripping like sounds. She swings her feet onto the ground as Ashley also begins to stir. The two girls stand up, stretching. Which just so happens to show off their considerable assets to the rest of the group. As they are recovering from their nap Alex walks down from the house.

"Sorry I couldn't join you for lunch. Astrid. I need you to join me this afternoon. I need you to assist me looking over and filling financial statements."

Her face briefly falls as she realizes she won't be working with Abbey again. But he is her employer and has every right to give her a new task. "Yes Mr. Harris," she says as she follows him back to the house.
Abbey Chase
Abbey looked so disappointed as Astrid was asked to attend to other duties, duties away from her for the afternoon. Before Astrid left, Abbey would make sure to go and give her a kiss and wish her good luck, telling her "I'll be thinking of you all afternoon"

And with that, Abbey would head out with Sabrina, giving one last look back at Astrid before vanishing from view. Without Astrid as a distraction, Abbey actually worked quite hard. Maybe a part of her figured that if she finished early, she could see Astrid sooner rather than later. And Abbey really did miss Astrid, particularly every time she had to adjust her heavy black rubber gloves, missing Astrid's 'help'....
Astrid follows Alex into his office, her heart dropping as she sees the stack of papers covering her desk. It might take days to get through all of this. Alex sits down at his desk. "I know it seems like a big job. I've been putting it off for a while. All the other girls are great but they're not all good with numbers. but I think you'll be able to help me."

He opens up his computer. "Ok. Time to dig in," he says. Astrid sighs as she picks up the first sheet on the stack, her eyes going to the columns of numbers ahead of her. As disappointed she is at not being with Abbey she soon is engrossed in the numbers. The hours fly past for her and before she knows it he is calling it a night.

She looks up, smiling at him. The afternoon had been very pleasant, having Alex to herself as it were. She had looked at him various times, admiring his body and his focus. She caught herself fantasizing about him a bit and mentally slapped herself. She and Abbey were a thing. And he was her boss.
Abbey Chase
Abbey and Sabrina would finally get done with all the cleaning, Abbey glad that this task was finally over since it was so tiring... Abbey would help Sabrina stow away all the cleaning supplies before returning to her room. But, before leaving, Abbey would take two pairs of heavy black rubber before going back to her room, hoping to find Astrid waiting. If Astrid wasn't there, Abbey would wait for her.
Astrid and Alex were making their way to the dining room, discussing the financials they just went over. She was very excited to be working with someone who has such vast amounts of money and is so smart with it. She was looking up to him more and more. She sits down next to him, subtly saving the seat next to her for Abbey. She looks around, waiting for the other girl to appear.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would wait and wait for Astrid to show up, but she would not. Abbey could see it was dinner time, so she would head to the informal dining room to find Astrid sitting there with an empty seat beside her. Abbey would beam such a bright smile at seeing Astrid again, her heart bursting forth with joy. "Hey gorgeous!" she say as she sat down beside her, her latex gloved fingers casually rubbing against Astrid's shoulder and then, her thigh, as Abbey sat down beside her.

Abbey would lean over and whisper "So, what should we do this evening?"
Astrid smiles as Abbey walks into the room, practically bouncing in her seat as she follows her lovers path into the room with her eyes. Abbey sits down next to her and immediately begins to caressing Astrid. The swedish beauty smiles widely. "Hey. Sorry I couldn't help cleaning this afternoon. Mr. Harris needed my help."

When Abbey whispers the question Astrid blushes under her mask, shifting around in the chair, making a cacophany of rubbery squeaks. "Um. I'm not sure," she says, leaving it open for Abbey to suggest something.

Since he was sitting beside them, Alex doesn't miss the interaction. The next step in his plan was to get them more into bondage. He would rely on the other girls to help. Astrid and Abbey were to smart. If he got involved they'd probably bolt. He had to lead them down the path slowly until their submission was inevitable.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would say "No worries sweetie, I understand that you had your task for this afternoon. I did miss you a lot though".... Abbey would then offer "l, I was thinking that maybe you and I could go into town for some shopping. Either that or enjoy the spa. And then, after all that, we could cuddle... What do you think?"

Dinner would, as always, be absolutely delicious. And everyone in the room could see that Abbey and Astrid were now 'an item' judging from the giddy and cuddly behavior, how each girl looked at each other, gave furtive caresses to each other.
The two of them being an item isn't frowned upon and is actually encouraged. The same way that Sam and Isabella being together strengthens their submission, Abbey and Astrid being together will help them stay and submit.

Astrid nods. "That sounds like a lot of fun. But can we go out like this," she asks, gesturing to the latex. She doesn't want to get changed, but she was also afriad of how people would treat them out in public dressed like this.
Abbey Chase
Abbey hadn't thought of that, not being in latex if they went out. She said "Well, I don't know... I mean, maybe we could dress in our latex business suits, but without the hood? Although, I think we'll have to wear our non-latex street clothes to be honest. I don't want to end up on social media, all dressed in latex in public. On the plus side, it would only be for a few hours..."
Astrid nods. "Yeah. I wouldn't want to embarrass Mr. Harris because we're all cooped up." She felt better with the idea of wearing her latex suit under her regular clothes. Then it will be the best of both worlds. She turns to Alex. "Mr. Harris? Is it ok if Abbey and I do a little shopping in town later."

Her breathing seems to stop as she waits for his answer. He finishes chewing his food and nods. "Of course. which car would you like to take?"
Abbey Chase
After diner, Abbey and Astrid would return to their room, Abbey helping Astrid out of her latex outfit, obviously paying quite a bit of attention to Astrid as her latex gloved fingers roamed over her body. The entire undressing and dressing scene was actually a big turn on. Since the only street clothes Abbey had were the blouse and skirt she had worn during the interview, Abbey would opt to put on a transparent latex catsuit under her street clothes, which obviously meant that she would get completely naked in front of Astrid, which she defintely didn't mind doing at all.

She would end up putting on the transparent latex catsuit which had attached feet, attached gloves and an attached open face hood, but she would leave the hood off, letting it hang limply around her neck. She would then put on her regular clothes on top of it, this time buttoning up her blouse all the way as to hide the transparent latex she was wearing, as well as the limp latex hood around her neck. The only latex that would show is her latex gloved fingers and her latex gloved legs from the knees down, but it was subtle so she figured she would get away with it.

"How do I look?" she asked Astrid after brushing her shoulder length hair, which required a bit of time since her hair had been packed down under a latex hood for days.
Truth be told, the undressing and redressing probably took twice as long as it needed to. There was a lot of unnecessary touching going on. Adjusting of things that didn't need to be adjusted. And sometimes they would just stand there, hands resting on each other's bodies. But eventually they are able to get dressed in their transparent cat suits. Astrid hadn't minded at all, seeing Abbey naked without the catsuit. She was just as stunning, but there was something alluring by the solid black latex covering her up.

"You look stunning" she says, pulling her own hair up into a pony tail. She had thrown back on her dress from yesterday, spinning and causing the hem to billow out. "What about me?"
Abbey Chase
Abbey moves closer to Astrid as she answers "You are a vision of unbridled beauty" as she presses herself into Astrid, leans in a bit, and gives her a passionate kiss. Abbey surprised herself a bit as she felt as though this would have been much better if the two were totally rubberized... But, she still loved it, loved feeling Astrid's body heat, loved feeling Astrid's large breasts press up against her own.

"Come on, let's go" as she would grab Astrid's hand and go to the garage as the pair grabbed one of the cars. It was the least expensive car they could pick, way too worried about picking something that looked stupidly expensive.

Abbey's goal for the evening was simple. To go one of the fancy bistro's she knew about for a drink and some face time with Astrid where the two could talk and then.... go to the sex shop. Abbey wanted to buy some dildos, include a double ended dildo so that she and Astrid could fuck each other silly while scissoring. She also planned to buy some latex safe lube.

As they got into town and parked the car, Astrid and Abbey would head off to the bistro. Apart from paying a lot of attention to Astrid, Abbey would also keep and eye out to see if anyone was staring at them, if the latex they were wearing under the street clothes was too obvious...

Seeing that this was the middle of the week and the bistro wasn't too busy, Astrid and Abbey were able to get a table right away. For her part, Abbey would opt for a white wine, since spilling red wine on her white blouse was simply a no-no... "You know, I never thought I'd ever meet someone like you, someone so smart and so incredibly beautiful and... my height..." the last little bit was in jest, but it sure made Abbey snicker for a second. Abbey was a tall lass, so finding girls her height wasn't easy... "I never imagined I could feel so much for someone." Abbey was really open about how she felt about Astrid. She would also ask Astrid about how she felt about the new job, about all this latex.
Even though they picked the least expensive car, it was still a brand new Mercedes that they roll out in. He had given them his card so they could pay for parking and anything else they bought, since he hadn't paid them yet.

Astrid looks around, watching the landscape roll by as Abbey drives into town, parking in front of a cute bistro. She follows Abbey in and sits across from her. She opts for red wine, inhaling the fruity scent before taking a sip. They hadn't splurged on the most expensive drink, but it was still very good.

They occasionally drew a cursory glance, more for the fact that they were both stunning women, less for the latex that they were wearing. Astrid blushes as Abbey compliments her, reaching out and taking Abbey's hand. "I could say the same about you but I can't put into words how happy i am to have met you. I know it's only been a day but i can't imagine life without you." She takes another sip of the wine.

"The job is a dream come true. We're living in a beautiful house, our boss is incredibly nice and has promised to help set us up after the summer. And there is the other thing." Her hand rubs against her arm, feeling the clear latex suit there. "This is the first time I've worn it, but when we were changing it felt weird to not have it on. I hope we can take our outfits with us when we leave. I love them so much."
Abbey Chase
Abbey leans forward, feeling a bit devilish as she whispers "I know, right! I've only been wearing latex for three days, but taking off my latex catsuit tonight felt... weird. I sure hope we get to keep some of that latex for when our internship ends, like a parting gift or whatnot!"

Abbey loved to feel Astrid's latex gloved hand on hers. There would be more than a few little rubbery caresses, including Abbey reaching under the table with one of her legs and brushing it up against Astrid's latex clad leg.

Astrid and Abbey continued to nurse their glass of wine for a while as they giggled and whispered things to each other like a pair of lovebirds. But, eventually the glasses would be empty. Since Abbey was driving, she would not take a second glass and since she wasn't drinking more, Astrid would opt to refrain as well.

"Come on, I have one more stop I want us to go to. It's within walking distance actually"

After paying for the addition, Abbey would take Astrid's latex gloved hand, walking closely to her as the led Astrid to the sex shop. With a bit of a devilish smile on her face, Abbey said "We should buy ourselves a few... toys"

Abbey for her part would zero in on the dildo as she selected a couple of double dildos, a rabbit ear dildo and a large solid black rubber dildo along with one of the large bottles of latex safe lube. Once she was done, she would wait for Astrid to pick additional items if she wanted to before paying for their purchases.

Once the shopping was done, Abbey and Astrid would go back to the car, looking a little giddy. Abbey was filled with anticipation as she looked forward to getting back to their room, getting dressed up in black latex again and pleasuring each other with their new purchases....
Astrid follows Abbey, curious about where they're going next. Her eyes light up when Abbey mentions wanting to get toys for themselves. She grabs Abbey's hand as they walk in, looking around eagerly. European countries are less sexually repressed than America is, so Astrid had experimented some when she was younger.

She watches Abbey pick out some dildos and then makes her way around the store. She selects some butt plugs, and two red rubber ball gags. She about to go back to Abbey when something catches her eye. She picks up a riding crop, the end shaped leg a red heart. She gets a devious grin on her face as she sneaks up behind Abbey, swatting her gently on the ass with the crop. "Have you been a bad girl," she whispers into Abbey's ear.
Abbey Chase
Abbey's body tenses up in surprise for a second before giggling devilishly as Astrid swats her on the ass with the crop. Chewing on her lower lip, Abbey replies a really sultry "Oh, I've been a very bad girl" as she looks deeply into Astrid's eyes. This was actually really turning her on, as she walked provocatively really close to Astrid, basically almost pressing her body into Astrid's teasingly. The cash register guy at the shop is suddenly getting quite the hard on just watching those two bombshells trading seductive looks and caresses and teasing each other...
They walked up to the counter, dropping their various purchases and continuing to flirt with each other as the guys rings them up. Astrid hands over the card and he rings them up, handing them their purchases in a discrete bag. "Have a good night," he stammers.

"Oh. Don't worry. We will," Astrid replies with a wink and a laugh, grabbing the bag and walking out of the store with Abbey.
Abbey Chase
Abbey and Astrid would go back to the car, walking a little faster than before. Abbey actually had to force herself to focus so that she didn't drive too fast or get too distracted by the promises of the night ahead. Thankfully, her desire to make sure Astrid would be safe and secure would ensure that her driving was spotless and the two would arrive safe and sound back at the mansion.

Abbey and Astrid would try and walk normally back to their room, but the better description would have been 'an energetic trott' as they hurried back to their room, the eagerness of getting rubberized filling them. Abbey would strip out of her street clothes in seconds before peeling out of her transparent latex catsuit as she once again proceeded to squeeze herself back in the black latex catsuit which she loved so much. Obviously, Abbey would help Astrid and vice versa, but very quickly, the two of them would end up totally enclosed in black latex, including their full face hoods....
When they get back to their room Astrid literally throws her old clothes off, stripping down as fast as possible. Getting back onto their own catsuits was an incredibly erotic experience. Astrid made sure to kiss and grope Abbey as much as she could, reaching down and sinking her fingers into her girlfriend's uncovered pussy for the first time.

She pulls back the wet fingers, sticking them in her mouth and sucking them seductively. Soon Abbey was back in her suit and Astrid shuddered with desire, running her hands over the beautiful black latex. "You're so fucking beautiful."
Abbey Chase
Abbey would just melt as she heard Astrid's words, replying "You're a Goddess... my Goddess..." as she pulls her in and starts kissing her passionately, their latex bodies pressing up and rubbing up against each other in a cacophony of rubbery squeaks, the feeling of the latex sticking and rubbing on latex sending powerful shivers through Abbey's body. She LOVED the feeling of latex, both on her body and on Astrid's body, but how it interacted with other latex. All of it was so tremendously intoxicating, the feeling slowly creating roots deep in Astrid and Abbey's persona....

As the two kissed passionately intertwined in the rubbery embrace, they would slowly move towards one of the latex beds....
Astrid smiles as Abbey calls her her goddess. It was a bit of a rush, hearing such a beautiful woman practically worshipping her. She could definitely get used to it. Her lips crash into Abbey's, her tongue snaking out, forcing it's way into her mouth. She reaches down, feeling the way the latex stuck together, caressing Abbey's curves.

They back toward the bed, Astrid forcing Abbey backward to lay down. She sits up, a devious grin on her face. She reaches over into the bag, pulling out the vibrator that Abbey picked out. She puts it in her mouth, sucking on it sensuously before she turns it on and runs it over Abbey's body, smiling as she teases the woman with the vibrator. She traces it over the perked up nipples, letting it stay there for a moment, tracing it down her tight stomach. "Tell me where you want this," she commands.
Abbey Chase
Abbey lets out a little feminine giggle as she feels herself falling back onto the latex bed with Astrid on top of her. It felt so fantastic, feeling Astrid's body against her. But then, Astrid would peel away and reach into the bag as she takes out a vibrator and begins running it all over Abbey's latex clad form, paying particular attention to Abbey's breasts and very erect nipples... But then, the vibrator would slowly trace into her cleavage, Astrid pressing the vibrator down as to push down the latex that was stretching between Abbey's breasts, pushing it into her cleavage. And then Astrid would slowly pull the vibrator down onto Abbey's stomach, teasing her.

Abbey's eyes are floating in lust by now as she replies a soft erotic "Inside of me..." to Astrid's 'command', before chewing on her lower lip seductively. Fuck, Abbey was turned on to the max. She felt so wet, her entire body was feeling this sexual energy coursing through it.
She brought down the vibrator to Abbey's pussy, teasing her, running it around the outside of her lips, down the inside of her thighs, avoiding slipping it in at all. She's so turned on right now, the latex, her love, and the slight power all mixing together in a heady rush.

Ever so slowly she slides it in, holding it inside Abbey's pussy and holding it. She leans down and kisses one of the large, latex enclosed breasts, dragging her tongue all over the shiny black material. She starts moving her hand, sliding the vibrator in and out of her.
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